In Development

Game is currently in development. This is the game, as it is, presently. Much of it works, but it is not finished and the end of the game has not been worked in as well.


The village inhabitants are under assault by large spiders. They beseech Catloaf (Biscous Buttertoast) to help them. Solve puzzles, slay spiders with your sword, and rescue captives held in the spider nests. Save the village. Be the hero.


  • Move Around (Arrow Keys or I,J,K,L)
  • View Inventory (SPACE or TAB)
  • Select Item in Inventory (SPACE)
  • Draw / Put-away selected item (S)
  • Place Bomb (Hold S with bomb in hand)
  • Quit Game (ESC or Q)…


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Cool game! Unexpectedly hard! So far saved only 2 villager.

I think spider should move slower, but more constant, they too random right now.

Also would be cool if we could buy selected number of items instead of one-by-one.

Found 2 bugs:

If try to buy shovel repair before acquiring shovel -> game will freeze forever;
After respawn in same screen with spider - sword wont kill them no matter how you approach.

(5 edits) ( 1)

One time got killed by nothing  when run from spider with sword (in location that south of gate), now gate bugged... (in a run before it - they opens normally)

Now my record is 5 saved villagers.

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Now my record is 7 saved
the nothing kills you if wield a sword and make step back on tile like
.  .
.  .  .
(light edge background tile)

Still Didn't get why bridge sometimes bugs and softlocks further advancement :\

( 1)

Woah! Thanks so much for the feeback. Cool to see you've made it that far. I, uh, haven't quite finished this game yet, so if you've reached the shovel, I think that's about the furthest progress you can make at this point. Pretty much just have the ending to go. I'm going to try to get it done before this year is over.