Aus dem Kurs: Business Englisch: Online-Vorstellungsgespräche meistern

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Technische Probleme überwinden

Technische Probleme überwinden

- It's time for your online interview. Even if you've checked all your technology beforehand things can still go wrong. Let's take a look at some functional language we can use while dealing with these problems in order to keep the interview moving smoothly. First, to inform the interviewer that you are experiencing a technical problem you can use the phrases, sorry I'm having trouble with, or sorry, there seems to be a problem with. For example, sorry, I'm having trouble with the sound or sorry, there seems to be a problem with the connection. Then you can give a few more details about what is happening by adding for instance, I can see you're talking but I can't hear you. Or the connection status keeps changing from fair to poor. When you've identified the problem and you want to say how you are trying to fix it, you can use the phrase, let me try, with a gerund. For example, let me try adjusting the microphone settings…
