

Dateninfrastruktur und -analytik

Berlin, BE 5.944 Follower:innen

Leading European independent energy-IoT-data platform, connecting energy technologies and manufacturers.


Solytic gehört zu Europas führenden unabhängigen Energie-IoT-Datenplattformen, die Produktionsdaten von verschiedenen Energietechnologien und Herstellern verbindet und den digitalen Wandel hin zu einem erneuerbaren Stromnetz dezentraler Marktteilnehmer befähigt.

Dateninfrastruktur und -analytik
11–50 Beschäftigte
Berlin, BE
renewables, solar energy, photovoltaic energy, incident detection, analytics, porfolio monitoring, photovoltaic, pv, qualitative monitoring, Photovoltaik, SaaS, pv monitoring, IoT, energy, data und platform



Beschäftigte von Solytic


  • Unternehmensseite von Solytic anzeigen, Grafik

    5.944 Follower:innen

    🎉 7 years Solytic! We just turned 7 years old. What a ride! To put this in context with in a few numbers… More than 100 gifted individuals joined our mission and contributed over the years. We already monitored about 250,000 PV sites, with more than 3,500,000 devices, and almost countless amounts of data (~100 terabytes). We worked closely with industry giants like Vattenfall, SolarWorld, EWE, KOSTAL, KATEK, Vaillant, Iqony, and so many others. Cheers to the last 7 years and to the new adventures, challenges and opportunities ahead of us! #solarOS #energytransition #servicebetter

  • Unternehmensseite von Solytic anzeigen, Grafik

    5.944 Follower:innen

    📣 HELP! ❓ What is more important to you… …Reporting or Alerts? …Chart Generator or Reporting? …Alerts or Chart Generator? 🤔 Do you know, what we’re talking about? If not, please reach out to us and we’ll explain 👉 [email protected] ✨ We all have thousands of (awesome) ideas about what we could build next and what would be great, fun, or just plain beautiful. 🥇 The top question is: What makes your - the PV installer’s - life easier and your work more efficient? #solarOS #energytransition #servicebetter

  • Unternehmensseite von Solytic anzeigen, Grafik

    5.944 Follower:innen

    🤯 He said, she said… all nonsense! 🎉 Data is fun, sometimes surprising, sometimes cruel. Especially when trying to learn what’s most important to our customers. We used to listen a lot. Then we started observing as well. And, we have learnt a lot! 💡 Based on (GDPR compliant) usage data, our chart generator (see slide show) is very popular! We never spent much time on this feature before, because very few customers ever mentioned it during sales or aftersales calls. Only the data showed us how much this feature is being used, especially compared to other features in the portal. 🤔 Data doesn’t lie – but does it really? The data is based on customers’ upfront approval to track their portal usage. This could lead to a false assessment based on biased data (e.g. if consent providing users are more likely to use data heavy features like the chart generator). ℹ Info: We cannot see private user information, but we receive data on which page an anonymized user spent how much time on. 👉 Now we invest additional time on the chart generator. More on this in the slides. #solarOS #energytransition #servicebetter

  • Unternehmensseite von Solytic anzeigen, Grafik

    5.944 Follower:innen

    Do you stay in touch with your customer after installing their PV system? 👉 Here’s why you should: (long read, many numbers, and worth the time) If you do, you can double your monthly revenues in a few years, even without scaling operations or growing your team. You can generate as much revenue with services as with new sales within a few years, but without the hustle of new customer acquisitions. 👩🎓 Let’s model this in a case study:   An installer installs 10 PV sites per month, year after year, each site has an average contract value of 20k EUR. Year 1: 200k EUR monthly revenues, Year 2: 200k EUR monthly, Year 3: 200k EUR monthly, …this continues just like this. Every sale requires customer acquisition efforts while the market goes up and down. Some years will be good, others not as much. 👷♂️ Transaction vs. Subscription We hold on to the set-up above and just add a Service Level Agreement to every PV site sold, worth 10 EUR per months: Year 1, additional monthly revenues reach 1,200 EUR Year 2, reaching 2,400 EUR … Year 25, reaching additional 30,000 EUR revenues without any investment into customer acquisitions. These additional 30,000 EUR monthly revenues only cover the customer’s access to the installer’s service, no spare parts, services on site, etc. 🍨 That's just the tip of the iceberg! The actual service revenue is approx. 20 EUR per kWp per year (according to several research studies, a.o. TÜV Rheinland). In other words: A business potential of approx. 20x the original SLA revenue at your doorstep. 🤯 This sums up to approx. 200,000 EUR per month after 8 years, and approx. 600,000 EUR per month after 25 years. 💡 Note here, we’re talking about 3x revenues of the “new sales business”, but without any customer acquisition hustle. ⁉ Did you know this or think of it before? #solarOS #energytransition #servicebetter

  • Unternehmensseite von Solytic anzeigen, Grafik

    5.944 Follower:innen

    😎 If you sell and install PV systems, your addressable market might be bigger than you think! …in fact, a lot bigger. 💪 Let’s take Solytic’s home market, Germany, for example: 🌟 Last year, 2023, was a record year for photovoltaics (or "PV") in Germany. Installers built 14 GW of new PV capacity (Bundesnetzagentur), or in other words: 1 million new PV systems (Fraunhofer ISE). Based on the mix between small residentials and large ground mounted sites, we assume the overall order value was worth something around 17 billion Euro (Statista backs this mumber). ℹ The total capacity installed reached 82 GW (Bundesnetzagentur), which is the addressable market for aftersales services and support. Each kWp (kilowatt peak) of PV capacity requires 5-20 EUR per year for operations and maintenance (= services and support, repair, etc.). These numbers vary much by market segment from utility (close to 5 EUR per kWp per year) to residential (approx. 20 EUR per kWp per year). Let’s go with 10 EUR per kWp per year to model this. 💸 We're talking about an addressable service market of 820 million Euros (= 820,000,000 EUR) every year! ❓ What’s your stake in that big aftersales market? #solarOS #energytransition #servicebetter

  • Unternehmensseite von Solytic anzeigen, Grafik

    5.944 Follower:innen

    💡 Work smart, play smart... AC and DC don’t just play music, they are key figures in the production of renewable energy. ⏱ Save your time through instant fault identification. ⚡ DC (Direct Current) is being produced by photovoltaic power plants. The inverter transforms the DC into AC (Alternating Current). That’s the power we’re all using everyday when we plug in an electric device. 💸 Also, the AC power is being measured by the feed-in meters, and those measures transfer directly into revenues. 💻 No wonder our customers want to have a very detailed view on these AC figures! 💪 We improved our dashboard with an extension that appears small on the outside but had large scale implications on our backend capabilities. 👉 This improvement saves our customers hours of work every month and increases our computing capabilities and data processing flexibility as well. #solarOS #energytransition #servicebetter

  • Unternehmensseite von Solytic anzeigen, Grafik

    5.944 Follower:innen

    🌟 NEW UX – changing our world and yours! 🤝 We looked at the most common daily workflows with our partners and the way our web-portal is in use. We assessed the data and concluded improvements for our user interface, lifting the user experience (UX) to new highs – convince yourself! 😍 Together with first pilot customers we are super excited about the improvements. 📣 We start this transition by introducing a slide-in menu: The Sidebar. Firstly, in our ticket system, which is receiving multiple updates and improvements in the upcoming weeks. When working with tickets navigation just became more intuitive and faster. 🔮 Very soon: Users can comment tickets directly and streamline communication among peers. #solarOS #energytransition #servicebetter

  • Unternehmensseite von Solytic anzeigen, Grafik

    5.944 Follower:innen

    🤯 Service who? We experience this every day, and it is exhausting, to be honest. 🔧 Every piece of technical equipment requires service and maintenance. 🌞 Fortunately, PV installations are very low maintenance. (In most cases) there are no moving parts, and the technology is very mature. BUT 💔 Things that can break, will break at some point. 😎 Be smart. 👷♀️ Be prepared. 🌐 Use remote monitoring. #solarOS #energytransition #servicebetter

  • Unternehmensseite von Solytic anzeigen, Grafik

    5.944 Follower:innen

    🖥 Do you like webinars, too? ⭐ We are creating online content about our company, our products, and how we perceive the market and it‘s plenty opportunities. 🌐 We share the content through webinars first and make it available on demand afterwards. You find us on Youtube and directly through our website (link in the comments)! Our current topic is „efficient PV monitoring.“ 📆 Next webinar date in English is 01.08.2024, at 10:00 am. 🌟 We also work on new content and the short list covers: White Label, the Power BI Connector, and some more product updates. ❓ What else should we cover? Let us know in the comments! #solarOS #energytransition #servicebetter

  • Unternehmensseite von Solytic anzeigen, Grafik

    5.944 Follower:innen

    Oh boy, we do love data! 💚 The Solytic platform evolved over the last 7 years to a very flexible tool kit for IoT big data applications. Our focus is on renewables and #solar PV is on top of the list by far, so far. We apply #Cloud, #IoT, #BigData, and use #AI – of course – on a daily basis in scale, large scale. The one buzz-tech missing is #blockchain and we don’t see this changing any time soon. For all techies around: Our Gateway handled already above 3 million active devices. We achieved 99.9% availability, while handling 100 GB of daily data ingress. Our platform processes more than 100 file formats and it takes about 30ms processing time in average. Our ETL handled more than 100 TB. The API managed already more than 250,000 users with more than 100,000 monthly active users, creating a daily traffic of more than 20 GB. #solarOS #energytransition #servicebetter [Edited: Typo corrected]

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