Android plugin for Gradle, revision 1.2.0 (April 2015)

  • Gradle 2.2.1 or higher.
  • Build Tools 21.1.1 or higher.
General Notes:
  • Enhanced support for running unit tests with Gradle.
    • Added support to include Java-style resources in the classpath when running unit tests directly from Gradle.
    • Added unit test dependency support for Android Archive (AAR) artifacts.
    • Added support for the unitTestVariants property so unit test variants can be manipulated using the build.gradle file.
    • Added the unitTest.all code block under testOptions to configure customized tasks for unit test. The following sample code shows how to add unit test configuration settings using this new option:
      android {
        testOptions {
          unitTest.all {
            jvmArgs '-XX:MaxPermSize=256m' // Or any other gradle option.
      android {
        testOptions {
          unitTest.all {
            jvmArgs  = listOf("-XX:MaxPermSize=256m") // Or any other gradle option.
    • Fixed the handling of enums and public instance fields in the packaging of the mockable-android.jar file.
    • Fixed library project task dependencies so test classes recompile after changes.
  • Added the testProguardFile property to apply ProGuard files when minifying a test APK.
  • Added the timeOut property to the adbOptions code block for setting the maximum recording time for Android Debug Bridge screen recording.
  • Added support for 280 dpi resources.
  • Improved performance during project evaluation.