Aus dem Kurs: Business Englisch: Online-Vorstellungsgespräche meistern

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Was Sie die Personalleitung fragen sollten

Was Sie die Personalleitung fragen sollten

- The hiring manager will give you the opportunity to ask questions at some point during your interview, just as the recruiter did. And as with the recruiter interview, some of the questions may occur to you, based on the overall conversation. If however, the questions do not come up naturally during the interview, here are some questions to ask the hiring manager that can help you to gain a better understanding of the job and the company. "What will you expect me to accomplish in my first six months?" The answer to this question will give you information about some of the specifics of the job. And asking it, shows that you are already thinking about meeting your targets. "What do this company's most successful employees do during their first week on the job?" Even if everyone spends their first week filling out paperwork and getting their technology set up, there may be additional things that the top employees do at the…
