Dateninfrastruktur und -analytik

Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg 3.958 Follower:innen

Next Level of Quantum Computing and Quantum Sensing.


Schlüsseltechnologie. Schlüsselfertig. QANT - Quantentechnologie ist unsere Kompetenz, unsere Leidenschaft – und die Schlüsseltechnologie der Zukunft. Mit revolutionären Photonik-Lösungen machen wir die Quantentechnologie industriell nutzbar und eröffnen damit ungeahnte Möglichkeiten im Bereich der Sensorik, der bildgebenden Technologie und der Datensicherheit. So sichern wir unseren Kunden das entscheidende Q.ANTum Wettbewerbsvorteil. Nutzen Sie unseren Vorsprung und sichern auch Sie sich Ihren Spitzenplatz in der Welt von morgen - mit QANT.

Dateninfrastruktur und -analytik
51–200 Beschäftigte
Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg
Quantum, Quantum Technology, Photonics, Laser, Lightsources, Quantumsensing und Quantum Photonic Computing


Beschäftigte von Q.ANT GmbH


  • Unternehmensseite von Q.ANT GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    🎉 Celebrating our #greatteam: Partying deep-tech development 🌞 In the good tradition of wrapping up another fiscal year, it was time to celebrate our team with the annual summer party - an evening dedicated to the Q.ANTies, recognizing our successes, showing appreciation and gratitude towards each other and enjoying some well-deserved fun with yummy food, drinks and dance! The best: we keep the tradition alive, that summer parties are organized by Q.ANTies. So we defined additional roles. We have a DJ, we have an MC and we have a Chef 👨🍳 Take a glimpse at https://qant.com/career/ what other cool positions we have in store. And of course: This was the start into a new Q.ANT year. Stay tuned to learn about the big things this incredible team achieves next 🚀 And Kudos to the #greatteam for your dedication and contributions to bring Q.ANT’s vision to life. #QANT #innovation #success #team #photonics #quantumsensing #photoniccomputing #nativesensing #nativecomputing

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  • Unternehmensseite von Q.ANT GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    Online talk LTC Uni Hannover - Revolutionizing Satellite Communication with Quantum Gyroscopes 🛰 Our quantum physicist, Lara Torralbo-Campo, shared insights on the groundbreaking Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung BMBF project QYRO in an online talk to PhD students and postdocs from the Institute for Quantum Optics at Leibniz Universität Hannover. QYRO aims to develop space-qualified quantum gyroscopes used to precisely control the orientation of CubeSat communication satellites. These high-precision quantum gyroscopes have the potential to outperform current satellite orientation technologies in the future enabling a global, infrastructure-independent internet access 🌍   In her role as project manager of QYRO, Lara emphasized the crucial collaboration between research and industry when developing such groundbreaking technologies and shared her own journey: From wanting to become an astronaut as a kid, she worked as a quantum physicist in academia and is now industrializing quantum sensing for space at Q.ANT. A childhood dream almost come true 👩🚀   A big thank you to Leibniz University Hannover and especially to Dr. Leilani Torres for organizing this engaging talk. Learn more about QYRO here: https://lnkd.in/eidcjNm2 #quantumtechnology #quantumsensing #qyroscope #satellite 

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  • Unternehmensseite von Q.ANT GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    🚀 Revolutionizing Tech and shaping the Future: Q.ANT at YAO Conference 2024! Redefining photonic computing and quantum sensing? Q.ANT connects with 🔗 Young Atom Opticians in Strasbourg, July 2-3, 2024! 🔬 Where Innovation Happens: Main lecture hall, Institut de Science et d'Ingénierie Supramoléculaires (ISIS), Esplanade. Meet with the Q.ANTies Joy and Tobias at the Q.ANT booth. 💡 What’s up? Q.ANT is pushing the boundaries of technology by harnessing the power of light to empower AI and unveil hidden spheres, making the world smarter. Our innovations span across various sectors, from #HPC and #AI Inference to #medical tech. And especially for the YAO participants: Learn about our open positions and how you can contribute tour mission. 🗣 YAO Insider's Perspective: July 2nd, 1:30-2:00 pm Tobias' talk on our groundbreaking #NativeComputing and #NativeSensing concepts! Learn how we natively implement efficient matrix-vector multiplications for #AI #Inference and low-energy #HPC by leveraging the parallelism of light. Experience the precise measurement of human bio signals with our magnetic sensor for advanced human-machine interfaces and medtech applications. 🌍 YAOs - Join Our Mission: At Q.ANT, we're seeking brilliant minds to help us rewrite the rules of technology. Are you ready to make your mark? Have a look at our career page upfront: www.qant.com/career and 🤝 Let's Connect! #YAO2024 #QANT #nativecomputing #nativesensing #Photonics #AI #HPC #InnovationLeaders #QuantumPhysics #JoinQANT

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  • Unternehmensseite von Q.ANT GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    Thank you Falling Walls Foundation for highlighting our achievements! We are more dedicated than ever to advance photonic computing and sensing for a positive impact on industry and our everyday life. Let's continue breaking the ground to photonic data generation and data processing 🚀 #photonics #quantumsensing #photoniccomputing #innovation

    Unternehmensseite von Falling Walls Foundation anzeigen, Grafik

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    Meet Q.ANT one of the 2022 winners in the Science Start-Ups (#FallingWallsVenture) category. They develop technologies and products in photonic sensing and computing with a wide range of groundbreaking applications, such as: ·      Enhancing the daily lives of disabled individuals with intuitive prosthesis control ·      Promoting education via global internet access through precise satellite orientation ·      Boosting sustainability by reducing energy consumption in supercomputing applications like Machine Learning „What drives me is watching the team at Q.ANT pushing the boundaries of what is technologically feasible every day a little more.“ – shared Dr. Michael Förtsch, CEO at Q.ANT. Q.ANT’s unique approach in photonic sensing and computing enhances data generation and processing. With their photonic approach to computing, Q.ANT wants to make matrix-vector multiplications more efficient to significantly boost deep neural networks and enable previously unattainable AI applications. In sensing, Q.ANT uses photonics to allow measuring formerly unmeasurable phenomena. Their latest breakthrough is a new type of human-machine interface, enabling intuitive prosthesis control by detecting and analyzing tiny magnetic fields from muscle signals. Learn more here: https://lnkd.in/dp_qZeS9 👉 Swipe through the slides to learn about Michael Förtsch’s entrepreneurial journey and vision at Q.ANT. To learn more, watch Michael Förtsch’s pitch at the #FallingWalls Science Summit 2022 here: https://lnkd.in/dDXRNq5g Many thanks to TRUMPF GmbH Co. KG for nominating Q.ANT as a #ScienceBreakthrough of the year 2022.  #quantumtechnology #photoniccomputing #quantumsensing #photonics #innovation #FallingWalls

  • Unternehmensseite von Q.ANT GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    Developing deep tech like photonic quantum technology for sure requires brilliant physicists, engineers and software specialists. BUT: Skilled marketers, product managers, sales, HR, and finance talents who drive commercialization of deep tech products are just as important. 🚀 We were delighted to welcome over 20 Digital Business Management students from DHBW Stuttgart at Q.ANT. While the young specialists in their field learned about the technical aspects of photonic quantum technology from our expert Dr. Gerald Waldherr, Yohini Balaji provided an excellent overview of job opportunities for business students and young professionals in a deep tech start-up. Maybe we’ll cross paths with one or the other some day… Find out which vacancies we have at Q.ANT: https://qant.com/career/ A big thank you to DHBW and especially Prof. Dr. Uwe Schmid for integrating future-focused topics like quantum technology into the curriculum, allowing students to engage with deep tech early on and bridge the gap between academia and industry. #quantumtechnology #students #deeptech #innovation #career #QANT

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  • Unternehmensseite von Q.ANT GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    Advancing technologies to next levels is always a joint achievement - with strong partnerships and networks as the foundation. With QVLS | Quantum Valley Lower Saxony, Q.ANT has affiliated to a platform that brings together specialists in the field, mutually inspiring each other to drive and develop quantum technologies in sensing and computing. We’re very much looking forward to push quantum technology - together!      #QANT #quantumtechnology #QVLS #network #Partnership #QuantumValleyLowerSaxony

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  • Unternehmensseite von Q.ANT GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    Ahoi Hamburg, bye-bye #ISC24 👋 Thanks for a great conference and exhibition, many interesting talks and discussions on photonic computing for matrix-vector multiplications suited for #AI and neural networks increasing energy efficiency, the chance for the first exhibitors’ pitch with Carsten Raven, to deepen insights into the fascinating #HPC industry with its chances and challenges and networking with great people. See you again! #QANT #PhotonicComputing

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  • Unternehmensseite von Q.ANT GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    #ISC24: Last day, last chance to find out more on photonic computing made by Q.ANT. Meet Carsten Raven, Yashoj Shakya, Ph.D., Martin Rejman, Amir Najafgholi and Joerg Kochendoerfer at booth F50, get insights and see&feel&touch working technology with our photonic processors solving Matrix-Vector Multiplications for #AI and neural networks - while increasing energy efficiency and speed. #QANT #PhotonicComputing #HPC

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  • Unternehmensseite von Q.ANT GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    The HPC world 🌍 turns around #ISC24 in Hamburg this week - Get a glimpse of Q.ANT Photonic Computing at booth F50 for accelerated data processing and reduced energy consumption! Discover the complete value chain from chip to processor. Make a live experience with our 👉 chips based on our thin film lithium niobate platform 👉 photonic integrated circuits 👉 photonic processors performing Matrix-Vector Multiplications Especially the way to more energy-efficient #AI is to make Matrix-Vector Multiplications more energy-efficient - Let's talk at booth F50! #QANT #PhotonicComputing #HPC #ISC24

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  • Unternehmensseite von Q.ANT GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    Curtain up for our Magnetic Field Sensor! 👩 Our Q.ANTie Katharina will be speaking today on the Tech Transfer Conference Stage at the #HM24 HANNOVER MESSE about  sensing finest magnetic fields and electric currents as well as potential applications - with the paradigm shift for human machine interface as a highlight use case. For the first time, the quantum-based #sensor gives native and intuitive access to biosignals via their magnetic field. For example, it can be used to control prostheses via muscle signals. 🤳🏻💪 Sounds exciting? 🙂 Then come to the Tech Stage, 4:10 to 4:30 p.m., Hall 2, Stand B02: https://lnkd.in/ekpAaY2E See you there!  #HM24  #quantumtechnologies #sensing #photonics

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