


New York, NY 95.918 Follower:innen

We're fighting a different battle than conventional cybersecurity companies.


Varonis ist der führende Anbieter von Data-Governance-Software für unstrukturierte und semi-strukturierte Daten. Die Lösungen von Varonis basieren auf einer patentierten Technologie sowie einer hochpräzisen Analyse-Engine und bieten Organisationen einen umfassenden Überblick und volle Kontrolle über ihre Daten. So wird sichergestellt, dass nur die richtigen Benutzer jederzeit von allen Geräten aus auf die richtigen Daten zugreifen können, jegliche Nutzung der Daten überwacht und Missbrauch sofort gemeldet wird. Varonis macht die digitale Zusammenarbeit sicher, einfach und effizient und ermöglicht den Nutzern eine flexible Arbeitsweise. So können sie Inhalte erstellen und mit anderen berechtigten Nutzern austauschen. Organisationen können sicher sein, dass ihre Inhalte geschützt und effizient verwaltet werden. Varonis wurde auf zu einem der „Fast 50 Reader Favorites“ gewählt und mit dem Innovation Award, dem Product or Service of the Year Award sowie dem Best Network Security Award des SC Magazine ausgezeichnet. Das Unternehmen mit Hauptsitz in New York unterhält Standorte in Europa, Asien und Lateinamerika und hat weltweit bereits mehr als 4.500 Lösungen implementiert.

1.001–5.000 Beschäftigte
New York, NY
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)
Cybersecurity, Active Directory Security, Ransomware, File Analysis, Permissions Management, Data Loss Prevention, Compliance, SharePoint Security, Exchange Security, Unstructured Data, Office 365 Security, Big Data, File System Auditing, SaaS Security und Salesforce Security


Beschäftigte von Varonis


  • Unternehmensseite von Varonis anzeigen, Grafik

    95.918 Follower:innen

    If your team hasn't launched Microsoft 365 Copilot, privacy and security are most likely holding you back. Not anymore. 😎 With Varonis for M365 Copilot, users can safely adopt and continuously secure their M365 environment by limiting sensitive data access, monitoring Copilot prompts, and detecting abuse in real time. Our rapidly growing feature list includes: Copilot policy automation AI security posture management (aka AISPM) Copilot monitoring and forensics Copilot threat detection An integration with Athena AI, Varonis' gen AI layer And this is all just the beginning! Learn more about Varonis for M365 Copilot here:

  • Unternehmensseite von Varonis anzeigen, Grafik

    95.918 Follower:innen

    Your Copilot flight plan can turn into a flop really quickly if your team misses this crucial step... → Properly secure your data. Don't know if your data is properly secure? Start by asking your team these questions: ‣ What data do we have? ‣ Who is using our data? ‣ Where is our data stored? ‣ How is our data being used? ‣ What information is *actually* important? ‣ Where are our controls not being applied properly? If these questions can't be answered confidently at any point, then it's time to improve your visibility. Why? Because Copilot uses your existing user permissions to determine what it will analyze and surface. Once your team has achieved this step, it's time to put your Copilot flight plan into full gear. Don't have one? No problem! You can use ours. ⬇️ Here's how to get the full plan: 1. Comment "I'm ready!" 2. We'll DM you the link. 

  • Unternehmensseite von Varonis anzeigen, Grafik

    95.918 Follower:innen

    Insider threats are dangerous and damaging but not always deliberate. 😮 "I see a lot of insider threats that are the result of a bad actor who's deliberately trying to walk away with data or damage data," said Rachel Beard, Distinguished Technical Architect for Salesforce. "But I also see insider threats that are the result of accidental misuse of data, accidental data leakage, or working with data in ways that just isn't compliant." Learn what other challenges cybersecurity leaders face in Rachel's episode of Speed Data. 📺 YOUTUBE - 🌐 BLOG - _____ P.S. We have quick conversations like these with the industry's top security professionals every week on our YouTube channel. Check out all of season one and catch the latest episodes of season two. ➡️

  • Unternehmensseite von Varonis anzeigen, Grafik

    95.918 Follower:innen

    If you're trying to secure data in the cloud, here's a truth you need to know: Your DSPM doesn't stand a chance without automation. Why? → Even one misstep can put your sensitive data at risk. → Data in the cloud is a prime target for attackers. If automation is the fix, why are IT teams still left with a list of issues to investigate and remediate? Because most tools are stopping before the last mile. They give discovery without context or remediation. The key to spotting the real deal is knowing what automated DSPM is. So, put yourself to the test.👇

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  • Unternehmensseite von Varonis anzeigen, Grafik

    95.918 Follower:innen

    Varonis 🤝 Microsoft = 🚀🦾 Together with Microsoft, we're helping teams safely and quickly roll out Copilot and other gen AI tools to supercharge their productivity. Does your team have a gen AI tool they're scoping for a rollout? Drop it in the comments! ______ P.S. Follow us for insights your team can use to ensure safe rollouts of virtually any gen AI tool this year!!

  • Unternehmensseite von Varonis anzeigen, Grafik

    95.918 Follower:innen

    We need to set the record straight. Cutting your gen AI rollout plan *isn't* going to keep your data secure. The best way to keep your data secure is to actually get control of your data. You have to get your house in order. Because two things are true... 1. Gen AI tools are some of the most powerful productivity tools EVER. So, when your users ask you to unleash the robots, they're asking for good reason! 2. It's your job (dare we say passion) to protect your org's data. We fully support that mission and are right here in the trenches fighting the battle with you. But when you spend all your time trying to keep the bad things out, you overlook securing what is at the core of it all — your data. So, let's try this. Before you make the decision to cut the gen AI rollout from your Q3 roadmap, focus on getting control of your data first. Then, make a plan to confidently and securely unleash the robots. 😉 Agree?

  • Unternehmensseite von Varonis anzeigen, Grafik

    95.918 Follower:innen

    Copilot is one of the most powerful productivity tools ever. But companies still aren't using it. And here's the #1 reason why: → Privacy → Security Because no one knows what their teams are going to get access to when they start using it. If these two things are holding you back from a gen AI rollout plan — you're not alone. Is there anything else holding security teams back from investing in gen AI tools? What would you add to the list? 👇

  • Unternehmensseite von Varonis anzeigen, Grafik

    95.918 Follower:innen

    🔥 Hot take: The user is actually *not* the weakest link in cybersecurity. "If an employee clicking on an email causes your company to be compromised, that is a failure of controls, not a failure of the employee," said Jon Densmore, CISO for First Mutual Holding Co. "Employees just need to do their jobs, and for a lot of them, opening attachments and clicking on a link is part of their job. So you need to have controls in place to enable them to do their job without blaming the employee." Learn how Jon avoids playing the blame game by establishing a security baseline at the financial firm in this week's (FIRE) episode of Speed Data! ⤵️ 📺 YOUTUBE -

  • Unternehmensseite von Varonis anzeigen, Grafik

    95.918 Follower:innen

    Bring it on, Vegas — we're headed to BlackHat 2024! 🎩 🦾 🗓️ When: August 7-8, 2024 📍 Where: The Mandalay Bay Convention Center, Las Vegas, NV Meet us at booth #1250 for an exciting look at our newest innovative solutions through live product demos, brand NEW swag, giveaways, exclusive presentations, and our custom hat bar! And, as a Platinum Plus Sponsor, we're pulling all the stops this year. Here's what the team is cooking up: 🎤 An exclusive presentation: How to Deploy AI Copilots with Varonis Field CTO Brian Vecci 🎥 SecurityFWD LIVE: A meet and greet with Security Researcher 💻 Kody Kinzie 🪩 A Black Hat After Party with our partner friends at Optiv Get more details on what the team has in store and schedule some time to meet with us: We can't wait to see you!

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