Learn about the cross-company effort around enabling the most amazing apps on the web.
Project Fugu is an effort to close gaps in the web's capabilities enabling new classes of applications to run on the web.
Watch to learn how we aim to close the capability gap between the web and native, designed in a way that respect users.
Learn about what new, exciting capabilities we're working on.
Check out a collection of apps that make use of APIs conceived with Project Fugu.
The idea of running software as complex as Photoshop directly in the browser would have been hard to imagine just a few years ago. By using various new web technologies, Adobe has brought a public beta of Photoshop to the web.

Powerful APIs

Read up on some of the most powerful APIs that enable new use cases not possible before.
Allow web apps to read or save changes directly to files and folders on the user's device.
The App Badging API allows installed web apps to set an application-wide badge on the app icon.
Let websites read and write arbitrary unsanitized payloads using a standard format applications can opt in to if they wish to support such payloads.
Learn how the Local Font Access API allows you to access the user's locally installed fonts and obtain low-level details about them.
Get information about connected displays and position windows relative to those displays.
Web apps can use the same system-provided share capabilities as platform-specific apps.

Hardware APIs

Learn about the hardware APIs we work on in the context of Project Fugu that allow you to access physical devices from the web.
Pick the appropriate API to communicate with a hardware device of your choice.
The WebHID API allows websites to access alternative auxiliary keyboards and exotic gamepads.
The Web Bluetooth API allows websites to communicate with Bluetooth devices.
The Web Serial API allows websites to communicate with serial devices.
The WebUSB API makes USB safer and easier to use by bringing it to the Web.
Build a device to take full advantage of the WebUSB API.
Reading and writing to NFC tags is now possible.
Learn how to use the Gamepad API to push your web games to the next level.

Watch to learn

Discover how leading developers including Kapwing, Zoom, YouTube, and Adobe have built innovative user experiences with the latest web capabilities.
Creative Cloud is a collection of 20 apps for photography, video, design, web, UX, social media, and more. Learn about some of the steps the Adobe and the Chrome teams took in order to bring Adobe's Creative Cloud to the Web, starting with Photoshop and Illustrator.
SVGcode is a Progressive Web App that lets you convert raster images like JPG, PNG, GIF, WebP, AVIF, etc. to vector graphics in SVG format. It uses the File System Access API, the Async Clipboard API, and the File Handling API, and also makes use of Window Controls Overlay customization.
Documentation for Web Platform APIs. Some of them are currently in an experimental status in Chrome. For example, origin and developer trials, or features only found in Canary. The current status of each API is detailed in the documentation.
If you have an idea for a new web capability, let us know! We're always looking for new ideas to improve the web platform.