RNT Rausch GmbH

RNT Rausch GmbH


Ettlingen, Baden-Württemberg 929 Follower:innen

Making IT possible


Seit mehr als 25 Jahren und mit tausenden installierten Systemen ist RNT Rausch ein Pionier der Server- und Storage-Industrie. Wir haben es uns zur Aufgabe gemacht, mit scharfem Verstand und Innovationsgeist immer das beste, zukunftssicherste Server- und Storage-Lösungskonzept für Ihre Herausforderung zu entwickeln. So übertreffen Sie Ihre Ziele der digitalen Transformation, während Ihre Gesamtbetriebskosten weiter sinken. RNT Rausch macht kleine und mittelständische ebenso wie große Unternehmen, Rechenzentren und Service Provider auf der ganzen Welt fit für die technologische Revolution von morgen. RNT Rausch. Making IT possible.

11–50 Beschäftigte
Ettlingen, Baden-Württemberg
Server, Storage, Cloudarchitekturen, Outsourcing IT-Services, Software Defined Storage SDS, Storage Appliances und Dedicated Server


Beschäftigte von RNT Rausch GmbH


  • Unternehmensseite von RNT Rausch GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    Real-time data analytics with object storage solutions allows for faster and more efficient processing of large amounts of unstructured #data, as well as the ability to access and analyse data in real-time. One of the key advantages of #objectstorage is using a flat structure known as a storage pool, which eliminates the complex hierarchies in traditional systems. This flat structure has several benefits, like: 👉 Simplicity ⬆️ Scalability ⬇️ Reduced latency ⤴️ Improved performance This is crucial for real-time analytics, where speed is essential for timely and actionable insights. Quick question: How does your current #datastorage solution handle real-time analytics? Could it be any faster? Our object storage solutions are designed to handle massive data volumes efficiently, ensuring that your analytics processes are smooth and uninterrupted. #RNT #makingITpossible

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  • Unternehmensseite von RNT Rausch GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    🎉 Happy SysAdmin Day - Shoutout to all the #IT superheroes out there! Today marks #SysAdminDay, a special occasion to recognize the invaluable contributions of System Administrators. At RNT Rausch, where we prioritise creating server solutions that exceed the demanding standards of modern #datacentres, we deeply understand the pivotal role sysadmins play. Our server family, spanning from Varioscaler to Bigfoot, relies not only on cutting-edge engineering but also on the expertise and dedication of our sysadmins. They work tirelessly to ensure everything runs seamlessly, whether it's installing crucial updates in the dead of night or maintaining our servers' optimal performance around the clock. We want you to feel valued and appreciated not just today, but every day of the year. Let's celebrate by sharing stories of appreciation for our #SysAdmins and the incredible work they do! Comment below with your favorite sysadmin moment or tag a sysadmin you appreciate. ⬇️ #RNT #makingITpossible #SysadminDay #ITHeroes

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  • Unternehmensseite von RNT Rausch GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

    929 Follower:innen

    🌞 Summer's here, and staying cool isn't just for people—it's crucial for our digital infrastructure too! While we humans find ways to beat the heat... #Datacentres generate a lot of heat. Traditionally cooled by energy-intensive air systems, they're becoming less efficient. #immersioncooling helps a lot. Its like literally dunking servers into a liquid bath to dissipate heat more efficiently. Take RNT iXora HRM-4 system, for example. Designed for existing #data centre setups, it offers a cutting-edge solution with closed cassettes. These cassettes contain everything—compute units, heat exchangers, and dielectric liquid—all in one sealed package. What sets the iXora HRM-4 apart❓️ 💯 Its efficiency. iXora HRM-4  slashes energy costs by up to 50% while supporting a stable power density of up to 4kW per cassette, 16kW per chassis. For businesses seeking to enhance data centre efficiency and reduce cooling costs, immersion cooling with iXora HRM-4 is the way forward. Want to learn more about RNT immersion cooling system? Download our free resource. #RNT #makingITpossible

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  • Unternehmensseite von RNT Rausch GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    One of two reasons why these industries can't afford to overlook immutable storage benefits is stringent data security requirements. The second reason is the assurance of data immutability they provide. Immutable and object storage solutions offer these sectors a reliable way to protect sensitive information from unauthorized access or alteration. 🏥 In healthcare, patient records must remain unaltered for accuracy and compliance with regulations (25%). 🏦 In finance, transaction histories require a guarantee of authenticity for auditing purposes (20%). 👨🏼⚖️ Legal services rely on preserving evidence integrity for court cases (15%). 🎬 Media & Entertainment industry needs to protect intellectual property and media assets (15%). 🏛️ Public Sector demands reliable data storage for governmental records and sensitive information (10%). 📚 Other sectors like Education and Research (10%), and Retail and E-commerce (5%) also benefit from these solutions. These industries benefit most from immutable and object storage due to their ✔️ stringent data security requirements and ✔️ the assurance of data immutability they provide. Don't wait until it's too late! #makingITpossible #RNT

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  • Unternehmensseite von RNT Rausch GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

    929 Follower:innen

    Managing vast amounts of data efficiently is a top priority for modern businesses. But what are the cost implications of adopting object storage for large-scale data management? When it comes to scalability and cost-effectiveness, object storage solutions have the edge. On average, object storage is 2x to 10x cheaper than file storage. Moreover, if you are frequently reading and writing files, the costs for these operations add up significantly with file storage. Other critical cost areas to pay attention to are: 🔍 Cost Efficiency 📈 Return on Investment (ROI) Object storage minimises costs by optimising storage resources, allowing for seamless scalability without significant upfront investments in hardware. The ROI of object #storage is compelling. The ability to quickly access and analyse large datasets translates into improved decision-making and competitive advantage. So whether you're navigating the challenges of #data growth or aiming to streamline your storage infrastructure, object storage offers a robust solution that aligns cost-effectiveness with operational efficiency. #RNT #makingITpossible #objectstorage

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  • Unternehmensseite von RNT Rausch GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    📢 News flash to every company that depends heavily on data, including yours: Cyberattacks and system failures are becoming increasingly common. But what if your company's data could never be altered or deleted? The ability to recover data quickly and reliably is critical and that's where #immutablestorage comes in handy. Immutable storage differs from traditional data storage methods in that once #data is written, it cannot be modified or deleted, which is crucial for: 🔰 Ransomware Protection: Your data remains safe from encryption by cybercriminals. 😯 Accidental Deletions: Protects against unintended data loss caused by human error. ✅️ Data Integrity: Ensures that your backups are reliable and uncorrupted. This makes make our #storage solutions a more reliable option for data recovery because in the event of a #cyberattack or system failure, they ensure your data remains intact and recoverable. Plus, it can quickly cost a few thousand euros and there is no guarantee that you can actually recover the data. 🔗 Want to learn more about how immutable storage can benefit your business? Send us a message. #RNT #makingITpossible #technology

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  • Unternehmensseite von RNT Rausch GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    Ever wondered how to safeguard your data from cyberattacks? 🛡️ In this clip, Sebastian breaks down the critical security measures every company should have in place. 📊✨ Don’t miss out—watch now and fortify your data defense! 💪 #CyberSecurity #DataProtection #ServerSecurity #StorageSecurity #AskSebastian #RNT #makingITpossible

  • Unternehmensseite von RNT Rausch GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

    929 Follower:innen

    Data growth has exponentially increased over the years due to advancements in technology and the increasing reliance on digital platforms for business operations, creating storage problems. In simple terms... More data = data storage challenges potential security risks. If you are faced with managing exponential data growth, Object Storage might just be your silver bullet, because it provides: 🔍 Metadata Tagging and Versioning: Easily organise and retrieve data at scale with metadata tagging and versioning. This makes locating and managing your data much more straightforward. ⚙️ Lifecycle Policies: Automate data tiering with lifecycle policies, moving less frequently accessed data to lower-cost storage options. This ensures efficient resource utilisation and keeps your storage costs down. 📈 Seamless Scalability: Designed to scale effortlessly, Object Storage can expand as your data grows, handling increased loads without major restructuring or reconfiguration. Object Storage not only makes data management more organised and cost-effective but also ensures that data remains accessible and secure, regardless of its size or growth rate. What are your biggest data management challenges? Let's discuss solutions. #RNT #makingITpossible #objectstorage

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  • Unternehmensseite von RNT Rausch GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    The object storage software market in Europe is experiencing strong growth as businesses seek to leverage the scalability and cost-effectiveness of the technology. But scalability and cost are not the only reasons for this adoption. In today's business landscape, #datasecurity is more critical than ever, and object #storage solutions offer robust features that safeguard your data against #cyberthreats. Here are five #cybersecurity features that make object storage more appealing for organisations of all sizes: 🔐 Encryption: Protects data both at rest and in transit. 🛡️ Access Controls: Sets specific permissions to minimise unauthorised access. 🚫 Immutable Data: Prevents data from being altered or deleted. 🔒 Audit Logs: Tracks all access and activity within the storage system. 🔗 Redundancy and Replication: Protects against #data loss due to hardware failure or other issues. The point? Object storage solutions are designed with security at their core, ensuring your data remains safe, secure, and accessible when you need it most. Share your experiences with object storage security. What features have been most beneficial for your business? #RNT #makingITpossible #security #objectstorage

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