Coming straight from the “things-you-didn’t-even-know-we-were-working-on” department of Derpibooru (yes, this is a thing), with the help of WingbeatPony and yours truly, new profile pages!
Included in this update is a Textile-enabled form for you totell us how amazing you are put a little bit of info about yourself, and maybe an image or two you really enjoy.
Please do report any bugs you find – we’ve had to make numerous fixes before we were ready to say this feature is ready to go. And note that the recents area is cached, so new favorites or comments might not appear immediately.
Suggestions, praise, etc. goes here as usual
Make sure to keep your bios at a safe rating – if you see one that isn’t safe, report that user and a mod will take care of it.
Q: MySpace?
A: No.
Q: MySpace?
A: No.
Coming straight from the “things-you-didn’t-even-know-we-were-working-on” department of Derpibooru (yes, this is a thing), with the help of WingbeatPony and yours truly, new profile pages!
Included in this update is a Textile-enabled form for you to
Please do report any bugs you find – we’ve had to make numerous fixes before we were ready to say this feature is ready to go. And note that the recents area is cached, so new favorites or comments might not appear immediately.
Suggestions, praise, etc. goes here as usual
Make sure to keep your bios at a safe rating – if you see one that isn’t safe, report that user and a mod will take care of it.