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#Wissensaustausch #weltweit ...das braucht es, um innovative und nachhaltige Sport- und Freizeiteinrichtungen zu schaffen. Dafür sind Ulle Tillmanns und Jonas Tillmanns von 4a Architekten mit dem #IAKS nach Australien gereist, um Experten aus der ganzen Welt zu treffen und Erfahrungen auszutauschen. Die International Association for Sports and Leisure Facilities (IAKS) ist ein internationales #Netzwerk für den #Wissensaustausch zu Planung, Bau und Betrieb von Sport- und Freizeitanlagen. Wir sind schon sehr gespannt, welche Eindrücke und Erfahrungen sie von ihrer Reise mitbringen werden. #IAKS #Schwimmbad #Bäderbau #Bäderarchitektur

The IAKS mission comes to life! 💪 Meeting other industry experts from around the world and sharing experiences is key to innovation and success. Therefore, we are very happy that this study trip could be realized with the great help of IAKS Australia & New Zealand and Yvette A. Bringing together people from Argentina, Australia, Austria, Canada, China, Germany, India, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore, Spain and Switzerland is truly amazing! Top level knowledge exchange at AAMI Park, to mention just one of the 20 stops of the 2024 IAKS study trip to Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane. We firmly believe that together we can work towards a better future by creating innovative and sustainable sport and recreation facilities that enrich the lives of people in our communities. ❤️ IAKS ANZ is the newest division of the IAKS family and opened in 2023. It's great to see how our community is growing and how our members are committed to keeping this community vibrant and creating great sports and leisure facilities. Over the next few days, our study tour participants will be attending the amazing National Sports & Physical Activity Convention. Check out their amazing program and visit the convention if you are in Melbourne anyway. We wish all participants a great time in Australia! ❗ If you are also interested in IAKS and would like to get involved, please visit our website or contact us directly here via LinkedIn. 💬 #iaks #networking #international #experts #sportsindustry #leisureindustry

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