UV Energy

UV Energy

Stromerzeugung aus erneuerbaren Energien

Cool down. Power up.


UV baut das weltweit am schnellsten installierte virtuelle Solarkraftwerk, das gewerbliche Verbraucher mit grüner Energie versorgt, indem es bereits versiegelte Flächen nutzt und das traditionelle Stromnetz umgeht.

Stromerzeugung aus erneuerbaren Energien
2–10 Beschäftigte


Beschäftigte von UV Energy


  • Unternehmensseite von UV Energy anzeigen, Grafik

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    ❗ Time to reveal what we've been cooking up! 🥳 🎉 While this solar carport may seem like just your typical structure, it's actually a game-changer in the industry, checking all your boxes! ✅ It is the first of its kind globally, offering a combination of mass production, rapid deployment, cost-effectiveness, and minimal disruption. No more blocked parking lots for weeks on end! 😮 But wait, there's more! ☝️ Our AI-powered software makes realizing power plants on parking lots a breeze. From planning and ordering to deployment and maintenance, we've got you covered - solar power plants as easy as ordering on Amazon.💪 🤯 Sounds too good to be true? Absolutely not. Keep an eye out for more details on the cutting-edge features that set us apart from the rest and get ready to witness the future of sustainable energy solutions. 🌍 🌱 ☀️ #innovation #greentech #solarcarport #climatechange #greenenergy

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  • Unternehmensseite von UV Energy anzeigen, Grafik

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    Ready to go green but worried about the price tag? 🤔 What if you could power your business with clean energy generated right on your parking lot and only pay for what you use? No expensive hardware. No installation fees. Just savings and sustainability from day one. 💰 🌱 🌏 Our solar canopy Utility Model offers exactly that: ▪️No upfront investment, just affordable, green energy. ▪️A flexible 10-year Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) where you only pay for the electricity generated. ▪️After the term, you can either renew your PPA, buy the system at a discount, or part ways (though we're confident you’ll love it too much to say goodbye). Here’s how to get started: 1️⃣ Visit our AI-powered calculator at uv.energy, enter your details, and see how it works for you. 2️⃣ We will handle the rest: hardware, installation, and anything in between. 3️⃣ Enjoy your rapidly installed, parking-friendly solar canopies and only pay for the electricity your system generates. 🌱 This is your chance to embrace the future of energy without breaking the bank. Learn more and register today at uv.energy! #cleanenergy #innovation #PPA #solarpower #solarcanopy

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    Unternehmensseite von ESG-Forum – Eine F.A.Z.-Konferenz anzeigen, Grafik

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    Wie sieht die Zukunft der Energieversorgung aus? Auf dem ESG-Forum präsentiert das Startup UV Energy eine zukunftsweisende Lösung: das größte virtuelle #Solarkraftwerk der Welt. Mit ihrer innovativen Technologie wird Solarstrom genau dort erzeugt, wo er gebraucht wird – auf versiegelten Flächen direkt vor Ort. Dank einer innovativen, KI-basierten Software werden Planung und Implementierung drastisch vereinfacht. ✅Erfahren Sie auf dem ESG-Forum mehr über UV Energy und tauchen Sie in die zentralen Fragen der Energiewende ein: Wie kann Solarenergie noch effektiver genutzt und zugänglicher gemacht werden? Welchen Beitrag leisten Startups zur nachhaltigen Transformation unserer Gesellschaft? 👉Jetzt anmelden und mitdiskutieren! https://lnkd.in/eswHum6J        #Nachhaltigkeit #ESGForum #FrankfurterAllgemeineKonferenzen       #Environmental #ESG #Sustainability     Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung F.A.Z. Konferenzen Goethe-Universität Frankfurt Felix Gerhardt

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  • Unternehmensseite von UV Energy anzeigen, Grafik

    587 Follower:innen

    .... 🥁 drumroll, please... Our new and refurbished website! 🍾 🎉 After enough curse-words to make a sailor blush, we are thrilled to unveil our brand-new digital home, showcasing our groundbreaking AI-powered innovation. 🤩 Getting a personalized offer is now as easy as ordering your aunt's birthday gift off of Amazon. 🤯 No more time-consuming phone calls or tedious email threads - in fact, there's no need to interact with a real human at all.* Just pop your parking lot address and the number of spots you need covered into our quick form, lean back, grab the popcorn - et voilà: You're provided with your very own offer - courtesy of our in-house AI. We're bursting with excitement about how everything has turned out, and we're eager for you to try it! So, head on over, take a look around, order some solar power plants, and don't forget to drop us a line with your thoughts! 💬✨ *Of course we also have real humans working in Sales - so if you have any further questions or prefer talking to actual people, you're more than welcome to get in touch the old-fashioned way. https://uv.energy/ #innovation #greenenergy #solarcarport #climatechange #greentech

    Homepage - UV.ENERGY

    Homepage - UV.ENERGY


  • Unternehmensseite von UV Energy anzeigen, Grafik

    587 Follower:innen

    Loved our solar carports? You're going to really love what's coming next. Didn't like them? Well, you'll love this new thing! 😎 🤫 We can’t reveal too much just yet, but trust us—this is big. We’re thrilled to introduce our latest innovation soon, and we think it’s going to make a real impact. Want to be among the first to know what we've come up with? Hit follow and stay tuned. Exciting updates are just around the corner! 💪 🚀 🤩 #innovation #solar #greentech #productreveal

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  • Unternehmensseite von UV Energy anzeigen, Grafik

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    The other morning, this is what we found: An empty lot? Look again! Every single car is parked under the canopy. Our learnings? 🧑🏫 People hate parking in the sun, dealing with scorching hot cars, and wasting gas to cool them down with AC. We all want protection from the elements! Now if only those canopies were also producing energy, right? What to do what to do.... 👀 🤫 We might actually have a great solution for this. Follow us to learn more! #solarcanopy #sustainability #greenenergy #innovation #climateaction

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  • Unternehmensseite von UV Energy anzeigen, Grafik

    587 Follower:innen

    🌞 Ever wondered how solar energy really works? Let our youngest team member (8) break it down for you: 1️⃣ Start by having our solar carports installed. 2️⃣ The sun will automatically send her rays, like little energetic kids, towards the solar canopy. What can we say—they love our product! 🤷♀️ 3️⃣ The rays bounce off the canopy, just like on a trampoline, and jump towards your building. 4️⃣ They race to the finish line… 5️⃣ Their happy dance generates electricity to power your business! This, according to our expert, is exactly how solar energy works. And who are we to argue? We’ve even got photographic evidence to back it up! 🤓 ❗ Disclaimer: Some details (like the exact method of energy transfer or the solution pictured) may differ slightly in real life, as our expert admitted: “The rays don’t actually wear hats.” 🤫 But the point is: clean energy can be this simple, effective, and fun! Curious to learn more about how we make solar energy work for your business? Connect with us and let's chat! 💬 #solarenergy #solarcarport #summerbreak #startuplife

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  • Unternehmensseite von UV Energy anzeigen, Grafik

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    Great news - let's keep this going! 💪 #energyrevolution #greenenergy #solar #sustainability

    Rekordmonat Juli: Mit über 10 Terawattstunden kam so viel Solarstrom aus den PV-Anlagen in Deutschland wie noch nie in einem Monat. Das schlägt sich in der Bilanz der ersten sieben Monate nieder: Plus 14 % Solarstrom als im Vorjahreszeitraum. Der Grund dafür liegt hauptsächlich im Zubau neuer Anlagen, da wir bisher weniger Sonnenstunden als 2023 hatten. Immer mehr Unternehmen und Haushalte setzen auf Photovoltaik als saubere und kostengünstige Energiequelle: Von Januar bis Juli wurden ca. 9,4 Gigawatt Solarleistung auf Dächern, Freiflächen oder Balkonen zugebaut – das sind über 11 % mehr als im Vorjahreszeitraum. Insgesamt hat die Stromproduktion aus erneuerbaren Quellen in den ersten sieben Monaten 2024 um etwa 7 % gegenüber dem Vorjahreszeitraum zugelegt.

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  • Unternehmensseite von UV Energy anzeigen, Grafik

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    📔 🎓 April to June were study months for us, as we had the pleasure of participating in NXTGN's fundraising masterclass. It was not only informative but also incredibly enjoyable. We received invaluable advice from seasoned industry CFOs and VCs, greatly enhancing our understanding of fundraising strategies. 💡 The direct sparrings and feedback sessions were immensely helpful, and having a dedicated mentor (shoutout to Christoph Andersch )was a fantastic bonus. Presenting our business at MatchArena in Stuttgart was a great opportunity, and having access to the founder's network is a valuable resource for us moving forward. 🤝 🤩 In short, we give it a solid 10/10! If you're on the fence about joining, we can confidently say: Go for it! (Bonus: enrollment for the next round is now open 😎 ) #startuplife #greentech #fundraising #solarstartup

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  • Unternehmensseite von UV Energy anzeigen, Grafik

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    🤩 We’re thrilled to be joining the ESG Forum on October 8th in Frankfurt am Main, thanks to our participation in the FAZ Impact Startup Award! Looking forward to meeting many other innovative companies, including Verrano (because being on good terms with a food startup is always a plus!), cleenr (because what good are solar carports if the world is too polluted to support life?), Reverion (because working towards offering sustainable energy solutions is better together), and many many others. How amazing to see so many innovative companies coming together to make a positive impact. 🌍 🌱 Looking forward to a day filled with inspiring discussions and networking opportunities. Who else will be there? Let's connect! 🤝 👋 F.A.Z. BUSINESS MEDIA GmbH #esgforum #impactstartupaward #networking #startuplife

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212.067,00 $


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