Aus dem Kurs: Business Englisch: Online-Vorstellungsgespräche meistern

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- It is almost a guarantee that the recruiter will ask you about your goals during the interview. There are several phrases and structures that will be useful for describing them. Let's take a look. I want to, and, I hope to, are good basic phrases to keep in mind for talking about your goals. For example, I want to learn as much about advertising as possible, so I can take the lead on a major campaign within the next five years. Or, I hope to demonstrate my skills as a manager and take on greater responsibility within the accounting department. I'd like to, can also be used to describe your goals. For instance, I'd like to put some of the lessons I've learned in my previous work into practice to optimize quality assurance procedures. And I'd like to apply my creativity in a field that has always interested me. Phrases with aim are also useful. For example, I aim to become the top sales representative in the region. Or,…
