Digital euro (official page)

Digital euro (official page)


Frankfurt, Hesse 13.706 Follower:innen

Welcome to the official page of the digital euro project, managed by the European Central Bank.


Welcome to the official page of the digital euro project, managed by the European Central Bank (ECB). We want to keep you up to date with the latest information on the digital euro. A digital euro would be an electronic form of central bank money that people and companies could use across the entire euro area. It would complement cash, giving people another safe payment method to choose from. With the digital euro, we want to make electronic payments more accessible and inclusive.

1.001–5.000 Beschäftigte
Frankfurt, Hesse
digital euro und digital payments


  • Unternehmensseite von Digital euro (official page) anzeigen, Grafik

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    To maintain financial stability, the amount of digital euro people would be able to hold would be limited. This is to ensure that the currency is used as a means of payment rather than a form of investment. It would also prevent too many deposits being withdrawn from banks. Working with national central banks and other national institutions, we have started developing a methodology for calculating these holding limits. The exact threshold would be set closer to the time of issuance. Holding limits would not lead to transaction limits for consumers. Users would have the option to link their digital euro wallet with a commercial bank account, allowing them to use their digital euro wallet to make payments beyond the holding limits, without having to pre-fund them. 🔗 To find out more, check out our latest progress report

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  • Unternehmensseite von Digital euro (official page) anzeigen, Grafik

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    We know privacy is very important to you. That’s why it’s important to us as well. Watch this video to find out how a digital euro would guarantee your privacy and protect your personal data when you pay, providing higher privacy standards than current digital means of payment. 🔗 Visit our new webpage on digital euro privacy for more information

  • Unternehmensseite von Digital euro (official page) anzeigen, Grafik

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    As Europeans, we can sometimes use national payment options, such as bank cards or digital wallets, to make electronic payments. But in most euro area countries these national solutions do not exist, explained ECB Executive Board member Piero Cipollone at an event organised by the Central Bank of Cyprus. This leaves people with no choice other than to use non-European cards or electronic payment solutions. 📽 Watch this video clip for an example of how a digital euro could remedy this situation. 🔗 For more information

  • Unternehmensseite von Digital euro (official page) anzeigen, Grafik

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    🎥Watch live: digital euro project’s director Evelien Witlox and adviser Alessandro Giovannini meet with European civil society organisations to discuss the progress made in the past months and key digital euro design features. These features, which include a unique privacy level and an offline function, will ensure that a digital euro would be widely accepted and accessible to everyone in the euro area. These seminars are an opportunity for us to engage with representatives of European citizens, hear their views and opinions and answer their questions. 🔗Watch the seminar live ❓Ask us a question via Slido

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  • Unternehmensseite von Digital euro (official page) anzeigen, Grafik

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    Limited network coverage? With a digital euro you’d still be able to pay. ✔ Offline payments: You would be able make payments even in remote locations or during outages. For instance, you wouldn’t need to use your mobile data to pay a friend if your phones are close to each other.   💡 Privacy by design: When paying using the offline function, only the payer and the payee would be able to see personal transaction details. Using digital euro would make your online and offline payments easy and secure, ensuring accessibility and financial inclusion for everyone.   🔗 Check out the progress report to learn more!  

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  • Unternehmensseite von Digital euro (official page) anzeigen, Grafik

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    How is the digital euro project progressing? Since the project was launched in 2021, we’ve been hard at work designing a digital euro that makes it easier to pay in the euro area. At the moment, we’re focusing on laying the technical foundations for the development and potential launch of a digital euro. At the end of next year, the ECB’s Governing Council will decide whether to move to the next phase of the project, taking into account the outcome of discussions about the digital euro legislative framework currently under consideration by European legislators. Swipe ➡ to read about the project’s progress! Read the latest digital euro progress report to know more

  • Unternehmensseite von Digital euro (official page) anzeigen, Grafik

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    “A digital euro would combine the convenience of digital payments with cash-like features, bringing Europeans closer in an increasingly digital and unstable world.” Alessandro Giovannini digital euro project adviser at the European Central Bank, spoke recently at an open forum event on a digital euro, organised by the Oesterreichische Nationalbank and attended by consumer representatives and experts from the world of finance and technology. 🔗 Check out our updated digital euro FAQs for more information on the project (available in all EU languages)

    Unternehmensseite von Oesterreichische Nationalbank anzeigen, Grafik

    17.274 Follower:innen

    🗨 "A digital euro would combine the convenience of digital payments with cash-like features. More than just a payment option, it would bring Europeans closer in an increasingly digital and unstable world, making our lives easier and preserving our freedom of choice", das betont Alessandro Giovannini (Europäische Zentralbank) bei seiner Rede beim #OeNB Open Forum zum Thema "Digitaler Euro & Zahlungsverkehr". Heute haben wir zu einer hochkarätig besetzten Fachveranstaltung eingeladen. Expert:innen und Vertreter:innen aus dem Eurosystem und aus den Bereichen #Wirtschaft, Finanzen & Technologie folgten dieser und diskutierten u.a. den aktuellen Stand des digitalen Euro-Projekts. 💸 Eröffnet wurde die Veranstaltung von #OeNB-Gouverneur Holzmann mit den Worten: "Wir möchten mit dem digitalen #Euro die europäische Wettbewerbsfähigkeit stärken & die #Innovation fördern." Ousmène Jacques Mandeng (The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)) hebte in seiner nachfolgenden Keynote Speech die Relevanz von digitalen Zentralbankwährungen im globalen Wettbewerb und für das internationale Währungssystem hervor. Viele Zentralbanken verstehen digitale Zentralbankwährungen als relevanten Teil eines resilienten und diversifizierten Zahlungssystems aber auch hinsichtlich ihrer wachsenden geopolitischen Bedeutung. In den einzelnen Panels & Vorträgen wurde der Bogen über die gesamte Themenpalette des digitalen Euro gespannt. Expert:innen tauschten sich u.a. zu folgenden weiteren Punkte aus: 👉 Wie könnte die Einführung des digitalen Euro für Privatpersonen & Unternehmen aussehen? 👉 Welche Rollen werden #Privatsphäre, Datenschutz & Inklusion spielen? 👉 Was sind die zu erwartenden Auswirkungen des digitalen Euro auf das europäische Finanzsystem? 👉 Werden eigentlich auch in anderen Ländern digitale Zentralbankwährungen entwickelt? Petia Niederländer, Direktorin der OeNB-Hauptabteilung #Zahlungsverkehr fasst zusammen: "Der digitale Euro soll die Payments Autonomie in #Europa stärken. Er ist für unsere vermehrt digitale Gesellschaft und unsere gemeinsame Währung ein wichtiger Schritt nach vorne." Wir bedanken uns bei allen teilnehmenden Personen und beteiligten Institutionen für diese großartige Veranstaltung, die gewinnbringenden Diskussionen und die exklusiven Einblicke in den gegenwärtigen Status bei der Vorbereitung des digitalen Euro. 👏 Was sind Ihre Gedanken zum digitalen Euro? Teilen Sie diese gerne mit uns in den Kommentaren 👇 #DigitalEuro #DigitalerEuro #Europe #Future #Innovation #Event #Veranstaltung 

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  • Unternehmensseite von Digital euro (official page) anzeigen, Grafik

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    Happy International Day of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises! In Europe, businesses of all sizes accept cash. But when it comes to electronic payments, high costs can prevent smaller businesses from accepting digital payment methods such as credit cards.   The good news: accepting payments in digital euro would be cheaper for all businesses. By law, there would be a cap on fees payment providers could charge. Plus, the Eurosystem would cover some of the costs related to digital euro payments, lowering the fees charged by payment service providers. Businesses would also be able to easily integrate digital euro payments into their e-commerce platforms, providing a user-friendly solution with acceptance of payments from customers across the euro area. 🔗 Find out more in the presentation by Piero Cipollone at the EuroCommerce CEO Summit

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