Aus dem Kurs: Business Englisch: Online-Vorstellungsgespräche meistern

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- Once you have opened the negotiation with the salary number you want, it's likely the hiring manager will offer something lower. He or she might even repeat the initial offer and say that there is little flexibility. If you think that there is room to negotiate, now is the time to make your case. Don't negotiate just for the sake of negotiating. If you have a particular salary in mind, and you are not satisfied with the offer the company has made, give reasons why they should pay you more. One way of doing this is to refer to your current salary. You can say something like, I am currently making 45,000, and since this position would involve more responsibility and additional skills, I believe a salary of 50,000 is warranted. If you have received higher offers from other companies, but are more interested in working for this company, you can mention that by saying, another company has offered me 50,000, but I think I…
