IT und Services

You've never seen a spreadsheet do this.


At Rows, we create tools that make computation accessible to everyone. Our vision is to enable 1 billion spreadsheet users to easily build the tools they need to work better. All in a familiar interface - a spreadsheet - and without code. We are always looking for the best people to join us at both our Porto and Berlin offices. Check our open positions here: Reach out to us directly at [email protected].

IT und Services
51–200 Beschäftigte
spreadsheets, computation, no-code, web apps, marketing, sales und operations


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    Profil von Kyle Poyar anzeigen, Grafik

    Operating Partner @ OpenView | Growth Unhinged 🚀

    Imagine spending 7 years to grow from zero to 50,000 users. And then surging from 50,000 to 1,000,000 users (20x growth) in only 12 months 🚀🤯 This is the true story of, the Accel-backed next-gen spreadsheet. How Rows *finally* struck gold via head of growth Henrique Cruz: 1️⃣ Kept a waitlist & 1:1 onboarding for 3 years before going self-serve Learnings: - Start wide, then go narrow; this process helped Rows hone their ICP and north star metrics before scaling user acquisition - Emails get stale fast; use a verifier, don't try to convert folks who've waited >6 months 2️⃣ Rapidly tested channels, running 10 experiments across 4 channels in 8 weeks Learnings: - Going direct to their audience worked better than paying for PR agencies - Community efforts (like templates) helped both acquisition and engagement - One of their best campaigns was putting billboards outside of Google & MSFT (and then using them in a social media campaign) 3️⃣ Found their 'exploding market' to breakout Learnings: - For Rows, this was their AI analyst; the announcement alone attracted 30 million views and 50k new users - Henrique attributes this to (a) a great demo video, (b) outreach to AI content creators to amplify the launch 4️⃣ Removed their homepage and went 'loginless' Learnings: - Bringing new users straight into the product actually tripled conversions to signup (from 11% to 27%) - This quintupled the number of new activated users per week, too, since it lower the barrier to using Rows - It's no wonder that ChatGPT recently moved to loginless, too Don't miss the full story in Growth Unhinged: Thanks for sharing, Henrique & team! 🙏🙏 #plg #ai #startup

    • Rows growth
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    11.378 Follower:innen

    New this week 🪄 1/ Version History Auto-Save Version history now autosaves your spreadsheet every 5 minutes of inactivity up maximum of 7 snapshots saved per day. That's spreadsheet peace of mind. 2/ New Date Options Life just got a bit easier for anyone running automated reports. You can now import data filtered for the current year, or pick a 'since' date. Then, once your data refreshes, the date period will update accordingly. 3/ New Pivot Table Options Sometimes a small change is the difference between an analysis you do, and one you don't. With COUNTUNIQUE, you have one new way to slice and dice your pivot tables.

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    Profil von Sherzod Gafar anzeigen, Grafik

    Co-Founder and CEO @ Heylama | Reach Your Language Goals with Personalized Roadmaps

    Happy customer feedback. 2 years ago I wasn't sure where fit into as a "spreadsheet on steroids". I wasn't sure what it added and how it improved things compared to G-Sheets, airtable, and make (I could achieve most of the "use cases" by using one or all of these tools). Today I am a paid subscriber. And man I love Rows 😂. 👉 A customer asked for their specific data and I had to export it from our DB. It took me 2 minutes to connect to the right DB, paste the query, export the records, create daily automation to get new records, and share the link to a beautifully formatted sheet with the customer... Just fathom how much I accomplished in less than 5 minutes as a "non-technical founder/employee" (And their tech support is outstanding! Shoutout to Sourabh Choraria. ) Henrique Cruz -> so amazing to see how far the tool has come since we talked 3 years ago!

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    Profil von Barbara Galiza anzeigen, Grafik

    Growth and Marketing Analytics Consultant

    The “one source of truth” is a utopia. Each marketing platform measures conversions differently.  And this gives you more value, not less. That doesn’t mean you should ignore your marketing discrepancies. A decrease or increase in conversions from a certain platform can help you identify: 👉 Tracking errors, like underfiring or overfiring of events 👉 Lack of measurement due to consent flows or cookie blocking 👉 Impressions and clicks served on mobile devices 👉 Bot traffic 👉 The impact of time-to-conversion in lookback windows 👉 Audience overlap with other strategies So the best way to “tackle” discrepancies is to monitor and measure them. I wrote on how to do just that, in my latest article. Written in collaboration with, it includes 3 free templates for measuring discrepancies between the following tools: 👉 Meta and Google Analytics 👉 Google Ads and Google Analytics 👉 LinkedIn Ads and Google Analytics Let me know what you think! #attribution #discrepancies #paidmedia #googleanalytics

    Mastering Marketing Discrepancies: A Guide to Monitoring Paid Media Metrics

    Mastering Marketing Discrepancies: A Guide to Monitoring Paid Media Metrics

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    Profil von Leah Tharin anzeigen, Grafik
    Leah Tharin Leah Tharin ist Influencer:in

    CPGO / B2B Growth for Scaleups. - Product & Growth @

    "Using minimal product usage data to drive revenue & Insights: Activation" Whatever you want to call it: - The start of a business case - AHA Moment - Activation - Growth Hacking (eww, it isn't) - A low hanging fruit (also eww) The process is always the same, we have a hypothesis on what's the core value for our product. In the case of Rows (an excel, sheets competitor) it would be spreadsheets. Then they slowly dig into how the users are using them. After 1 day, Multiple days, Weeks? And then they act on it. And the simplest act is to just talk to users that stopped using it. "You used it last week, but not anymore. Why?" I knew while recording this episode was going to be one of the best on my podcast. Henrique Cruz from Rows joined me to talk about everything around Activation and he did so in an incredibly actionable and honest way. If there is one episode you want to listen to understand the heart of PLG without mentioning PLG then it's this episode. Whether you are working in a Sales-led or Product-led business doesn't matter. At the end of the day we all do what works and it usually starts right here: - Starting to understand what user activation means in your data and how to use it in a simple way Engaging conversations like these are adding so much to my day and I'm very happy that I'm able to share the full hour long conversation with you all now. 😍 Thank you Henrique Cruz! #productledgrowth

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    Profil von Henrique Cruz anzeigen, Grafik

    Head of Growth at Rows

    --For my fellow Marketers-- GA4 has a big reporting problem. You can't classify conversions based on search intent. This means you can't tell if they came from branded or non-branded traffic. Which means it's extra difficult to know the ROI of your SEO projects. Until now. After a few hours perfecting a spreadsheet, I think I kind of solved it. (if you want the template, comment to this post)

  • Unternehmensseite von anzeigen, Grafik

    11.378 Follower:innen

    🎶 I'm only one cell away I'll be there to save the day. Other sheets got nothing on me. I'm only one cell away. 🎶 You've never seen a spreadsheet d̶o̶ sing like this. ══ Pick from more than 15 pre-built formulas to classify text, extract data, run sentiment analysis, create ad copy, and more, powered by GPT-4o.

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