The Movers & Shakers in GPU Computing
Find CUDA Apps and Research on the web
Google Scholar indexes scholarly literature across disciplines. Suggested searches to get you started:
seismic processing
fluid dynamics
computational chemistry
molecular dynamics
computational finance 
The CUDA Zone Showcase highlights GPU computing applications from around the world. Search by app type or organization type. Submit your own apps and research for others to see.
LeaDING Software Apps Using CUDA
CUDA by Industry
Computational Structural Mechanics Bio-Informatics and Life Sciences Medical Imaging Weather and Space
Data Mining and Analytics Imaging and Computer Vision Computational Finance Computational Fluid Dynamics

Electromagnetics and Electrodynamics

Molecular Dynamics Geo-Intelligence  


Additional Resources

The NVIDIA GPU Computing Forum is a community-driven area for questions and answers. Topics include news, announcements and programming tips.

OpenACC is a new standard for parallel compiler directives with support from many compiler companies. Visit  the OpenACC Standards Organization Home Page
Find gatherings of GPU developers local to you, search for "GPU"  at is a well established community focused on using GPU's for computation.
Massimilano Fatica is one of NVIDIA's HPC Experts and shares technical  hints and tips in CUDAMusing

Check out our CUDA Spot Light series and read about cool projects from around the World.
Check our Whats New In the World of GPU Computing.