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Ihre Arbeitserfahrung beschreiben

Ihre Arbeitserfahrung beschreiben

- In the interview with the recruiter, you will be asked lots of questions about your work and experience. Your answers of course, will depend completely on what that experience is. But let's take a look at some of the grammatical structures to use when describing it. First, the recruiter will undoubtedly ask about what you are currently doing. Here, the present continuous will be useful. For example, I'm working as a clerk in the accounts payable department. I'm managing a large infrastructure project. Or I'm finishing my degree in architecture. Remember not to use this tense with dates or years or with the word, since. If you want to talk about ongoing experience and refer to the start date, you should use the present perfect, in either its simple or continuous form. For instance, if the recruiter asks you to talk about your current job, you could say, I've worked at my current company for five…
