Aus dem Kurs: Business Englisch: Online-Vorstellungsgespräche meistern

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Zugeständnisse machen und die Verhandlung abschließen

Aus dem Kurs: Business Englisch: Online-Vorstellungsgespräche meistern

Zugeständnisse machen und die Verhandlung abschließen

- During the negotiation, you need to be willing to make concessions. If you refuse to accept any counteroffers the company proposes, you are not likely to get what you want in the end and it may lead to the working relationship starting on an unpleasant note. For this reason, it's important to enter the negotiation with a range of acceptable options in mind. Let's take a look at some language for making concessions in a way that keeps the negotiations friendly. If the company offers you something that is lower than what you wanted but still within your acceptable range, you shouldn't answer with, "Fine, I'll take it," or "I guess that's okay." You will not sound gracious if you use these phrases, and you may even come across as rude. Better choices would be, "Yes, I can accept that," or "I think I can make that work," or "Yes, I'd be willing to go along with that." You can use these phrases together with your own…
