Dr. Lorenzo Nicoletti
München, Bayern, Deutschland
2520 Follower:innen
500 Kontakte
Senior Application Engineer at MathWorks and always open to connect with like-minded…
🔋If you work in Battery, Renewable Energy or EV engineering, let's have a look at Baettery 1.0 Modeling and Simulation tools available on…
🔋If you work in Battery, Renewable Energy or EV engineering, let's have a look at Baettery 1.0 Modeling and Simulation tools available on…
Beliebt bei Dr. Lorenzo Nicoletti
Vom MBA in die Wissenschaft – ein eher ungewöhnlicher Schritt, aber für mich genau der richtige. Seit einem halben Jahr bin ich am FTM Institute of…
Vom MBA in die Wissenschaft – ein eher ungewöhnlicher Schritt, aber für mich genau der richtige. Seit einem halben Jahr bin ich am FTM Institute of…
Beliebt bei Dr. Lorenzo Nicoletti
Technical University Munich
The master's program focuses on the latest research in the field of automotive and combustion engine technology, in order to meet the challenges of ecologically sustainable mass mobility, and develop innovative solutions.
The master's degree focuses on the fundamentals of engineering science and – depending on the chosen course plan – in core competencies to prepare them for challenges and their career. In my course plan, I focused on the fields of automotive and mechanical engineering.
Erasmus student at the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the Technical University of Munich.
› Intensive study of the German language
› Followed different courses in German
› Completed 60 ECTS during the Erasmus
› Obtained a C1 language certification for German -
The triennial degree course in Industrial engineering provided a solid foundation in the basics of mechanical engineering.
› The first year was focused on basic subjects such as mathematical analysis, linear algebra, chemistry, and physics.
› The second year focused on subjects such as solid and fluid mechanics
› I spent my third year at the Technical University of Munich were I also wrote my thesis -
Bescheinigungen und Zertifikate
An Estimation of the Lightweight Potential of Battery Electric Vehicles
Energies, MDPI
Although battery electric vehicles (BEVs) are locally emission-free and assist automakers in reducing their carbon footprint, two major disadvantages are their shorter range and higher production costs compared to combustion engines. These drawbacks are primarily due to the battery, which is generally the heaviest and most expensive component of a BEV. Lightweight measures (strategies to decrease vehicle mass, e.g., by changing materials or downsizing components) lower energy consumption and…
Although battery electric vehicles (BEVs) are locally emission-free and assist automakers in reducing their carbon footprint, two major disadvantages are their shorter range and higher production costs compared to combustion engines. These drawbacks are primarily due to the battery, which is generally the heaviest and most expensive component of a BEV. Lightweight measures (strategies to decrease vehicle mass, e.g., by changing materials or downsizing components) lower energy consumption and reduce the amount of battery energy required (and in turn battery costs). Careful selection of lightweight measures can result in their costs being balanced out by a commensurate reduction in battery costs. This leads to a higher efficiency vehicle, but without affecting its production and development costs. In this paper, we estimate the lightweight potential of BEVs, i.e., the cost limit below which a lightweight measure is fully compensated by the cost savings it generates. We implement a parametric energy consumption and mass model and apply it to a set of BEVs. Subsequently, we apply the model to quantify the lightweight potential range (in €/kg) of BEVs. The findings of this paper can be used as a reference for the development of cheaper, lighter, and more energy-efficient BEVs.
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Cambridge University Press
The modeling of battery electric vehicles (BEVs) still represents a challenge for vehicle manufacturers. The installation of the new types of components needed for BEVs gives rise to uncertainties in the quantification of parameters like the vehicle's weight. Indeed, vehicle weight plays a key role, since it has a drastic effect on the vehicle's range, which is an important selling point for BEVs. Uncertainties in weight estimation create weight fluctuations during the early development phase…
The modeling of battery electric vehicles (BEVs) still represents a challenge for vehicle manufacturers. The installation of the new types of components needed for BEVs gives rise to uncertainties in the quantification of parameters like the vehicle's weight. Indeed, vehicle weight plays a key role, since it has a drastic effect on the vehicle's range, which is an important selling point for BEVs. Uncertainties in weight estimation create weight fluctuations during the early development phase and the need to resize components like the electric machine or battery. This in turn affects the components' volume and weight. However, such resizing can also lead to a component collision and unfeasibility of the vehicle architecture. To solve this problem and to support concept engineers during the early development phase, an iterative approach is required that is capable of estimating weight and volume fluctuations in the relevant components. The approach should also consider the geometrical interdependencies of the components, to ensure that no collisions occur between them. Taking the gearbox as an example application, this paper presents a novel approach that satisfies these requirements.
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Topology analysis of electric vehicles, with a focus on the traction battery
Over recent years, the number of battery electric vehicles (BEVs) has drastically increased due to new European Union (EU) regulations. These regulations force vehicle manufacturers to adjust their product range in order to fulfill the imposed carbon dioxide limits. Such an adjustment enforces the usage of battery electric vehicles. However, research into the optimal BEV architectures and topologies is still in progress. Therefore, the aim of this paper is an analysis of all the current…
Over recent years, the number of battery electric vehicles (BEVs) has drastically increased due to new European Union (EU) regulations. These regulations force vehicle manufacturers to adjust their product range in order to fulfill the imposed carbon dioxide limits. Such an adjustment enforces the usage of battery electric vehicles. However, research into the optimal BEV architectures and topologies is still in progress. Therefore, the aim of this paper is an analysis of all the current electric vehicle topologies. From this analysis, the authors identify different basic battery shapes. Subsequently, these shapes are used to describe the impact of the battery on the passenger compartment. As an initial result of this analysis, the authors create a new denomination method, via which it is possible to cluster the battery topologies. In a second step, the collected data is clustered using the novel denomination method. Finally, this paper presents the benchmark topologies for the analyzed segments.
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Databased Architecture Modeling for Battery Electric Vehicles
In recent years, the number of electric vehicles on the market has continuously increased. New regulations and the progressively critical effects of global warming contribute to the acceleration of this trend. Car manufacturers are obliged to redesign their fleet, gradually substituting the internal combustion vehicles with electrified vehicles. This is a complicated task, as electric powertrains still represent a new technology and no established vehicle architectures exist. To aid engineers…
In recent years, the number of electric vehicles on the market has continuously increased. New regulations and the progressively critical effects of global warming contribute to the acceleration of this trend. Car manufacturers are obliged to redesign their fleet, gradually substituting the internal combustion vehicles with electrified vehicles. This is a complicated task, as electric powertrains still represent a new technology and no established vehicle architectures exist. To aid engineers in identifying feasible architectures in the early development phase, package tools can be employed. As in this phase, few parameters are known, such tools have to be based on empirical models. The data upon which empirical models are based must be updated cyclically. With each update, the models have to be manually recalculated, which is a time-consuming process. Therefore, this paper will propose new modeling that will enable the empirical models to update automatically. Firstly, the authors will describe the elements that make up an electric vehicle architecture. Subsequently, a database concept that enables the required data to be stored will be presented. Finally, this paper will describe the tool implementation.
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Review of Trends and Potentials in the Vehicle Concept Development Process
Automobile manufacturers are in the midst of the greatest phase of transformation in their history. The paradigms they used over recent decades are gradually dissolving. Two new megatrends are drastically changing the market. On the one hand, there is sustainability, which is causing the ever-increasing replacement of the combustion engine by the electric motor and is pushing the sector towards "greener" mobility. On the other hand, there is automation, which is the source of a shift towards…
Automobile manufacturers are in the midst of the greatest phase of transformation in their history. The paradigms they used over recent decades are gradually dissolving. Two new megatrends are drastically changing the market. On the one hand, there is sustainability, which is causing the ever-increasing replacement of the combustion engine by the electric motor and is pushing the sector towards "greener" mobility. On the other hand, there is automation, which is the source of a shift towards autonomous driving. How do these megatrends affect the vehicle development process? Which potentials and changes do they cause? The answer is the key to enable vehicle manufacturers to face these changes. To answer these questions, we analyze the current development process, taking into account the individual development steps, and discuss the modifications promoted by sustainability and automation.
Parametric Modeling of Mass and Volume Effects for Battery Electric Vehicles, with Focus on the Wheel Components
World Electric Vehicle Journal, MDPI
Defining a vehicle concept during the early development phase is a challenging task since only a limited number of design parameters are known. For battery electric vehicles (BEVs), vehicle weight is a design parameter, which needs to be estimated by using an iterative approach, thus causing weight fluctuations during the early development phase. These weight fluctuations, in turn, require other vehicle components to be redesigned and can lead to a change in their size (secondary volume change)…
Defining a vehicle concept during the early development phase is a challenging task since only a limited number of design parameters are known. For battery electric vehicles (BEVs), vehicle weight is a design parameter, which needs to be estimated by using an iterative approach, thus causing weight fluctuations during the early development phase. These weight fluctuations, in turn, require other vehicle components to be redesigned and can lead to a change in their size (secondary volume change) and weight (secondary weight change). Furthermore, a change in component size can impact the available installation space and can lead to a collision between components. In this paper, we focus on a component that has a high influence on the available installation space: the wheels. We model the essential components of the wheels and further quantify their secondary volume and weight changes caused by a vehicle weight fluctuation. Subsequently, we model the influence of the secondary volume changes on the available installation space at the front axle. The hereby presented approach enables an estimation of the impact of weight fluctuations on the wheels and on the available installation space, which enables a reduction in time-consuming iterations during the development process.
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Design Parameters for the Early Development Phase of Battery Electric Vehicles
The derivation of a battery electric vehicle (BEV) architecture represents a challenging task for car manufacturers. For the early development of combustion engine architectures, the required design parameters can be derived from the analysis of previously-built model series. Regarding BEV architectures, the manufacturers do not yet have a reference series of vehicles on the basis of which they can derive the essential design parameters. Therefore, these parameters are mainly estimated at high…
The derivation of a battery electric vehicle (BEV) architecture represents a challenging task for car manufacturers. For the early development of combustion engine architectures, the required design parameters can be derived from the analysis of previously-built model series. Regarding BEV architectures, the manufacturers do not yet have a reference series of vehicles on the basis of which they can derive the essential design parameters. Therefore, these parameters are mainly estimated at high cost in the early development phase. To avoid cost-intensive changes in the further course of development it is crucial to choose the right set of design parameters. For this reason, the aim of this paper is the identification of a minimum set of design parameters, derived from the current state-of-the-art of vehicle development by a structured literature comparison. We group the results according to our definition of vehicle architecture and discuss each identified parameter to explain its relevance. The sum of all parameters presented in this paper builds a minimum set of design parameters, which can be employed as a guideline for the definition of BEV architectures in the early development stage.
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Derivation of Geometrical Interdependencies between the Passenger Compartment and the Traction Battery Using Dimensional Chains
World Electric Vehicle Jounal, MDPI
Dimensional chains are the basis for testing the feasibility of vehicle architectures in the early development phase since they allow for parametrical vehicle modeling. Parametrical modeling is employed in the early development of the vehicle in order to enable the estimation of the space available for powertrain components. For battery electric vehicles (BEVs), new dimensional chains have increased relevance because of the geometrical interdependencies between the traction battery and the…
Dimensional chains are the basis for testing the feasibility of vehicle architectures in the early development phase since they allow for parametrical vehicle modeling. Parametrical modeling is employed in the early development of the vehicle in order to enable the estimation of the space available for powertrain components. For battery electric vehicles (BEVs), new dimensional chains have increased relevance because of the geometrical interdependencies between the traction battery and the passenger compartment. The passenger compartment and traction battery share the same position in the vehicle, i.e., between the axles, which leads to a conflict between these two components. Furthermore, the passenger compartment dimensions are needed to size components like heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC), the energy consumption of which in turn influences the required battery capacity. In order to describe these interdependencies, we identify a set of dimensional chains and derive a passenger compartment volume estimation model that can be employed in the early development phase of the vehicle design. We further analyze the single elements of the dimensional chain and present typical values for each element.
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Analisi Matematica 1 (Mathematical Analysis 1)
Analisi Matematica 2 (Mathematical Analysis 2)
Angewandte CFD (Applied CFD)
Antirebssystemtechnik für Fahrzeuge
Auslegung von Elektrofahrzeuge (Design of Electric Vehicles)
Dimensionierung von Stirnradgetrieben (Design of Gearboxes with Cylindrical Gears)
Disegno industriale (Industrial Drawing)
Dynamik der Straßenfahrzeuge (Dynamic of Passenger Cars)
Einfuhrung in die Werkstoffe und Fertigungstechnologien von Carbon Composites (Materials and Process Technologies for Carbon Composites)
Elettrotecnica per l'ingegneria Industriale (Electrotechnics for Industrial Engineering)
Fahrzeugkozepte: Entwicklung und Simulation
Fisica 1 (Physics 1)
Fisica 2 (Physics 2)
Fisica Tecnica (Engineering Thermodinamics and heat transfer)
Geometria e Algebra Lineare (Geometry and linear algebra)
Grundlagen der Turbomaschinen und Flugantriebe (Fundamentals of Turbomachinery and flight propulsion)
Grundlagen der Ur- und Umformtechnik (Basic of casting and Metal Forming)
Hochschulpraktikum C
Introduction to wind Energy
Kegel- und Hypoidzahnräder für Fahrzeugantriebe (Bevel and Hypoid Gears for Vehicles)
Laboratorio didattico di fisica ( Students physics laboratory)
Maschinenelemente 1 (Machine Elements 1)
Maschinenelemente 2 (Machine Elements 2)
Meccanica dei Fluidi (Fluid Mechanics)
Meccanica dei Solidi (Solid mechanics)
Metallurgia (Metallurgy)
Moderne Methode der Regelingstechnik 1 (Modern Control 1)
Motorradtechnik (Technology of Motorcycles)
Motorthermodynamik und Brennverfahren (Thermodynamics of Internal Combustion Engines and Combustion Processes)
Nichtilineare Finite Elemente (Non linear Finite Element Method)
PDM LCA Basiskurs
Praktikum MATLAB/Simulink for Computer Aided Engineering
Regelungstechnik (Automatic Control)
Roboterdynamik (Robot Dynamics)
Scienza dei Materiali (Materials Science)
Synchronisierungen und Lamellenkupplungen
Technische Mechanik 3 (Engineering Mechanics 3)
Umformtechnik Praktikum (Metal Forming Lab)
Werkstoffe des Maschinenbaus 2 (Engineering Materials 2)
Muttersprache oder zweisprachig
Muttersprache oder zweisprachig
Muttersprache oder zweisprachig
Gute Kenntnisse
Gute Kenntnisse
Weitere Aktivitäten von Dr. Lorenzo Nicoletti
Causal vs. Acausal Modeling: What's the Difference? How to model signal flows vs. efficiently modeling physics. Interested? See below! 👇 In the…
Causal vs. Acausal Modeling: What's the Difference? How to model signal flows vs. efficiently modeling physics. Interested? See below! 👇 In the…
Beliebt bei Dr. Lorenzo Nicoletti
Started my morning reading this great article featuring student teams from the Indian Institute of Technology…
Started my morning reading this great article featuring student teams from the Indian Institute of Technology…
Beliebt bei Dr. Lorenzo Nicoletti
New positions in the Automotive Software Definition Team in Padova ✨ 🎁 🥇 Join us! 💫
New positions in the Automotive Software Definition Team in Padova ✨ 🎁 🥇 Join us! 💫
Beliebt bei Dr. Lorenzo Nicoletti
Building a Full Electric Vehicle Model 🚗 Link: https://lnkd.in/gZCcR6MD The electric vehicle (EV) reference application provides a complete EV…
Building a Full Electric Vehicle Model 🚗 Link: https://lnkd.in/gZCcR6MD The electric vehicle (EV) reference application provides a complete EV…
Beliebt bei Dr. Lorenzo Nicoletti
💼 How is About:Energy spending your tax? 🌍 We’re both grateful for and mindful of the £1 million support from UK Government grants—committed to…
💼 How is About:Energy spending your tax? 🌍 We’re both grateful for and mindful of the £1 million support from UK Government grants—committed to…
Beliebt bei Dr. Lorenzo Nicoletti
If you are working on SPICE models or power electronics control, please join Yifan Yang and myself on Nov 20th to learn how to import SPICE models…
If you are working on SPICE models or power electronics control, please join Yifan Yang and myself on Nov 20th to learn how to import SPICE models…
Beliebt bei Dr. Lorenzo Nicoletti