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Also shout-out to the Swedes for just borrowing the French "adieu" into their vocabulary and just spelling it "adjö"


German has borrowed the italian "Ciau", spelling it "Tschau" and only using it as a goodby instead of also a greeting.


I had completely forgotten about this, this is fantastic.


If you enjoyed "ciao" becoming "tschau", you"ll definitely want to hear where "tschüss" (German, also meaning "goodbye") comes from!


Borrowed from German Low German tschüß from earlier adjüs, from Dutch adjuus, back-formation from adjuusjes, from French adieu.

We can"t let the French keep getting away with this


I mean the french very much aren"t getting away with it. Everyone else is taking their language and running off with it cackling with glee. We"re all getting away with fucking up french words on purpose


#English loves french so much it steals the same fucking word a few centuries apart so it gets two words that have the same meaning#But different spellings -#Like guarantee/warranty#(aside: There was a w/g shift so you can see if the word showed up with the normans or got nicked later#Which is why for e.g. the english call it wales and the french call it pays de galls)#Catch/chase#Gender/genre


official linguistics post


The other day my French stepdad said "toute à l"heure" for goodbye/see you later, and the way it sounded like "toodle-oo!" hit me like a brick


Let me tell you, the french,and anyone else speaks french (and by the gods, there are a lot more of us than just the french), don’t mind. We are stealing words right back,there have been whole songs written about it. And also consider, these words are called loanwords, not stolen words. These loanwords frequently come back,a little bit changed, with a slightly different meaning and fill gaps and needs we didn’t have a word for before and so we take them right back in, cackling in glee…


There was record-breaking clean energy progress all around the world in 2024

"Last week, we shared the news that the U.S. government permanently closed most federal waters — more than 625 million acres — to offshore oil and gas drilling.

It’s a great way to kick off a year of more good climate action. And as the year-end data rolls in, there are even more stories of progress in fighting climate change via transitioning away from fossil fuels toward clean energy sources across the globe. In 2024...

📍 In Great Britain, wind power alone provided more electricity than ever before, and all renewables together generated around 56% of electricity.

📍 In Germany, renewables made up a record 59% of electricity generation and became the “backbone of the system” in the country.

📍 In Poland, a record 29% of its power came from renewable sources, showing great progress in a country that still heavily relies on coal.

📍 In India, the “transformative growth” of its renewable energy sector led to it surpassing 200 GW of installed capacity, making up 46% of the country’s total installed capacity.

Read more stories of progress for the planet"

-via GoodGoodGood, January 18, 2025, Source

environmentclimate changeclimate actionrenewable energygreen energy

I know it’s not hard to point out reactionaries hypocrisy when it comes to like safe spaces or hug boxes or whatever but genuinely how much of an echo chamber do you have to exist in for you to think this is a reasonable thing to say


reblog if attacking fascism is really the hill you want to die on


this is literally like one of the most justified and honorable hills you could die on??? lol??



Originally posted by folkpunkdreamboat


Quick someone reply with the gif™️




Always reblog this if you are cool


I am an educated queer woman. If they could, fascism would kill me anyway, either literally because I had the gall to express my opinion in public or more figuratively through the slow death of the mind. If I have to go down I would rather go down fighting. So yes fighting fascism is a hill I am willing to die on.

For those of us who cannot literally punch nazis in the face one very simple way of doing it that doesn’t cost a lot of time and no money is to check out Amnesty International’s website and sign some petitions. They have many and while they do not always reach their goals they do succeed often enough.

Nazis fuck offamnesty internationalfighting fascism

Do not quit alcohol cold turkey

Do not suddenly stop drinking alcohol as a new years resolution if you have been consistently using alcohol most days

Your body gets used to the presence of the alcohol as a sedative in your system

Suddenly removing the sedative you are chemically accustomed to is like suddenly removing the wall you are leaning on - you will topple over

You brain electricity gets overexcited

This causes seizures

This causes sudden onset dementia (Wernicke"s encephalopathy)

This causes brain damage

If you use alcohol often (even in moderate amounts)

Or in large amounts

Or you have ever noticed you get shakey tremors and anxious when you stop drinking

Then your body is chemically dependant and you need to be very careful coming off alcohol otherwise you will cause brain damage

Slowly wean down the amount you drink over days or weeks

Talk to a doctor about your goals to quit and ask about support options

Medically supported withdrawal is a lot safer

If alcohol withdrawal goes badly there is a 15% chance it will kill you.

Do not go this alone

You deserve to be safe


Please reblog this or other similar posts and talk about it with people around you

Support your friends to be safe


Remember the Cold Turkey Rule:

Quitting drugs can make you feel like you"re dying

Quitting alcohol can make you actually die

Do No Do This Alone

You Are Worth Helping


Wernicke-Korsakoff is actually not a direct consequence of alcohol or quitting alcohol… it is caused by a deficiency of thiamine ( vitamin B1). Alcohol consumption interferes with thiamine uptake, which is why people who regularly consume large amounts of alcohol have thiamine deficiency, especially when they don’t eat well/enough at the same time. It also means that they are not the only ones at risk for Wernicke-Korsakoff…. If you, for some reason or other, suffer from disordered eating (anorexia, bulimia ,etc…), do not have access to sufficient/healthy food or have a condition that impairs thiamine uptake ( gastric sleeve operation…) you are also at risk. The solution, however, is very simple and does not require a subscription from a doctor ( though if you can afford it, visiting one is still very advisable). It’s called multivitamin pills. Since it is rather hard to overdose on thiamine, thiamine and the other vitamin Bs ( who can help with the uptake of thiamine) are often highly dosed in multivitamin pills. So even if you don’t intend to stop drinking, it doesn’t cost you much to make a detour to the nearest drugstore and buy the multivitamins that have the highest dosage of thiamine, pregnancy multivitamins in particular tend to have a lot of thiamine and folate since they are also essential for the proper construction of the neural tube . It will mitigate some of the damage alcohol does to you, and since Vitamine B ( both thiamine and the others) are known to improve depressive feelings, maybe you will feel well enough at a later date to try stopping even if you don’t feel up for it now…

thiaminethiamine deficiencyWernicke-Korsakoffalcoholquittingvitaminsvitamin b complex

Hey, happy Earth Day! Who wants to talk about climate change?

Yeah, okay, fair, I kinda figured the answer to that would be "ugh do we have to?" What if I told you I have good news though? Good news with caveats, but still good news.

What if I told you that since the Paris Agreement in 2015, we"ve avoided a whole degree celsius of global warming by 2100, or maybe more?


Current projections are 2.7C, which is way better than the 3-5C (with a median of 3.7C) we were expecting in 2015. It"s not where we want to be - 1.5C - but it is big, noticeable progress!

And it"s not like we either hit 1.5C and avoid all the big scary consequences or fail to hit 1.5C and get all of them - every tenth of a degree of warming we avoid is going to prevent more severe problems like extreme weather, sea level rise, etc.

This means that climate change mitigation efforts are having a noticeable impact! This means a dramatically better, safer future - and if we keep pushing, we could lower the amount of global warming we end up with even further. This is huge progress, and we need to celebrate it, even though the fight isn"t over.

It"s working. Keep going.



That’s right. It took effort and it was a real concern, but because of that effort and many others, the ozone layer is healing, acid rain isn’t melting our statues and buildings anymore, whale populations are increasing back to pre-whaling levels.

We ARE able to change our planet for the better. We have proof. Let’s keep up the good work.

i wanna be a scientistscienceclimate scienceclimate changeclimate actionclimate solutions

missmarthanightingale asked:

sources of hope - the ocean cleanup, between its preventative measures in rivers & its extraction of legacy pollution in the pacific, retrieved over 11 million kilograms of plastic this year, which is more than in the previous six years combined. they passed milestones of 10 million & 20 million kilograms removed over the lifetime of the organization within eight months of each other, & they"re only planning to keeping scaling up their operations!

reasonsforhope answered:

Those numbers are amazing!! Shoutout to the Ocean Cleanup, for being awesome as always!!

Screenshot of an article header. Title: ALT

-via Surfer Magazine, December 20, 2024


I absolutely love these guys. They had an idea that at the time, everybody thought was crazy but they ran with it anyway, and now they are blowing past all expectations and hopes. This is what makes me proud to be dutch.

ocean cleanupplastic pollutionplastic cleanupplasticwastegood news

After spending most of my crafting time embroidering, I wanted a change of pace, so I went back to one of my other favourite sofa crafts and started knitting myself a pair of socks. Pattern is based on the (free) Rye socks from tincanknits with a few homebrew modifications. I changed the toes to accommodate my hobbity toes by making right and left socks and decreasing harder on the pinky side(1:2) than on the big toe side (1:4). I additionally reinforced the heel, and instead of decorating the socks with a garter stitch, I put some simple cables there. Wool is the Herriot fine from juniper moon farm which is an alpaca sock wool and is just so sinfully soft I want to bury my face in it and not leave for at least an hour…

my artknittingsockscable knittincanknitsrye sock

not to be a number nerd on main but 2025 (45^2) will be the only square year most of us ever experience. the last one was 1936 and the next one will be 2116


I’m not a math nerd, but my brother is, and he’s pointed out to me that 2025 is the square of the sum of the first 9 numbers (i.e. [1+2+3…+9]^2) (which is also all of the single-digit numbers!), but also, because of some theorem I don’t understand, it can also be expressed as the sum of the cubes of the first 9 numbers (i.e. 1^3 + 2^3 + 3^3… + 9^3).

I have neither the mental energy nor the disposition to enjoy this knowledge but I think that there are some math nerds on this webbed site who will


Not a mathematician but I’ve always liked maths ( as soon as I moved past basic arithmetic ) and I was raised by one who was also the one responsible for my own love and understanding of it ( dank je Papa) so this tickles me pink….

mathi wanna be a scientistsciencemathematics