Google Play Games on PC brings the best of Google Play by enabling players to experience an immersive and seamless cross-platform gameplay. Join Google Play Games on PC to distribute your games easily across mobile, tablets, Chromebooks, and Windows PCs.

What's new

Google Play Games on PC is expanding to more regions and including more games loved by billions of users worldwide. Check out details on the country/region availability here. Here are the latest features and changes for Google Play Games on PC.

Feature updates

Update Details
Gameplay experience Users can turn on the microphone features for supported games and select the screen resolution up to 4K based on their preference. Check out the guide for best practices on dynamic display.
Country availability Google Play Games on PC is now available to players in 120 countries as of July 13, 2023, subject to device and account eligibility.
In game ads You can now monetize ads in your Google Play Games on PC games; simply add them back and publish a new build. Check out this guide for more details.
Keyboard remapping Keyboard remapping is now integrated into the new version of the Input SDK. You can now choose to allow Google Play Games on PC to handle keyboard remapping with minimal work.
PC Spec Google Play Games on PC allows for a limited experience when installed on a PC that doesn’t meet the minimum requirements.

Get Started

Resource type
Review the steps required to submit your game for distribution on Google Play Games.
Resource type
Check requirements for PC compatibility, graphics configuration, device input, and cross-device play.
Resource type
Make design or tooling changes from testing your games and troubleshoot with the developer emulator.
Resource type
Verify the requirements for your game and submit it to the production track.

Now available on PC

Experience bigger, bolder versions of select mobile games on Google Play Games on PC