Aus dem Kurs: Business Englisch: Online-Vorstellungsgespräche meistern

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Technik überprüfen

- You've applied for an interesting job and now you've been asked to do an online interview for the position. Great news. Before you begin preparing anything else, it's a good idea to check the technology needed for the interview. Let's take a look at some of the vocabulary you need to know to ensure that you are ready for the interview from a technical perspective. First, the platform is the program that you will use for the interview. Common platforms include Zoom, Skype, and WebEx but there are many others on the company you're interviewing with may even have its own unique platform. The interview organizer should always tell you which platform will be used, but if not, you should ask. And if the platform is one you have not used before, you should try to find some information about it online and check that it works with your device. You will want to check for example whether the platform is web based meaning you…
