Beitrag von Gas Connect Austria

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2.329 Follower:innen

🚀 Zusammen Europas #Energiezukunft gestalten: Heute wurde in Brüssel ein weiterer wichtiger Meilenstein auf dem Weg zum Aufbau des europäischen Netzwerks zukünftiger Wasserstoff-Fernleitungsnetzbetreiber ENNOH gesetzt🌱💧

Unternehmensseite von ENNOH anzeigen, Grafik

1.021 Follower:innen

🌍 A new important milestone for ENNOH! 🌍 Today marks a significant step in shaping Europe's energy future. 37 infrastructure companies from across the EU met in Brussels. Our goal? To finalise the agreements for setting up the European Network of Network Operators for Hydrogen (ENNOH). 🤝 In a landmark meeting with EU Energy Commissioner Kadri Simson, we handed over the agreements reached between the companies in line with the Hydrogen and Decarbonised Gas Market Package. This pivotal moment follows six months of intense collaboration among future Hydrogen Transmission Network Operators (HTNOs). ACER and the European Commission will soon start reviewing the ENNOH deliverables. For the operators, the focus now shifts towards creating an ambitious Work Programme for the coming period before ENNOH is formally established. Collaborating with ENTSO-E, ENTSOG, the EU DSO Entity, and other stakeholders, we are looking forward to tackling our initial tasks in 2025. For more insights and updates as we progress, stay tuned or contact us at [email protected].

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Michael Drewek

General Manager Sales EUROPIPE

1 Monat

One more impressive achievement! EUROPIPE GmbH is massively prepared to serve all these important projects‘ needs. Congratulations!

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