Jan Ossenbrink

Jan Ossenbrink

Düsseldorf, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschland
3424 Follower:innen 500  Kontakte

Artikel von Jan Ossenbrink


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  • Founding Member

    SPD Freundeskreis (circle of friends) Zuerich

    –Heute 7 Jahre


    Launching a regular meetup for people interested in debating about Social Democratic politics in Germany, but also in Switzerland, Europe, and beyond https://www.spd-zuerich.ch/

  • Founding Member and Coach


    1 Jahr 2 Monate


    Founding member of the student association “SchuelerNavi e.V.“ offering free of
    charge coaching and educational support for socially or financially disadvantaged

  • Energie Forum Aachen Grafik

    Founding Member

    Energie Forum Aachen

    10 Monaten

    Science and Technology

    Energy Forum Aachen or EFA was launched to attract students who are both enthusiastic and well informed - due to their studies or research - about the global energy transition with the goal of building a stronger stronger tie between society and technology experts from universities. http://www.efaachen.de/

  • RWTH Aachen University Grafik

    Founding Member

    RWTH Aachen University

    2 Jahre 5 Monate


    Launching and contributing to the Public Relations / Comms group at the student council Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology https://www.fset.rwth-aachen.de/


  • Could Germany's nuclear power stations help kickstart the domestic clean hydrogen economy? A thought experiment


    Domestic clean H2 from Germany's remaining nuclear fleet would most likely be cheaper than any domestic green H2 project coming online in the near future

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  • Delineating Policy Mixes: Contrasting Top-Down and Bottom-Up Approaches to the Case of Energy-Storage Policy in California

    Research Policy

    Case: Studying the policies that shape the emerging energy storage market and industry in California
    Contribution: Proposing two archetypical ways in which researchers and practitioners can identify the elements of “policy mixes”, i.e. arrays of policy instruments that follow a given policy strategy such as CO2 emission reduction, in various empirical settings
    Method: Qualitative analysis based on archival data and interviews with policy makers and industry experts
    Duration: 02/2015 –…

    Case: Studying the policies that shape the emerging energy storage market and industry in California
    Contribution: Proposing two archetypical ways in which researchers and practitioners can identify the elements of “policy mixes”, i.e. arrays of policy instruments that follow a given policy strategy such as CO2 emission reduction, in various empirical settings
    Method: Qualitative analysis based on archival data and interviews with policy makers and industry experts
    Duration: 02/2015 – 04/2018

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  • Ossenbrink, J., Hoppmann, J., & Hoffmann, V. H. (2019). “Hybrid Ambidexterity: How the Environment shapes Incumbents’ Use of Structural and Contextual Approaches.”

    Organization Science

    Case: Analyzing the initiatives launched by the four largest electric utilities in Germany (E.ON, RWE, EnBW,
    Vattenfall) in response to renewable power generation and new downstream business models
    Contribution: Providing a guideline to decision makers of incumbent firms for how to navigate periods of
    discontinuous innovation; presenting a theoretical framework that re-unites two previously distinct
    literature streams and academic communities
    Method: Inductive case study based on…

    Case: Analyzing the initiatives launched by the four largest electric utilities in Germany (E.ON, RWE, EnBW,
    Vattenfall) in response to renewable power generation and new downstream business models
    Contribution: Providing a guideline to decision makers of incumbent firms for how to navigate periods of
    discontinuous innovation; presenting a theoretical framework that re-unites two previously distinct
    literature streams and academic communities
    Method: Inductive case study based on archival data (e.g. 12,000 newspaper articles) and in-depth interviews with senior executives and industry experts
    Duration: 07/2013 – 12/2018

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  • Addressing integration challenges of high shares of residential solar photovoltaics with battery storage and smart policy designs

    Environmental Research Letters

    Case: Estimating how policy affects the diffusion of residential rooftop solar and battery systems in California
    Contribution: Providing recommendations how policy can balance the trilemma of a secure, affordable, and sustainable electricity supply
    Method: Quantitative analysis based on an agent-based model that simulates dynamic electricity tariff prices (volumetric, fixed, capacity-based), feed-in remuneration levels, and investment subsidies bottom-up
    Duration: 03/2016 – 12/2018

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  • How Data Helps Bringing Clean Energy to Refugee Camps


    Case: Laying out the current situation of energy access, demand and supply in the humanitarian domain
    Contribution: Assessing how the lack of data on energy use and infrastructure inhibits overcoming the status quo in UNHCR refugee camps, following the notion that you cannot manage what you cannot measure; sketching how better data collection and sharing could facilitate and accelerate bringing clean energy to refugees and host communities, addressing several of the 17 sustainable…

    Case: Laying out the current situation of energy access, demand and supply in the humanitarian domain
    Contribution: Assessing how the lack of data on energy use and infrastructure inhibits overcoming the status quo in UNHCR refugee camps, following the notion that you cannot manage what you cannot measure; sketching how better data collection and sharing could facilitate and accelerate bringing clean energy to refugees and host communities, addressing several of the 17 sustainable development goals
    Method: Opinion piece, connecting the results from my previous study with insights from expert interviews
    Duration: 01/2018 – 03/2018

  • The Global Plan of Action for Sustainable Energy Solutions in Situations of Displacement

    UN Report

    About: Joint contribution of 120 practitioners to the High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development
    taking place in New York in July 2018, assessing progress towards reaching the 17 Sustainable
    Development Goals (SDGs)
    Case: Stating that current energy practices in situations of displacement are often inefficient, polluting,
    unsafe, expensive and inadequate for displaced people, harmful to the surrounding environment, and
    costly for implementers

    About: Joint contribution of 120 practitioners to the High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development
    taking place in New York in July 2018, assessing progress towards reaching the 17 Sustainable
    Development Goals (SDGs)
    Case: Stating that current energy practices in situations of displacement are often inefficient, polluting,
    unsafe, expensive and inadequate for displaced people, harmful to the surrounding environment, and
    costly for implementers
    Contribution: Suggesting an action plan with 66 specific recommendations on how to improve life for displaced people through sustainable and safe energy, across five working areas
    Method: Collection of practitioner inputs during a two-day workshop in Berlin
    Duration: 01/2018 – 07/2018

    Andere Autor:innen
    • UNITAR, MEI, Practical Action, FAO, GIZ, Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves, IOM, UNDP, UNEP-DTU, UNF, UNHCR
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  • Solar PV systems for refugee camps – A quantitative and qualitative assessment of drivers and barriers

    SusTec White Paper

    Case: Analyzing the current state and prospects of using solar PV technology in humanitarian settings
    Contribution: Revealing that the UN refugee agency could realize significant cost and emission savings when replacing diesel generators by solar PV systems; identifying “solar water pumping” as a “low hanging fruit” that would save $43 million over the next 20 years under conservative estimates; suggesting five specific action items to overcome the prevalent adoption barriers

    Case: Analyzing the current state and prospects of using solar PV technology in humanitarian settings
    Contribution: Revealing that the UN refugee agency could realize significant cost and emission savings when replacing diesel generators by solar PV systems; identifying “solar water pumping” as a “low hanging fruit” that would save $43 million over the next 20 years under conservative estimates; suggesting five specific action items to overcome the prevalent adoption barriers
    Method: Using a Monte-Carlo simulation to model levelized cost of four technology configurations under
    uncertainty; conducting in-depth interviews with experts from the humanitarian sector
    Duration: 03/2017 – 12/2017

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  • How feed-in remuneration design shapes residential PV prosumer paradigms

    Energy Policy

    Case: Comparing the effect of two policies, Feed-in Tariffs and Net Metering, on the diffusion of small-scale
    solar PV systems in Germany and California respectively
    Contribution: Showing that specific design features of the policy instruments have a significant impact on the size and operation mode of PV systems, and thereby implicitly spur fundamentally different “prosumer” paradigms, which has strong implications for electric utilities, grid operators and both residential, commercial…

    Case: Comparing the effect of two policies, Feed-in Tariffs and Net Metering, on the diffusion of small-scale
    solar PV systems in Germany and California respectively
    Contribution: Showing that specific design features of the policy instruments have a significant impact on the size and operation mode of PV systems, and thereby implicitly spur fundamentally different “prosumer” paradigms, which has strong implications for electric utilities, grid operators and both residential, commercial and industrial clients with and without rooftop solar systems
    Method: Developing an optimization model and conceptual framework to test various policy designs; comparing the back casted data to historic PV installation data from Germany (1.1 million) and California (420,000)
    Duration: 03/2016 – 05/2017

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  • How a product’s design hierarchy shapes the evolution of technological knowledge—Evidence from patent-citation networks in wind power

    Research Policy

    Case: Studying the development of dominant designs in wind turbine technology between 1973 and 2009
    Contribution: Developing a methodology to study knowledge evolution along technological trajectories; analyzing how the focus of patenting in wind turbine technology shifted over time, demonstrating that patenting foci followed a core-periphery pattern and that each shift in focus integrated industry-external knowledge
    Method: Studying more than 12,000 patent families pertaining to wind…

    Case: Studying the development of dominant designs in wind turbine technology between 1973 and 2009
    Contribution: Developing a methodology to study knowledge evolution along technological trajectories; analyzing how the focus of patenting in wind turbine technology shifted over time, demonstrating that patenting foci followed a core-periphery pattern and that each shift in focus integrated industry-external knowledge
    Method: Studying more than 12,000 patent families pertaining to wind turbine technology by adapting tools used in “Social Network Analysis”; manually screening and categorizing the top 500 patents and using qualitative data to elaborate on the impact of deployment policies
    Duration: 11/2012 – 03/2016

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  • Technology life-cycles in the energy sector — Technological characteristics and the role of deployment for innovation

    Technological Forecasting and Social Change

    Case: Tracking the global evolution of solar PV and wind power between 1963 and 2009
    Contribution: Revealing that PV followed the life-cycle of mass-produced goods and commodities, while wind power followed the life-cycle of complex products and systems; developing a typology of energy technologies with different life-cycle patterns and stating that technology policy should reflect these patterns
    Method: Using the previously developed patent-citation network analysis to study more than…

    Case: Tracking the global evolution of solar PV and wind power between 1963 and 2009
    Contribution: Revealing that PV followed the life-cycle of mass-produced goods and commodities, while wind power followed the life-cycle of complex products and systems; developing a typology of energy technologies with different life-cycle patterns and stating that technology policy should reflect these patterns
    Method: Using the previously developed patent-citation network analysis to study more than 44,000 patent families pertaining to solar PV and wind turbine technology; manually screening and categorizing the top 1,500 patents to identify the focus of innovation over the technology life-cycle
    Duration: 11/2012 – 09/2015

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