Create custom modifiers

Compose provides many modifiers for common behaviors right out of the box, but you can also create your own custom modifiers.

Modifiers have multiple parts:

  • A modifier factory
    • This is an extension function on Modifier, which provides an idiomatic API for your modifier and allows modifiers to be easily chained together. The modifier factory produces the modifier elements used by Compose to modify your UI.
  • A modifier element
    • This is where you can implement the behavior of your modifier.

There are multiple ways to implement a custom modifier depending on the functionality needed. Often, the easiest way to implement a custom modifier is just to implement a custom modifier factory which combines other already defined modifier factories together. If you need more custom behavior, implement the modifier element using the Modifier.Node APIs, which are lower level but provide more flexibility.

Chain existing modifiers together

It is often possible to create custom modifiers just by using existing modifiers. For example, Modifier.clip() is implemented using the graphicsLayer modifier. This strategy uses existing modifier elements, and you provide your own custom modifier factory.

Before implementing your own custom modifier, see if you can use the same strategy.

fun Modifier.clip(shape: Shape) = graphicsLayer(shape = shape, clip = true)

Or, if you find you are repeating the same group of modifiers often, you can wrap them into your own modifier:

fun Modifier.myBackground(color: Color) = padding(16.dp)

Create a custom modifier using a composable modifier factory

You can also create a custom modifier using a composable function to pass values to an existing modifier. This is known as a composable modifier factory.

Using a composable modifier factory to create a modifier also allows for using higher level compose APIs, such as animate*AsState and other Compose state backed animation APIs. For example, the following snippet shows a modifier that animates an alpha change when enabled/disabled:

fun Modifier.fade(enable: Boolean): Modifier {
    val alpha by animateFloatAsState(if (enable) 0.5f else 1.0f)
    return this then Modifier.graphicsLayer { this.alpha = alpha }

If your custom modifier is a convenience method to provide default values from a CompositionLocal, the easiest way to implement this is to use a composable modifier factory:

fun Modifier.fadedBackground(): Modifier {
    val color = LocalContentColor.current
    return this then Modifier.background(color.copy(alpha = 0.5f))

This approach has some caveats detailed below.

CompositionLocal values are resolved at the call site of the modifier factory

When creating a custom modifier using a composable modifier factory, composition locals take the value from the composition tree where they are created, not used. This can lead to unexpected results. For example, take the composition local modifier example from above, implemented slightly differently using a composable function:

fun Modifier.myBackground(): Modifier {
    val color = LocalContentColor.current
    return this then Modifier.background(color.copy(alpha = 0.5f))

fun MyScreen() {
    CompositionLocalProvider(LocalContentColor provides Color.Green) {
        // Background modifier created with green background
        val backgroundModifier = Modifier.myBackground()

        // LocalContentColor updated to red
        CompositionLocalProvider(LocalContentColor provides Color.Red) {

            // Box will have green background, not red as expected.
            Box(modifier = backgroundModifier)

If this is not how you expect your modifier to work, use a custom Modifier.Node instead, as composition locals will be correctly resolved at the usage site and can be safely hoisted.

Composable function modifiers are never skipped

Composable factory modifiers are never skipped because composable functions that have return values cannot be skipped. This means your modifier function will be called on every recomposition, which may be expensive if it recomposes frequently.

Composable function modifiers must be called within a composable function

Like all composable functions, a composable factory modifier must be called from within composition. This limits where a modifier can be hoisted to, as it can never be hoisted out of composition. In comparison, non-composable modifier factories can be hoisted out of composable functions to allow easier reuse and improve performance:

val extractedModifier = Modifier.background(Color.Red) // Hoisted to save allocations

fun Modifier.composableModifier(): Modifier {
    val color = LocalContentColor.current.copy(alpha = 0.5f)
    return this then Modifier.background(color)

fun MyComposable() {
    val composedModifier = Modifier.composableModifier() // Cannot be extracted any higher

Implement custom modifier behavior using Modifier.Node

Modifier.Node is a lower level API for creating modifiers in Compose. It is the same API that Compose implements its own modifiers in and is the most performant way to create custom modifiers.

Implement a custom modifier using Modifier.Node

There are three parts to implementing a custom modifier using Modifier.Node:

  • A Modifier.Node implementation that holds the logic and state of your modifier.
  • A ModifierNodeElement that creates and updates modifier node instances.
  • An optional modifier factory as detailed above.

ModifierNodeElement classes are stateless and new instances are allocated each recomposition, whereas Modifier.Node classes can be stateful and will survive across multiple recompositions, and can even be reused.

The following section describes each part and shows an example of building a custom modifier to draw a circle.


The Modifier.Node implementation (in this example, CircleNode) implements the functionality of your custom modifier.

// Modifier.Node
private class CircleNode(var color: Color) : DrawModifierNode, Modifier.Node() {
    override fun ContentDrawScope.draw() {

In this example, it draws the circle with the color passed in to the modifier function.

A node implements Modifier.Node as well as zero or more node types. There are different node types based on the functionality your modifier requires. The example above needs to be able to draw, so it implements DrawModifierNode, which allows it to override the draw method.

The available types are as follows:



Sample Link


A Modifier.Node that changes how its wrapped content is measured and laid out.



A Modifier.Node that draws into the space of the layout.



Implementing this interface allows your Modifier.Node to read composition locals.



A Modifier.Node that adds semantics key/value for use in testing, accessibility, and similar use cases.



A Modifier.Node that receives PointerInputChanges.



A Modifier.Node that provides data to the parent layout.



A Modifier.Node which receives onMeasured and onPlaced callbacks.



A Modifier.Node which receives an onGloballyPositioned callback with the final LayoutCoordinates of the layout when the global position of the content may have changed.



Modifier.Nodes that implement ObserverNode can provide their own implementation of onObservedReadsChanged that will be called in response to changes to snapshot objects read within an observeReads block.



A Modifier.Node which is able to delegate work to other Modifier.Node instances.

This can be useful to compose multiple node implementations into one.



Allows Modifier.Node classes to traverse up/down the node tree for classes of the same type or for a particular key.


Nodes are automatically invalidated when update is called on their corresponding element. Because our example is a DrawModifierNode, any time update is called on the element, the node triggers a redraw and its color correctly updates. It is possible to opt out of auto-invalidation as detailed below.


A ModifierNodeElement is an immutable class that holds the data to create or update your custom modifier:

// ModifierNodeElement
private data class CircleElement(val color: Color) : ModifierNodeElement<CircleNode>() {
    override fun create() = CircleNode(color)

    override fun update(node: CircleNode) {
        node.color = color

ModifierNodeElement implementations need to override the following methods:

  1. create: This is the function that instantiates your modifier node. This gets called to create the node when your modifier is first applied. Usually, this amounts to constructing the node and configuring it with the parameters that were passed in to the modifier factory.
  2. update: This function is called whenever this modifier is provided in the same spot this node already exists, but a property has changed. This is determined by the equals method of the class. The modifier node that was previously created is sent as a parameter to the update call. At this point, you should update the nodes' properties to correspond with the updated parameters. The ability for nodes to be reused this way is key to the performance gains that Modifier.Node brings; therefore, you must update the existing node rather than creating a new one in the update method. In our circle example, the color of the node is updated.

Additionally, ModifierNodeElement implementations also need to implement equals and hashCode. update will only get called if an equals comparison with the previous element returns false.

The example above uses a data class to achieve this. These methods are used to check if a node needs updating or not. If your element has properties that do not contribute to whether a node needs to be updated, or you want to avoid data classes for binary compatibility reasons, then you can manually implement equals and hashCode e.g. the padding modifier element.

Modifier factory

This is the public API surface of your modifier. Most implementations simply create the modifier element and add it to the modifier chain:

// Modifier factory
fun Color) = this then CircleElement(color)

Complete example

These three parts come together to create the custom modifier to draw a circle using the Modifier.Node APIs:

// Modifier factory
fun Color) = this then CircleElement(color)

// ModifierNodeElement
private data class CircleElement(val color: Color) : ModifierNodeElement<CircleNode>() {
    override fun create() = CircleNode(color)

    override fun update(node: CircleNode) {
        node.color = color

// Modifier.Node
private class CircleNode(var color: Color) : DrawModifierNode, Modifier.Node() {
    override fun ContentDrawScope.draw() {

Common situations using Modifier.Node

When creating custom modifiers with Modifier.Node, here are some common situations you might encounter.

Zero parameters

If your modifier has no parameters, then it never needs to update and, furthermore, does not need to be a data class. Here is a sample implementation of a modifier that applies a fixed amount of padding to a composable:

fun Modifier.fixedPadding() = this then FixedPaddingElement

data object FixedPaddingElement : ModifierNodeElement<FixedPaddingNode>() {
    override fun create() = FixedPaddingNode()
    override fun update(node: FixedPaddingNode) {}

class FixedPaddingNode : LayoutModifierNode, Modifier.Node() {
    private val PADDING = 16.dp

    override fun MeasureScope.measure(
        measurable: Measurable,
        constraints: Constraints
    ): MeasureResult {
        val paddingPx = PADDING.roundToPx()
        val horizontal = paddingPx * 2
        val vertical = paddingPx * 2

        val placeable = measurable.measure(constraints.offset(-horizontal, -vertical))

        val width = constraints.constrainWidth(placeable.width   horizontal)
        val height = constraints.constrainHeight(placeable.height   vertical)
        return layout(width, height) {
  , paddingPx)

Referencing composition locals

Modifier.Node modifiers do not automatically observe changes to Compose state objects, like CompositionLocal. The advantage Modifier.Node modifiers have over modifiers that are just created with a composable factory is that they can read the value of the composition local from where the modifier is used in your UI tree, not where the modifier is allocated, using currentValueOf.

However, modifier node instances do not automatically observe state changes. To automatically react to a composition local changing, you can read its current value inside a scope:

This example observes the value of LocalContentColor to draw a background based on its color. As ContentDrawScope does observe snapshot changes, this automatically redraws when the value of LocalContentColor changes:

class BackgroundColorConsumerNode :
    CompositionLocalConsumerModifierNode {
    override fun ContentDrawScope.draw() {
        val currentColor = currentValueOf(LocalContentColor)
        drawRect(color = currentColor)

To react to state changes outside of a scope and automatically update your modifier, use an ObserverModifierNode.

For example, Modifier.scrollable uses this technique to observe changes in LocalDensity. A simplified example is shown below:

class ScrollableNode :
    CompositionLocalConsumerModifierNode {

    // Place holder fling behavior, we'll initialize it when the density is available.
    val defaultFlingBehavior = DefaultFlingBehavior(splineBasedDecay(UnityDensity))

    override fun onAttach() {
        observeReads { currentValueOf(LocalDensity) } // monitor change in Density

    override fun onObservedReadsChanged() {
        // if density changes, update the default fling behavior.

    private fun updateDefaultFlingBehavior() {
        val density = currentValueOf(LocalDensity)
        defaultFlingBehavior.flingDecay = splineBasedDecay(density)

Animating modifier

Modifier.Node implementations have access to a coroutineScope. This allows for use of the Compose Animatable APIs. For example, this snippet modifies the CircleNode from above to fade in and out repeatedly:

class CircleNode(var color: Color) : Modifier.Node(), DrawModifierNode {
    private val alpha = Animatable(1f)

    override fun ContentDrawScope.draw() {
        drawCircle(color = color, alpha = alpha.value)

    override fun onAttach() {
        coroutineScope.launch {
                infiniteRepeatable(tween(1000), RepeatMode.Reverse)
            ) {

Sharing state between modifiers using delegation

Modifier.Node modifiers can delegate to other nodes. There are many use cases for this, such as extracting common implementations across different modifiers, but it can also be used to share common state across modifiers.

For example, a basic implementation of a clickable modifier node that shares interaction data:

class ClickableNode : DelegatingNode() {
    val interactionData = InteractionData()
    val focusableNode = delegate(
    val indicationNode = delegate(

Opting out of node auto-invalidation

Modifier.Node nodes invalidate automatically when their corresponding ModifierNodeElement calls update. Sometimes, in a more complex modifier, you may want to opt out of this behavior to have more fine-grained control over when your modifier invalidates phases.

This can be particularly useful if your custom modifier modifies both layout and draw. Opting out of auto-invalidation allows you to just invalidate draw when only draw-related properties, like color, change, and not invalidate layout. This can improve the performance of your modifier.

A hypothetical example of this is shown below with a modifier that has a color, size, and onClick lambda as properties. This modifier only invalidates what is required, and skips any invalidation that isn't:

class SampleInvalidatingNode(
    var color: Color,
    var size: IntSize,
    var onClick: () -> Unit
) : DelegatingNode(), LayoutModifierNode, DrawModifierNode {
    override val shouldAutoInvalidate: Boolean
        get() = false

    private val clickableNode = delegate(

    fun update(color: Color, size: IntSize, onClick: () -> Unit) {
        if (this.color != color) {
            this.color = color
            // Only invalidate draw when color changes

        if (this.size != size) {
            this.size = size
            // Only invalidate layout when size changes

        // If only onClick changes, we don't need to invalidate anything

    override fun ContentDrawScope.draw() {

    override fun MeasureScope.measure(
        measurable: Measurable,
        constraints: Constraints
    ): MeasureResult {
        val size = constraints.constrain(size)
        val placeable = measurable.measure(constraints)
        return layout(size.width, size.height) {
  , 0)