DEV Community

The Best Free Postgres Tier

This is an overview of the Free Postgres Tier Upgrade deal within the DEV Membership.

DEV is a membership deal, currently priced at $8/month, which aggregates pre-negotiated deals with a variety of providers to help individual developers like yourself save on key services for side projects, education, career opportunities, and more.

We want to help ensure that you don't get nickel-and-dimed into spending out of pocket on your career. A lot of the time, free tiers are capped to prevent abuse, which is understandable, but it still sucks. We have negotiated a 4x upgrade on the Neon Postgres Database Free Tier as part of the DEV membership.

Neon is a really impressive serverless PostgreSQL offering to start. It has auto-scaling, branching, pgvector integrations, and more—pretty much everything you want from fully-managed Postgres. The free tier, as is, helps you get going with 0.5GB of storage and ten branches, but the DEV offering really enhances it.

Free Postgres via DEV

  • 2GB of storage
  • 10 free branches
  • 15% discount on the paid plan, if you need it

We charge $8/month for DEV , but we aggregate services and value that make it a clear net positive if you take advantage of the deals. We encourage you to check out the offerings and see if it's right for you.

Check out DEV

Happy coding!