PreZero International

PreZero International


Neckarsulm, Baden-Württemberg 15.521 Follower:innen

PreZero – New thinking for a cleaner tomorrow.


Where others see waste, we see valuable material. We at PreZero have dedicated ourselves to one goal: closing loops. With our three business units, Dual System, Recovery and Recycling, we want to preserve resources and reduce the amount of nonreusable waste to zero – PreZero. We are part of the Schwarz Group with the retail trading companies Kaufland and Lidl. The family business based in Germany is one of the largest retail trading companies in the world and has recognized the problems that result from the immense use of plastic and wants to take them on. Whoever puts plastic into circulation also has the responsibility for its recycling. Our environmental services do not stop at borders. Everyday our locations in Europe and the USare designing sustainable, efficient solutions for the future. We consider ourselves a modern recovery and recycling company that creates added value – for our customers, employees, and for the environment and society. PreZero – New thinking for a cleaner tomorrow.

10.001 Beschäftigte
Neckarsulm, Baden-Württemberg
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)
Recycling, Dual System und Circular Economy


Beschäftigte von PreZero International


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    🌾How Your Leftovers Can Light Up Your Home 💡   What if we reimagined our kitchen scraps and garden clippings as fuel for powering homes?   In our latest blog post, we take a closer look at the untapped potential of organic waste and #innovativesolutions for its management. From advanced composting systems to #biogas production, find out how you can turn "waste" into valuable resources. Learn more about the following topics:   🔋 How some regions are harnessing organic waste for local energy production   🛠️ The latest technologies designed to manage modern urban waste   ♻️ The role of businesses, communities, and individuals in closing the #recycling loop   Get in on the conversation on sustainable #wastemanagement! Your compost pile might just be the key to a cleaner tomorrow!   🔗 Read the full story here:

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    Achieving the Vision Zero Waste – Are You Ready?♻️ New regulations like the #CSRD and the European Green Deal demand businesses to increase resource efficiency, avoid unecessary wastage and reduce carbon footprints. That means the time to rethink and refine strategies for many companies is now. Adopting #ZeroWaste practices can transform your operations and elevate your sustainability goals to new heights. But do you know where your company currently stands? Take advantage of our free Zero Waste Maturity Scan! In just five minutes, answer 13 targeted questions across six categories and gain immediate insights into your current practices. What You'll Receive: 🏆 Your Performance Result – to understand where you excel and where there's room for improvement. 📊 A Detailed Spider Chart Analysis – to visualize your performance across various dimensions. 📈 Category-Specific Scores – to understand your strengths and weaknesses in specific areas. 💡 Personalized Improvement Tips – to receive actionable suggestions tailored to your sustainability efforts. 🕒 Why wait? Click here to start now and discover where you stand!

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  • Unternehmensseite von PreZero International anzeigen, Grafik

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    ♻ Paper Towels in a Loop: PreZero's New Cooperation with Tork 🤝 PreZero has established another strong partnership. Known for such brands as Tempo and Zewa, Essity and its @Tork brand have teamed up with PreZero to recycle paper towels from sanitary facilities. 🥇 Tork PaperCircle® is the world's first paper towel recycling service, developed by Essity. While Essity handles the separation of used materials, we ensure they are sustainably recycled into new paper towels. This reduces the overall carbon footprint by 40%* and residual waste by approximately 20%. The service is already available in several European markets. 🎤 "A truly sustainable value chain is only possible when all stakeholders work together. To develop more environmentally friendly processes, we rely on inspiration and collaboration with cross-industry partners. This maximizes our impact on the path to Zero Waste," says Dietmar Böhm, Member of the Board at PreZero International. 💚 At PreZero, we are committed to integrating social responsibility into every aspect of our business, including our processes and models. We are proud to partner with leading companies like Essity in our mission to drive positive change.

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  • Unternehmensseite von PreZero International anzeigen, Grafik

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    When Politics Meets Circular Economy – Political Visit in Germany 🤝 ♻ Representatives from business and politics met yesterday at PreZero Pyral GmbH in Freiberg, Saxony - one of Germany’s largest aluminium recyclers. The meeting’s focus was to explore how the circular economy can reinforce the competitive advantage of Saxony and Germany as a business location. 💬 In addition to a tour of the site, including the plant where collected #aluminium waste is processed, a dialog between the various stakeholders took place. Among other things, the experts addressed and discussed issues related to the recycling of aluminum products and packaging. We are delighted that PreZero Pyral is part of this important conversation between the political and business sectors. It is through collaborative effort that we can collectively shape the future and drive the #circulareconomy forward. PreZero Deutschland

    Unternehmensseite von PreZero Deutschland anzeigen, Grafik

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    𝗔𝘂𝘀𝘁𝗮𝘂𝘀𝗰𝗵 𝘀𝘁ä𝗿𝗸𝗲𝗻, 𝗭𝘂𝗸𝘂𝗻𝗳𝘁 𝗴𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗹𝘁𝗲𝗻 🎯 Bei PreZero Pyral GmbH im sächsischen Freiberg – einem der größten Aluminiumrecycler Deutschlands – trafen sich gestern Vertreter aus Wirtschaft und Politik. Im Fokus dabei: Wie kann die Kreislaufwirtschaft den Wirtschaftsstandort Sachsen und Deutschland stärken?   💬 Nach Besichtigung des Standorts inklusive Anlage, in der gesammelte Aluminiumabfälle aufbereitet werden, ging es in den Dialog: Gemeinsam mit Teilnehmern aus Die Wirtschaftsvereinigung der Grünen e.V. und Grüner Wirtschaftsdialog e.V. wurden unter anderem Fragen rund um das Recycling von Aluminiumprodukten und -verpackungen thematisiert und diskutiert.   ♻️ Die Synergieeffekte der #CircularEconomy zeigen sich auf verschiedenen Ebenen – ökonomisch, ökologisch und monetär. Deshalb verfolgen wir bei PreZero das Ziel eines Systemwandels von der linearen zur zirkulären Wertschöpfung. Dazu bedarf es konkreter Impulse und Maßnahmen, um die Transformation der Wirtschaft hin zu mehr #Nachhaltigkeit und Ressourcenschonung zu schaffen. Zudem trägt die Kreislaufwirtschaft zu einer sicheren Rohstoffversorgung bei.   🤝 Nicht nur an unserem Standort in Freiberg, sondern auch an unseren bundesweit rund 120 Standorten, ist das Thema für uns eine Herzensangelegenheit. Wir freuen uns daher sehr über den Besuch – vielen Dank für diesen inspirierenden Austausch! 

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    🛡️ Future-Proof Your Organization with PreZero’s Guide to Circularity Learn how to optimize your business for #sustainability with PreZero's latest free #guide. This comprehensive roadmap lays out #circulareconomy principles already adopted by industry leaders who have significantly reduced their environmental impact. Why is this important? 📈 Understand the escalating demands for sustainable practices ⚠️ Discover the risks of outdated models and strategies to avoid them 📚 Identify practical steps for transitioning to a circular economy 🚧 Overcome common challenges with expert advice 🛣️ Implement a proven eight-step roadmap to boost sustainability and profitability 🌍 Gain insights from success stories of leading companies like #Lidl and #COMPO Who should read this guide? The guide is ideal for business owners, sustainability managers, professionals in strategic planning and environmental initiatives, or anyone looking to adopt more circular business models. 🔗 Download your free guide now Visit our landing page to get your copy and start transforming your business today!

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  • Unternehmensseite von PreZero International anzeigen, Grafik

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    📦 Introducing the Next Generation of Combination Packaging – PreZero and DS Smith's Easy Bowl PET 🌱 We're excited to team up with DS Smith to bring you our latest co-innovation, the Easy Bowl PET. Made from corrugated cardboard and plastic, this innovative #packaging is perfect for storing meats and convenience foods. Why Choose Easy Bowl PET? 💡 Superior Design Each component is designed to automatically disassemble in recycling facilities, making it easier to recycle both the paper (PPK) and plastic (PET) parts properly. ✅ Expert Validation Thanks to PreZero's expertise in consulting and real-life sorting tests, this product is engineered to be effectively recycled in everyday conditions. 👍 Consumer-Friendly It simplifies recycling by naturally guiding users on how to separate the components. This is important, as typically only 10%-30% of consumers recycle as recommended. The Easy Bowl PET addresses major #recycling challenges with its #smartdesign, redefining plastic reduction and functionality in packaging. 🔗 Learn more about how your business can benefit from this advanced packaging strategy:

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    🗣️PreZero at the AVU Panel Discussion At the recent event hosted by AVU Allianz Verpackung und Umwelt e.V., PreZero had the privilege of joining a critical panel discussion alongside some representatives from Nestlé and the European Commission. Our conversation focused on the new European Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR) and its far-reaching implications for businesses and organizations in the #packagingindustry. 📦The #PPWR has introduced new stringent requirements for tracking, analyzing, and reporting packaging data. To overcome this administrative obstacle, PreZero underscored the necessity of embracing digital solutions and innovative business models to deal with these new challenges effectively and efficiently. Our PreZero SPOT, in cooperation with Packaging Cockpit, is a perfect example of how technology can help alleviate the weight of administrative processes and reduce the bureaucratic burden on companies. 🔐Our key takeaway: Although the PPWR is a crucial milestone for the #circulareconomy in Europe, both Nestlé and PreZero agree that the work has just begun, and many challenges still lie ahead. The European Commission must develop the necessary acts to facilitate this transition and meet the new requirements, and we need timely and substantial investments to meet the recycled content quotas for plastic packaging by 2030. 🙌It was an insightful and fruitful event that has reaffirmed PreZero’s role as a valued partner in the industry. We are proud to be some of the key contributors in these discussions, alongside Nestlé, EU representatives, and AVU. At the same time, we continue to remain at the forefront, supporting businesses in navigating these changes and reinforcing our role as a trusted partner in #sustainablepackaging. Stay connected for more #PackagingInsights and updates from PreZero.

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  • Unternehmensseite von PreZero International anzeigen, Grafik

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    What does the PPWR mean for you? PreZero Dual breaks it down! 🔄 The new Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR) has brought about many changes and challenges. So, what are the new restrictions and requirements for designing and participating in the sales packaging system in Europe today and in the years to come? 👥 Our experts from #PreZeroDual and #PreZeroSustainablePackaging have answered these and many other related questions in an engaging, four-part online seminar series. We are excited to see such great interest, positive feedback, and active participation in our seminar. 📦 All four seminar sessions are designed for businesses and individuals bringing system-relevant #packaging into the marked. The main topics covered in the seminar include breaking down the essential aspects of the #PPWR, identifying three crucial areas of action for all involved parties, and introducing PreZero’s solutions for these specific challenges. Attention all German-speaking followers 👉 Have you missed the seminar but still want to learn more about the topic? Just send an email to [email protected] to get access to the recordings of all four seminar sessions.

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  • Unternehmensseite von PreZero International anzeigen, Grafik

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    🌍 Strategies for a Circular Economy – What Businesses Need to Know With the #EuropeanGreenDeal spearheading sustainable business practices, circularity is now essential for any forward-thinking company. In our latest blog article, we explain why reducing waste, optimizing resources, and revitalizing recycling processes are vital for the planet and every organization’s bottom line. 📈 What You Will Learn: 🎯 The European Green Deal's Ambitious Targets Understand the new recycling rates and climate goals set by the Green Deal, and what they mean for your business. 🌟 Success Stories from Industry Leaders Get inspired by companies like COMPO and PreZero Portugal that are pioneering eco-friendly practices and reaping numerous benefits. 🤝 The Role of Strategic #Partnerships Find out how collaborations can accelerate your #circulareconomy goals and position your company as a #sustainability leader. Integrating circularity into your business strategy not only contributes to a healthier planet, but also increases your competitive edge. For valuable insights and practical steps on how to achieve this, click the link to read the full article🔗

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