Ultra-wideband (UWB) communication

Ultra-wideband communication is a radio technology focused on precise ranging (measuring the location to an accuracy of 10 cm) between devices. This radio technology can use a low-energy density for short range measurements and perform high-bandwidth signaling over a large portion of the radio spectrum. UWB’s bandwidth is greater than 500 MHz (or exceeding 20% fractional bandwidth).

Controller/Initiator vs. Controlee/Responder

UWB communication occurs between two devices, where one is a Controller, and the other is a Controlee. The Controller determines the complex channel (UwbComplexChannel) that the two devices will share and is the initiator, while the Controlee is the responder.

A Controller can handle multiple Controlees, but a Controlee can only subscribe to a single Controller. Both Controller/Initiator and Controlee/Responder configurations are supported.

Ranging parameters

The Controller and Controlee need to identify each other and communicate ranging parameters to begin ranging. This exchange is left to applications to implement using a secure out-of-band (OOB) mechanism of their choice, such as Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE).

The ranging parameters include local address, complex channel, and session key, among others. Note that these parameters may rotate or otherwise change after the ranging session ends and need to be recommunicated to restart ranging.

Background ranging

An app running in background can start a UWB ranging session if the device supports it. To check your device capabilities, see RangingCapabilities.

The app doesn't receive ranging reports when running in the background; the app receives ranging reports when it moves to the foreground.

STS configurations

The app or service provisions a session key for each session using a Scrambled Timestamp Sequence (STS). Provisioned STS is more secure than a static STS configuration. Provisioned STS is supported on all UWB-enabled devices running Android 14 or higher.

Threat category Static STS Provisoned STS
Air: Passive observer Mitigated Mitigated
Air: Signal amplification Mitigated Mitigated
Air: Replay/relay attack Susceptible Mitigated

For provisioned STS:

  1. Use the uwbConfigType in RangingParameters that supports provisioned STS.

  2. Provide the 16-byte key in the sessionKeyInfo field.

For static STS:

  1. Use the uwbConfigType in RangingParameters that supports static STS.

  2. Provide the 8-byte key in the sessionKeyInfo field.


To use the UWB API, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure Android devices are running on Android 12 or higher and that they support UWB using PackageManager#hasSystemFeature("android.hardware.uwb").
  2. If ranging against IoT devices, ensure that they are FiRa MAC 1.3 compliant.
  3. Discover UWB-capable peer devices using an OOB mechanism of your choice, such as BluetoothLeScanner.
  4. Exchange ranging parameters using a secure OOB mechanism of your choice, such as BluetoothGatt.
  5. If the user wants to stop the session, cancel the scope of the session.

Usage restrictions

The following restrictions apply to usage of the UWB API:

  1. The app initiating new UWB ranging sessions must be a foreground app or service unless background ranging is supported as illustrated earlier.
  2. When the app moves to background (while the session is ongoing), the app may no longer receive ranging reports. The UWB session will however continue to be maintained in the lower layers. When the app moves back to the foreground, the ranging reports will resume.

Code samples

Sample app

For an end-to-end example on how to use the UWB Jetpack library, check our sample application on Github. This sample app covers validating UWB compatibility on an Android device, enabling the discovery process using an OOB mechanism, and setting up UWB ranging between two UWB-capable devices. The sample also covers device control and media sharing use cases.

UWB Ranging

This code sample initiates and terminates UWB ranging for a Controlee:

// The coroutineScope responsible for handling uwb ranging.
// This will be initialized when startRanging is called.
var job: Job?

// A code snippet that initiates uwb ranging for a Controlee.
suspend fun startRanging() {

    // Get the ranging parameter of a partnering Controller using an OOB mechanism of choice.
    val partnerAddress : Pair<UwbAddress, UwbComplexChannel> = listenForPartnersAddress()

    // Create the ranging parameters.
    val partnerParameters = RangingParameters(
        uwbConfigType = UwbRangingParameters.UWB_CONFIG_ID_1,
        // SessionKeyInfo is used to encrypt the ranging session.
        sessionKeyInfo = null,
        complexChannel = partnerAddress.second,
        peerDevices = listOf(UwbDevice.createForAddress(partnerAddress.first)),
        updateRateType = UwbRangingParameters.RANGING_UPDATE_RATE_AUTOMATIC

    // Initiate a session that will be valid for a single ranging session.
    val clientSession = uwbManager.clientSessionScope()

    // Share the localAddress of the current session to the partner device.

    val sessionFlow = clientSession.prepareSession(partnerParameters)

    // Start a coroutine scope that initiates ranging.
    CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.Main.immediate).launch {
        sessionFlow.collect {
            when(it) {
                is RangingResultPosition -> doSomethingWithPosition(it.position)
                is RangingResultPeerDisconnected -> peerDisconnected(it)

// A code snippet that cancels uwb ranging.
fun cancelRanging() {

    // Canceling the CoroutineScope will stop the ranging.
    job?.let {

RxJava3 support

Rxjava3 support is now available to help achieve interoperability with Java clients. This library provides a way to get ranging results as an Observable or Flowable stream, and to retrieve the UwbClientSessionScope as a Single object.

private final UwbManager uwbManager;

// Retrieve uwbManager.clientSessionScope as a Single object
Single<UwbClientSessionScope> clientSessionScopeSingle =
UwbClientSessionScope uwbClientSessionScope = clientSessionScopeSingle.blockingGet();

// Retrieve uwbClientSessionScope.prepareSession Flow as an Observable object
Observable<RangingResult> rangingResultObservable =

// Consume ranging results from Observable
   rangingResult -> doSomethingWithRangingResult(result), // onNext
   (error) -> doSomethingWithError(error), // onError
   () -> doSomethingOnResultEventsCompleted(), //onCompleted
// Unsubscribe

// Retrieve uwbClientSessionScope.prepareSession Flow as a Flowable object
Flowable<RangingResult> rangingResultFlowable =

// Consume ranging results from Flowable using Disposable
Disposable disposable = rangingResultFlowable
   .delay(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
   .subscribeWith(new DisposableSubscriber<RangingResult> () {
      @Override public void onStart() {
      @Override public void onNext(RangingResult rangingResult) {

      @Override public void onError(Throwable t) {

         @Override public void onComplete() {

// Stop subscription

Ecosystem support

Here are the supported partner devices and third party SDKs.

UWB-enabled mobile devices

As of March 2024, these devices support the Android UWB Jetpack library:

Vendor Device Model
Google Pixel 6 Pro, 7 Pro, 8 Pro, Fold, Tablet
Samsung Galaxy Note 20, S21 , S22 , S23 , S24 Z Fold 2, 3, 4, 5

Third party SDKs

As of April 2023, these partner solutions are compatible with the current Jetpack library.

Known issue: byte order reversed for MAC address and static STS vendor ID fields

On Android 13 and lower, the Android UWB stack incorrectly reverses the byte order for the following fields:

  • Device MAC address
  • Destination MAC address
  • Static STS vendor ID

The byte order reversal occurs because the Android stack treats these fields as values, not arrays. We're working with FiRa to update the UCI specification (CR-1112) to explicitly state that these fields should be treated as arrays.

This issue will be fixed through the GMS Core update in the 2320XXXX release. To be compliant with Android devices from that point on, IOT vendors need to modify your implementation to avoid reversing the byte ordering of these fields.