Aus dem Kurs: Business Englisch: Online-Vorstellungsgespräche meistern

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- Congratulations. You've made it through the interview process and the company has made you a job offer. Now it's time to negotiate your salary. Before starting the negotiation, it is a good idea to do some research to see what the typical salary is for the position. There are websites that compare salaries for different types of jobs that you can consult to learn about average salaries. The more information you can bring to the negotiation to support the amount you're asking for, the better. Use your research to determine what you would consider an acceptable salary range for the position and start your negotiation at the top of that range. The number should be realistic and in line with what other people in the same type of job are being paid. Here are some phrases you can use to begin the negotiation. To start on a positive note, say something like I am really excited about the opportunity to work for this…
