

IT-Dienstleistungen und IT-Beratung

Abfallmanagement leicht gemacht. Mit einer Platform alles im Griff.


Resourcify unterstützt Unternehmen dabei, das Ziel Zero Waste und damit eine abfallfreie Zukunft zu erreichen. Durch die Digitalisierung der täglichen Abläufe ermöglicht unsere Recycling-Platform allen Unternehmen, ihre Recyclingprozesse zu verwalten, zu verfolgen und zu verbessern – und dabei gleichzeitig den Verwaltungsaufwand zu senken und bis zu 30 % der Kosten im Vergleich zur herkömmlichen Abfallwirtschaft einzusparen. Tausende von führenden Unternehmen – darunter die Hornbach Baumarkt AG, Syntegon Packaging Technology und das Universitätsklinikum Bonn – nutzen jeden Tag unsere preisgekrönte Recycling-Plattform und vertrauen auf unser Nachhaltigkeitskonzept als Best Practice, um ihre Recyclingprozesse zu verbessern und Abfälle zu reduzieren.

IT-Dienstleistungen und IT-Beratung
51–200 Beschäftigte
Waste management, Sustainability, Recycling, Circularity, Technology und Circular Economy


Beschäftigte von Resourcify


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    #poll 📊 - Olympic Games edition! From utilising existing buildings and making tables from shuttlecocks, could Paris 2024 be the most sustainable games in Olympic history? 🇫🇷♻️ The Paris 2024 organising committee aims to make it the greenest Olympics ever, aiming to half the carbon footprint of London 2012 and Rio 2016. 💨 London 2012's footprint was 3.3 million tonnes, while Rio 2016's was 3.6 million tonnes. The 2024 Games will be held in the same city where world leaders met in 2015 to sign a number of commitments to prevent global temperatures rising by more than 1.5C and all eyes are on Paris for its sustainability efforts. 🏸 From tables made out of shuttlecocks, using existing stadiums, not building new buildings, and putting plant-based menus first, Paris 2024 has announced a number of initiatives they claim will help them reach their targets. 📊 We want to ask you in our #polloftheweek for your thoughts on Paris 2024's strategies. Do you think they're making significant strides to minimise its carbon footprint? 👣 Vote below 👇 #Paris2024 #Olympics #OlympicGames #RoadToParis #SustainableOlympics #GreenGames #Sustainability #CircularEconomy #OlympicSpirit #SportForAll #Europe

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    Meet our Resourcian, Nick Meyer! 👋 Nick is Senior Customer Success Manager and joined Resourcify early this year. 🇺🇸 Originally from the US, with a German background, Nick talks about his experiences moving to Germany, why he enjoys working in CSM, his passions and how his personal developments helped shift his career path. 💭 "One thing I really love about Customer Success is that you’re building long term relationships with people and setting them up on a path to help them reach their goals, and you can really see the impact of your work as you start a project with them and carry out that project from beginning to end. " 🌱 Curious to know more about Nick and how Resourcify fits into his life? Then check out our article! 👇 #article #linkedinarticle #resourcian #meetourresourcians #careers #people #CSM #customersuccess #customerservice

    Nick - Senior Customer Success Manager at Resourcify

    Nick - Senior Customer Success Manager at Resourcify

    Resourcify auf LinkedIn

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    Have you noticed a brand engaging in greenwashing recently? Or even better, is your own business making unfounded green claims? ❎ What is greenwashing? 🍃 Greenwashing is the practice where companies or organisations market themselves as environmentally friendly or sustainable, but their actual practices don't align with these claims. This can involve using misleading labels, vague terminology, or superficial actions to give a false impression of environmental responsibility. The goal is often to attract consumers who are concerned about the environment without making substantial changes to reduce their ecological impact. Are there any new legal requirements to combat this? ♻️ Yes! The EU's Green Claims Directive is a legislative proposal aimed at ensuring that environmental claims made by companies are accurate, verifiable, and not misleading. The directive seeks to combat greenwashing by setting a strict criteria for how environmental claims should be communicated to consumers. It's important to discern which companies are making strides towards creating their own sustainable business model and which are only using 'eco-friendly' buzzwords as a marketing strategy, and is why we've put this video together to name a few examples. Seen a form of greenwashing recently? Let us know in the comments! 👇 #plasticfreejuly #greenwashing #greenclaims #recycle #plastic #circulareconomy #wastemanagement #sustainability #EU

  • Unternehmensseite von Resourcify anzeigen, Grafik

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    In 2021, the EU generated 188.7 kg of packaging waste per person, ranging from 73.8 kg in Croatia to 246.1 kg in Ireland. 📦📈 Here's the breakdown: 🗞️ Paper & Cardboard: 40.3% ♻️ Plastic: 19.0% 🍾 Glass: 18.5% 🪵 Wood: 17.1% 🔩 Metal: 4.9% 📊 Others: 0.1% Total packaging waste hit 84.3 million tonnes, up 6% from 2020. Major contributors to the increase: Wood: 19.0% Paper & Cardboard: 3.9% Plastic: 3.9% Glass: 3.1% Metal: 4.5% From 2010 to 2021, the biggest waste streams were: Paper & Cardboard: 34.0 million tonnes ( 23.5%) Plastic: 16.1 million tonnes ( 29.9%) Glass: 15.6 million tonnes ( 18.1%) Wood: 14.4 million tonnes ( 32.7%) Metal: 4.2 million tonnes ( 10.6%) Needing to reduce your packaging waste? You know who to call! 🌱 #sustainability #recycling #EU #circulareconomy #wastemanagement

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    📊 We asked you in a recent LinkedIn poll if you think Shein's 200M Euro Circularity Fund would have any impact on Europe's fashion industry, and these were your answers👇 👎 Out of the four options, 54% of poll respondents thought that it would have 'minimal impact' and another 46% of poll respondents said that it would have no impact at all. Interestingly, none of the poll respondents believed it would have a positive or even moderate impact, aligning with public criticism Shein has faced. 🌱💰 Critics argue that Shein's Circularity Fund might be an example of 'greenwashing', where the company promotes sustainability initiatives primarily for public relations benefits without making substantial changes to its overall business model. Other criticism includes: ⚖️ Scale of Impact: While 200 million euros is a significant sum, it still may be insufficient relative to the scale of Shein's operations and the environmental damage associated with fast fashion. 🫥 Lack of Transparency: There may be concerns about the transparency and accountability of the fund, with questions surrounding how the funds will be allocated, monitored, and reported, and whether the initiatives funded will deliver measurable and significant environmental benefits. If you enjoy seeing our LinkedIn poll answers reimagined into infographics, please give this post a like 👍 #poll #infographic #survey #shein #fastfashion #circulareconomy #circularity #sustainability #UK #EU #europe

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    #hiring Wir suchen eine/n Sachbearbeiter/in für den Vertriebsinnendienst zur Verstärkung unserer Resourcify Revolution 🚀 💪 Deine Mission: Als Sachbearbeiter:in im Backoffice bist du dafür verantwortlich, unsere Entsorgungspartner rund um das Thema Rückmeldungen zu betreuen. Als Teil unseres Operations-Teams sorgst du für eine reibungslose Kommunikation und stellst sicher, dass unsere Entsorgungspartner stets zufrieden sind. 🙌 Was wir bieten:  - Ein tolles Arbeitsumfeld in einem schnell wachsenden Unternehmen mit großen Ambitionen.  - Flexibilität in deiner täglichen Arbeit (100% remote möglich) - Hochwertiges technisches Equipment - Ein tolles und motiviertes Team  - 6 Wochen bezahlter Urlaub Die Stelle (40h/Woche) ist befristet bis zum 31. Dezember 2024. Jetzt bewerben! Link in den Kommentaren unten 👇👇 #jobs #people #jobalert #nowhiring #gethired  #jobopening #joinourteam, #remotework #jobsearch #jobseekers #WFH #people #resourcian #homeoffice

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    📣 We've been recently featured in Recycling Today! 📣 Felix Heinricy was asked to share insights on Resourcify, unpacking how we best connect waste generators with recyclers and waste management firms, and help businesses manage, track and improve their recycling processes. ♻️ 📰 Recycling Today is the flagship brand of Recycling Today Media Group. Produced as a monthly print and digital magazine, it provides unique and comprehensive coverage of the recycled materials and environmental services industry. 🚀 To date and counting, Resourcify has: ✅ Managed approximately 100 million tons of discarded materials ✅ With more than 3 million disposal orders processed through our software annually 🌍 And we're active in more than 25,000 locations Recycling Today's article shares some great insights and is available for you to read on their website. Link in the comments below 🔗 #wastemanagement #recycling #circulareconomy #sustainability #techforgood #greentech #article

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    🇪🇺 Only six out of 27 EU member states have submitted adequate national climate plans - Is this surprising? According to a study, 12 EU countries are expected to miss their emissions targets under the Effort Sharing Regulation (ESR), and another seven are at risk. The ESR mandates a 40% reduction in emissions by 2030, but current plans only aim for a 35.5% reduction. 🇩🇪 Germany and Italy are the worst performers, with Germany set to miss its target by 10% and Italy by 7.7%. France is only projected to meet its targets by a very close margin, and plans submitted by the Netherlands also put the country on track to only just meet its goals. 🎯 Member states have to meet climate targets for five key sectors: road transport, buildings, small industry, waste and agriculture. Each goal is adjusted based on a country’s GDP with richer nations having stricter requirements. Countries that fail to meet targets can buy carbon credits, potentially costing billions, with Germany and Italy facing particularly high costs. With many countries likely to miss their goals, there could also be a shortage of available credits, driving up prices. Countries were expected to submit new National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs) on 30 June but just four met the deadline - Netherlands, Denmark, Finland and Sweden. The ESR is a key measure in these plans but just a few countries anticipated that they would meet their targets in their draft texts. Only six - Croatia, Czechia, Hungary, Luxembourg, Slovenia and Spain - got a clear pass mark from the Commission which assesses the plans. Is there still time for these countries to rectify their government policies and meet their 2030 targets? #EU #news #europe #emissionstarget #ESR #sustainability #greenfuture #circulareconomy

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    🌍 The power industry took the lead as the world's top CO₂ emitter in 2022, contributing a staggering 38% to global emissions. The transportation sector wasn't far behind, at just over 20%. This is according to a survey conducted by the European Commission. Since 2000, CO₂ emissions from the global power sector have soared by more than 50%, surpassing 14 billion metric tons annually. Who are the biggest emitters? 🇨🇳 As the world’s largest electricity consumer, China is also the biggest contributor to global power sector emissions by far, generating over 4.7 GtCO₂ in 2022, mainly from coal-fired plants. The United States follows in second place. China, however, wasn't always the world's biggest emitter, but rapid economic growth and industrialisation in recent decades have seen emissions soar. Since 1990, CO₂ emissions in China have increased by more than 400%. In comparison, U.S. CO₂ emissions have fallen by 2.6%. 🏭 Since 1990, global CO₂ emissions have increased by more than 60%. #infographic #statistics #data #climatechange #CO2Emissions #powerindustry #sustainability #circulareconomy

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    👚 What impact will Shein's €200m circularity fund have on the fashion industry in the EU and UK? 👗 Vote in our #polloftheweek 📊 Online fast fashion platform, Shein, announced that it will set up a €200m circularity fund in the EU and UK in a bid to create a future-proofed fashion industry. The platform will need to comply with the Digital Services Act by the end of August. The Singapore-based company said it will help businesses throughout Europe and the UK developing next-generation technologies and solutions, by investing in start-ups working with recycled materials innovation and entering commercial partnerships with start-ups that work in recycled materials. How impactful do you think this will be? 🤔 🎯 Significant positive impact, driving sustainability and innovation 🎯 Moderate impact, some improvements in recycling and circularity 🎯 Minimal impact, limited to a few start-ups 🎯 No impact, a marketing strategy without real change #Sustainability #FashionInnovation #CircularEconomy #Recycling #DigitalServicesAct #FashionIndustry #EU #EUPolicy #EURegulations

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