RNT Rausch GmbH

RNT Rausch GmbH


Ettlingen, Baden-Württemberg 921 Follower:innen

Making IT possible


Seit mehr als 25 Jahren und mit tausenden installierten Systemen ist RNT Rausch ein Pionier der Server- und Storage-Industrie. Wir haben es uns zur Aufgabe gemacht, mit scharfem Verstand und Innovationsgeist immer das beste, zukunftssicherste Server- und Storage-Lösungskonzept für Ihre Herausforderung zu entwickeln. So übertreffen Sie Ihre Ziele der digitalen Transformation, während Ihre Gesamtbetriebskosten weiter sinken. RNT Rausch macht kleine und mittelständische ebenso wie große Unternehmen, Rechenzentren und Service Provider auf der ganzen Welt fit für die technologische Revolution von morgen. RNT Rausch. Making IT possible.

11–50 Beschäftigte
Ettlingen, Baden-Württemberg
Server, Storage, Cloudarchitekturen, Outsourcing IT-Services, Software Defined Storage SDS, Storage Appliances und Dedicated Server


Beschäftigte von RNT Rausch GmbH


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    Ever wondered how to safeguard your data from cyberattacks? 🛡️ In this clip, Sebastian breaks down the critical security measures every company should have in place. 📊✨ Don’t miss out—watch now and fortify your data defense! 💪 #CyberSecurity #DataProtection #ServerSecurity #StorageSecurity #AskSebastian #RNT #makingITpossible

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    Data growth has exponentially increased over the years due to advancements in technology and the increasing reliance on digital platforms for business operations, creating storage problems. In simple terms... More data = data storage challenges potential security risks. If you are faced with managing exponential data growth, Object Storage might just be your silver bullet, because it provides: 🔍 Metadata Tagging and Versioning: Easily organise and retrieve data at scale with metadata tagging and versioning. This makes locating and managing your data much more straightforward. ⚙️ Lifecycle Policies: Automate data tiering with lifecycle policies, moving less frequently accessed data to lower-cost storage options. This ensures efficient resource utilisation and keeps your storage costs down. 📈 Seamless Scalability: Designed to scale effortlessly, Object Storage can expand as your data grows, handling increased loads without major restructuring or reconfiguration. Object Storage not only makes data management more organised and cost-effective but also ensures that data remains accessible and secure, regardless of its size or growth rate. What are your biggest data management challenges? Let's discuss solutions. #RNT #makingITpossible #objectstorage

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  • Unternehmensseite von RNT Rausch GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    The object storage software market in Europe is experiencing strong growth as businesses seek to leverage the scalability and cost-effectiveness of the technology. But scalability and cost are not the only reasons for this adoption. In today's business landscape, #datasecurity is more critical than ever, and object #storage solutions offer robust features that safeguard your data against #cyberthreats. Here are five #cybersecurity features that make object storage more appealing for organisations of all sizes: 🔐 Encryption: Protects data both at rest and in transit. 🛡️ Access Controls: Sets specific permissions to minimise unauthorised access. 🚫 Immutable Data: Prevents data from being altered or deleted. 🔒 Audit Logs: Tracks all access and activity within the storage system. 🔗 Redundancy and Replication: Protects against #data loss due to hardware failure or other issues. The point? Object storage solutions are designed with security at their core, ensuring your data remains safe, secure, and accessible when you need it most. Share your experiences with object storage security. What features have been most beneficial for your business? #RNT #makingITpossible #security #objectstorage

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  • Unternehmensseite von RNT Rausch GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

    921 Follower:innen

    2024 began with the highest number of reported January #ransomwareattacks ever recorded, with 76 incidents marking a 130% increase compared to figures from 2022 (source: https://lnkd.in/eMc7TRnj). Doesn't this bother you as a business? 🤔 However, picture a scenario where your critical business data remains untouchable, impervious to both internal attacks and mistakes but also external #cyberthreats. 🔰 AWS Object Lock, a feature integrated into certain S3 based object storage systems, guarantees this safeguard by making your data immutable.  How does this feature work? ✅️ It enables companies to establish individual #immutability rules for their data/objects or apply default settings across entire volumes/buckets, safeguarding data integrity at all levels. This ensures that your data cannot be modified, encrypted or deleted, whether by a rogue employee or a #cybercriminals demanding a ransom. Moreover, compatible backup applications such as from Veritas Technologies LLC , Commvault, NAKIVO and Veeam Software seamlessly integrate with S3 Object Lock APIs. 🚀 This guarantees that even if a #ransomware attack attempts to encrypt your systems, you can swiftly restore operations from secure, immutable backups. Keen to discover more? Explore our whitepaper: https://lnkd.in/eurDY9Je   #RNT #makingITpossible #datasecurity #objectstorage

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  • Unternehmensseite von RNT Rausch GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

    921 Follower:innen

    🚀 Curious about how edge computing transforms your server and storage infrastructure? Sebastian explains how this technology offers unprecedented flexibility. Discover how you can deploy the resources you need, exactly where you need them! 📺Tune in now to get all the insights!✨ #AskSebastian #RNT #makingITpossible #EdgeComputing #ServerInfrastructure #StorageSolutions 

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    921 Follower:innen

    Let's take a closer look at some real-life examples and their benefits: 👟 Keeps your business running smoothly: Imagine a company, like a bank, that needs to protect its important data. With #ObjectStorage, they can easily store and archive data. This keeps everything safe and helps with quick recovery if something goes wrong. ✅ Benefit: It's a cost-effective, scalable, and secure solution that protects valuable data, giving peace of mind and keeping operations stable. 🗂 Makes media delivery easy: Think of a media company that is sharing big files like videos and updates. Object storage provides secure and browser-based access to these files from anywhere and from any device, making the user experience better. ✅ Benefit: Faster content delivery with less latency gives viewers and users smooth and uninterrupted access to high-quality media. 📊 Turns data into insights: Picture an e-commerce site like Amazon that is dealing with tons of user data. Storing this data in an S3 compatible storage system allows for powerful analytics, improves the user experiences and is driving business growth. ✅ Benefit: Advanced analytics is making data a real asset, leads to better business decisions and happier customers. Want to know more? Check our Whitepaper: https://lnkd.in/eurDY9Je #RNT #makingITpossible #ObjectStorage #S3

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  • Unternehmensseite von RNT Rausch GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    💡 Got questions about server and storage? #AskSebastian! 🚀 We’re thrilled to introduce a new video series featuring our IT pioneer, Sebastian, who will answer your questions straight from the RNT Ape. 🚗 🗓 Mark your calendars: Our debut is this Thursday! Here’s the schedule for our first three videos: 1. How is edge computing transforming company servers and storage? – Thursday, July 4th 2. What security measures are essential for server and storage systems? – Wednesday, July 10th 3. Who will win Euro 2024? – Friday, July 12th ⚽️🏆 We’re super excited — shooting these videos was already great fun! 🎥 👉 All videos will be published right here on LinkedIn. Follow our page to stay updated and never miss out! 💬 Have questions for Sebastian? Drop them in the comments below, and we’ll make sure he answers them soon! ⬇️ #RNT #MakingITPossible #AskSebastian #Server #Storage #EdgeComputing #CyberSecurity

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    Profil von Sebastian Nölting anzeigen, Grafik

    CEO bei RNT Rausch GmbH

    Imagine attending a church service where an AI chatbot delivers the sermon 🤔. This became a reality in Fuerth, Germany, where over 300 attendees gathered for an AI-led service at St. Paul’s church. The AI, personified by an avatar, preached about overcoming fear and maintaining faith, generating 98% of the content autonomously. Crafted by ChatGPT and theologian Jonas Simmerlein, this groundbreaking 40-minute service included sermons, prayers, and music, showcasing AI's potential to create meaningful and substantial content from existing data sets. However, with great potential comes great responsibility. ⚠️ It's important to realize that the same AI technology can be misused to generate harmful content or deepfakes, especially in sensitive areas like religion. This underscores the critical need for robust #cybersecurity guidelines to protect AI systems: 🔸 Ensuring only authorized personnel can modify or access AI systems. 🔸 Conducting frequent security audits to address vulnerabilities. 🔸 Deploying advanced tools to identify synthetic media, such as deepfakes. 🔸 Authenticating AI-generated content before dissemination. Ethics also play a crucial role in ensuring AI serves the community positively. Transparency, accountability, and bias mitigation are essential to prevent misuse and promote trust. This AI-led service was an incredible experiment, but it also highlighted the importance of human elements like emotion and spirituality that AI currently lacks. As AI grows, we must balance new ideas with safety measures to use its benefits wisely. #RNTRausch #makingITpossible

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  • Unternehmensseite von RNT Rausch GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    For data that is rarely accessed but still needs to be retained for compliance or historical purposes, #ObjectStorage is the most economical #storage option, ideal for long-term retention. Imagine a company that backs up its #customer transaction data daily using Object Storage lifecycle policies in the following way: 1️⃣ High-Performance Tier: For the first 30 days, the backups are stored in a high-performance tier to ensure quick access if any recent transaction needs to be recovered. 2️⃣ Lower-Cost Tier: After 30 days, the lifecycle policy moves the data to a lower-cost tier. This tier still allows for access but at a reduced speed and cost. 3️⃣ Archival Tier: After a year, the data is moved to an archival tier. This tier is very cost-effective for long-term storage but takes longer to access. This #data is kept for compliance purposes and is rarely accessed. By moving data through different tiers based on its age and access patterns, this company can significantly reduce storage costs. If you want to learn more about how you can cut costs using Object Storage, check out our whitepaper: https://lnkd.in/eurDY9Je #RNT #makingITpossible #ObjectStorage

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    Let's team up to take your business to the next level. 🚀 At RNT, we don't just offer #hardware with some #software; we add real value to your business. Here’s how we make it easy for you: ✔ Easy Start, No Pressure: No monthly minimums. We give you a starter bonus to help you get going because we believe in your success. ✅ Reliable solutions: More simplicity and stability. Our engineers develop rock-solid solutions that are easy to deploy, so you can focus on your business and make customers happy. ✔ Fast Go-to-Market: Get to market faster. Access our brand assets and #partner materials anytime, plus our marketing experts are here to help you shine. ✅ Top-Notch Support: You’ll rarely need it, but if you do, you get priority support. We’re always here for you. ✔ Expert Help: Navigate the complexities with ease. Connect directly with RNT’s experts in engineering, #marketing, and #sales to stay ahead of the competition and grow your business. Join us and stand out from your competitors. Make your customers happier than ever with RNT's support. Ready to ignite your business? Let’s make it happen together! #RNT #makingITpossible #partnerships

    5 juicy RNT partner programme benefits

    5 juicy RNT partner programme benefits


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