Politics for Tomorrow

Politics for Tomorrow


Berlin, Berlin 3.497 Follower:innen

Innovatives Arbeiten in Politik und Verwaltung • inspirieren, umsetzen und vernetzen •


Politics for Tomorrow is a nonpartisan #psinnovation initiative boosting #transformativedesign capacity in German public sector for #OpenGov #RRI #SDGs, kicked off by www.nextlearning.de in 2015 Our mission is to strengthen transformative competencies for public value creation in individuals and organisations. By supporting civil representatives to actively shape the evolution of state-citizen interaction, we aim to bridge disciplinary and hierarchical silos in order to take joint actions for participatory processes and democratic innovation. We work towards a cultural shift in the political-administrative context by empowering our partners with methodologies that unlock the potential for collaborative, creative and impact-oriented action. Our learning approach is based on real challenges, unleashing collective intelligence and experimentation in order to generate viable solutions. In 2015, we were pioneers in promoting these design principles and methods in policy-making in Germany by hosting a remarkable conference on this topic in Berlin: https://www.nextlearning.de/projects/innovative-approaches-in-policy-making As members of the Open Government Partnership Network in Germany, we actively support the idea that governments must become more transparent to whom they are serving and more inclined to engage in dialogue and co-creation activities with their public. Our references in Germany include partnerships with the Federal Chancellery, the Federal Ministry for the Environment, the Federal Employment Agency, the Federal Environment Agency, the Ministry for Equality and Social Affairs in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, the Rural District Office of Munich, the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, the Heinrich Böll Foundation, the Federation of German Scientists, the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Science, or the Free University of Berlin. https://www.politicsfortomorrow.eu

2–10 Beschäftigte
Berlin, Berlin
Personengesellschaft (OHG, KG, GbR etc.)
Public Sector Innovation, 21st Century Learning, Co-Creation, Responsibe Research and Innovation, Open Government und Transformation Design


Beschäftigte von Politics for Tomorrow


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    Join us on August 2nd for the public 7x100 quarterly https://lnkd.in/dhAQ5-EH Since 2022, we are prototyping #10x100 as an operating mode for #AgileTransformation with Dark Matter Labs and a wider partner network RISD Center for Complexity, PLAN B 2030 e.V., European Forum Alpbach, Creative Bureaucracy Festival and many others. Reliable alliances collaborating for transformative action are key to large-scale systemic change. The functionality of such alliances is influenced by the individuals that build it – with all their facets from productive to slacking; from integrative to separational; from partnership to dominance etc. Transformation alliances are particularly fraught with the difficulties of the individual, as the transformation becomes personal for each member. From gender to colonialism – we all carry the legacy of old power structures within us. Shaking up extractive patterns creates friction, cracks, and stress. Initiatives that started in a motivated and mission-oriented manner can turn into mistrusting and disabled environments when external claims aren't met with an internal culture that connects the necessary #macroshifts with embodied #microactions. ATTENTION, as a currency for change, has a broad influence on the invisible power structures within these alliances. While our modern attention economy is optimized for privileged individuals, transformation alliance are confronted with giving voice to #posthuman realities – humans alive today, future generations, the biosphere … Living with this tension, we dedicate the 7x100 quarterly to exploring: How do we form alliances with people and actors who • behave dominantly • control resources  • are traumatized - like ourselves? Together, we dive into questions around how to engage with violence, conflict, and pain in settings that are aspire to be mindful, connecting, regenerating: ✴ Can seemingly negative qualities like violence, conflict, and pain serve as catalysts for change? ✴ Do these challenges reveal underlying structural issues that need to be addressed? ✴ How can we approach disharmony as an integral part of the process rather than seeing it as a failure to be avoided? ✴ What does it take to face moments of tension – unavoidable and uncomfortable as they may be – with an openness for learning? The outcome of this meeting will include practical strategies for working together with greater awareness of our imperfections. This could be specific ideas i.e. for designing a Memorandum of Understanding that acknowledges these challenges upfront and outlines ways to navigate them constructively. Many humans are working in this space already! We are grateful for your inspiration (see comments) and invite you to add further examples.

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    Unternehmensseite von Faktor D anzeigen, Grafik

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    Jetzt live: Das Programm für Mitmacht 2024 ist da! 📣   Zwei Schwerpunkte des Festivals sind die gesellschaftliche Teilhabe und Demokratie in der digitalen Welt: von systemischen Lösungsstrategien gegen Desinformation über Mittel gegen die politische Ohnmacht bis hin zu innovativen Finanzierungsmodellen. Entdecke jetzt unser Programm und sichere dir dein Ticket: Links im ersten Kommentar.   Mitmacht 2024 👉 Vom 04. bis 06. September in Ingolstadt 👉 Mit ca. 100 Akteur*innen aus dem gesamten DACH-Raum 👉 Tickets ab sofort erhältlich   Caroline Paulick-Thiel, Henrike Arlt, Katja Jäger, Rebecca Panian, Andrew Holland, Sonja Schäffler, Dr. Teresa Torzicky, Kathrin Braun, Tobias Spöri, Linda Simon, YEP Austria, Stiftung Mercator Schweiz, Politics for Tomorrow, Fremde werden Freunde ... und viele weitere.

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    Unternehmensseite von CityLAB Berlin anzeigen, Grafik

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    Mit der #CityLABSommerkonferenz 2024 sind wir nun ganz offiziell fünf Jahre alt geworden! 🎂 Zu unserem Jubiläum haben wir Unterstützer:innen und Partner:innen gefragt, was Innovationslabore für Städte leisten können, was ihnen in der Zusammenarbeit mit uns wichtig ist und was sie sich für die kommenden Jahre wünschen. 🙏 Für ihre Antworten, den Support und das Teilen ihrer Expertise bedanken wir uns heute herzlich bei: 💬 Caroline Paulick-Thiel, Mitgründern und Direktorin Politics for Tomorrow 💬 Sascha Friesike, Professor an der Universität der Künste Berlin, Direktor am Weizenbaum-Institut für die vernetzte Gesellschaft & Mitglied des CityLAB-Beirats 💬 Katharina Schlüter, Geschäftsführerin Changing Cities e.V. 💬 Tobias Schulze Mitglied des Abgeordnetenhaus von Berlin (Berlin State Assembly), Sprecher für Wissenschaft, Gesundheit und Digitalisierung bei Linksfraktion Berlin 💬 Lisa Steigertahl, Lead Innovation Strategist Microsoft 💬 Johannes Kraft, Mitglied des Abgeordnetenhaus von Berlin (Berlin State Assembly), Sprecher für Verkehr und Mobilität CDU Berlin 💬 Jutta Lautenschlager, Geschäftsführerin GOVMEN GmbH & Mitglied des CityLAB-Beirats Damit sagen wir: Volle Kraft voraus, auf die kommenden fünf Jahre! 💪 👀 Wie unser Team im CityLAB auf prägende Momente und Pläne für die Zukunft blickt, erfahrt Ihr in diesem Sammelinterview: https://lnkd.in/etBawuv9. #SmartCity #Digitalisierung #Verwaltungsinnovation #Prototyping #OpenData

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    Regenerative Landwirtschaft contra Ernährungssicherheit? Stehen die Interessen der Bauern gegen die Interessen von unseren Kindern? Kann eine Partei in diesen Auseinandersetzungen gewinnen? Leben ist ein komplexes Spiel - ohne eindeutige Gewinner und Verlierer. Es lebt durch Partnerschaften, Symbiosen, Dynamiken und Gleichgewichte. Wer diese gegenseitigen Abhängigkeiten außer Acht lässt, kann nur verlieren. Früher oder später. Wir alle können dann nur verlieren. In unserer Arbeit müssen wir immer wieder neu erkennen, wie wichtig es ist, die vielfältigen Problemwahrnehmungen in gemeinsame Lernprozesse einzubinden, um einen relevanten Umgang mit Komplexität zu finden und aktuelle Strategien und Maßnahmenpläne entsprechend anzupassen. Was sind Eure Erfahrungen? Wie können Städte und ihre (Bio)regionen  zentrale Ansätze für das Lösen dieses gordischen Knotens liefern? Welche Projekte kennt ihr, die den Umgang mit Komplexität für verschiedene Interessensgruppen ermöglichen? #MultileverCityBioregions  #RegenerativeSettlement #ParticipatoryProcess

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  • Unternehmensseite von Politics for Tomorrow anzeigen, Grafik

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    15 participants, 9 Countries, 1 unifying topic: Public Service Design We look back on a week of intense learning experience with a team from Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH Good Governance Cluster in South-Eastern Europe, Caucasus & Central Asia. We gave a training on the topic of Public Service Design - working together through topics like systemic problem analysis, participation, innovation facets, prototyping in a public environment and many more. We want to share some highlights from this week with you: 🤝Working on International Development Cooperation, this study visit showed again that the cooperation part should be emphasized - especially when it comes to digital services. The countries in the region are often more advanced than similar services in Germany. We can learn from each other and discussions highlighted that… 1️⃣… different institutional settings can lead to different outcomes. Germany with it’s 10.752 Municipalities has difficulties to roll out one collective solution for digital infrastructure while in Armenia it was possible to introduce one solution for all municipalities outside the capital. 🖥️We have discussed the problem of sustainable implementation of new digital services. They prove difficult because of dependencies on external providers of digital know-how, both in the German and the regional context. Problems include difficulties to develop In-House-Capabilities due to the wages of developers, the personalization of open-data to the individual context and legacy projects. But… 💡…not all services need to be digitized. Working on a clear problem understanding also showed that the problems are often not solved by digital interventions only. While digital tools can help to make services more efficient, it is necessary to gain a deep understanding of the problem to not create an intervention to the wrong problem. We spent a lot of time at the Workshop “getting the problem right” 🤲We saw that all of these dynamics unfolding in all its beauty during our study visits to our wonderful partners: Louise Kreuschner of the Digital-Zebra at the Zentral- und Landesbibliothek Berlin showed us how the digital an analogous world can be bridged and extreme users can be included through meeting providing face to face services. Emma Gollhardt at AG.URBAN with the project KiezKassen gave us an insight into participatory budgeting of Treptow Köpenik, where citizens can propose projects and receive directs funds from the Municipality Dr. Niklas Kossow from the CityLAB Berlin gave us an insight into the innovation lab of the city of berlin - both into their exploratory projects and their work with the GD:B Community helping to bring public service design to model projects Dr. Bernd Peper - hosted us at Sopra Steria and gave us an insight into digitalisation in the german administration - fascinating us with insights about the future of AI and it’s application to the public sector.

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  • Unternehmensseite von Politics for Tomorrow anzeigen, Grafik

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    We are grateful for a profound week of learning! Tapping into existing strategies, developing approaches for shifting the status quo. Meeting so many beautiful, warm and brilliant people and we ask ourselves: How can we report on all the wonderful encounters and initiatives so that we can infect as many people as possible with ideas and networks? Moving beyond fear-mongering world views that produces quick, counterproductive fake answers, spurring polarisation... Just because many sociopaths end up in the (most influential) 1% and then claim that people are selfish and bad doesn't make them so! People can joyfully care, nurture, re-search, and create together –  a reality we experienced once again at the Creative Bureaucracy Festival Academy space: our forum for #BureaucraticActivism. Kudos to all participants, facilitators and hosts! 🙏🏽 🌸 💜 Thank you for your passion, your energy, your shared experiences, your curiosity, your commitment to preservation and regeneration! Here are some of outstanding insights from the sessions, which we will explore in more depth over the coming weeks: 1️⃣ A regenerative world begins with bold actions today, we can move beyond talking about challenging starting points. 2️⃣ We need many approaches that run in parallel, complement each other, correct each other. 3️⃣ Even or especially top experts have to keep learning how to work well together across different areas and levels of expertise. 4️⃣ This cooperation is also essential in our neighbourhoods and work areas - even across trans- and interdisciplinary networks. 5️⃣ Our bones hold ancient wisdom of working harmoniously with non-human entities to preserve our planet's habitability. 6️⃣ Adaptability to challenges like climate change is the new strategic superpower for every administrative unit. 7️⃣ LOL has a new meaning: Learning out loud! We look forward to unfolding this expanded understanding of a transformative democracy and administration – together with you. #CBF24 #CreativeBureaucracy #Innovation #GlobalCollaboration #OeffentlichesGestalten #DemocratisingTransformation

    • Justin W. Cook giving an introduction for the 2. Session
    • Facilitator Blasius Walch with his group in Session 1
    • We loved the hyperfocussed atmosphere!
    • Niels Johan Ulrik Jakobsen explaining the new meaning of LOL
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    Unternehmensseite von CityLAB Berlin anzeigen, Grafik

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    📣 Nächste Woche ist es so weit: Unsere #CityLABSommerkonferenz 2024 steht an! Während wir noch fleißig hinter den Kulissen wirbeln, um uns allen einen unvergesslichen Tag mit viel Input, Austausch und frischen Ideen im Haus Ungarn zu bescheren, möchten wir Euch nun einladen, einen Blick ins Programm werfen! 📝 In diesem Blogbeitrag teilen wir Einblicke in einige Highlights, Speaker:innen und Abläufe - kurzum ALLES, was Ihr für den 27. Juni wissen müsst: https://lnkd.in/ehWTDbh3. ✅ Noch nicht angemeldet? Dann einmal bitte hier entlang und dabei sein! https://lnkd.in/dfQTYr9K. #CityLABSommerkonferenz2024 #SmartCity #Verwaltungsinnovation #Prototyping Technologiestiftung Berlin Senatskanzlei Berlin

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    Extrapolating the present for democratising futures? Each of us are part of complex, dynamic systems that include ecological, psychological, and social aspects, all bounded by physical limits. Instead of thriving within these systems, we are trying to predict and control them. What will happen if we continue with that? In this #CBF24 session, we will challenge each other with six scenarios that are in need of #BureaucraticActivism: Bioengineered Landscapes Humans reshape nature, merging the organic with the synthetic, creating environments where technology and ecology blend to ensure survival for a privileged group of people. Capital as Primary Means of Governance Financial markets become the primary drivers of policies and societal norms, diminishing the influence of political institutions and democratic processes. Uber Privacy as Key Privilege Privacy becomes a privilege for the wealthy, creating a division where autonomy is a luxury, potentially spurring innovation but also deepening social inequalities. Between Monopoly & Commodity Capitalism The economic frameworks of tomorrow are dominated by hyper-commodification and monopolistic corporations, challenging regulatory frameworks through innovation. Landscapes of Psychogeographies The way we intentionally construct and manage emotional landscapes influences social behaviour and shapes collective consciousness through AI and big data. Climate as New Landscape of War & Peace Geopolitics, defined by environmental control and climate engineering, will manipulate resources and demographics for power, reshaping military and economic strategies. Indy Johar, co-founder of our partner Dark Matter Labs and a globally recognised future and social architect, has designed this session, facilitated with Rojda Tosun, Lukas Kastner, Bettina Tacke, Maciej Krzysztofowicz and Jörg Petzold. Together with you, we will explore the importance of collaboration across bureaucratic levels, building transformation alliances between different sectors and entities – to democratise futures instead of monopolising them. #PlanetaryCivics #DemocratisingTransformation #OeffentlichesGestalten

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    🪡With any societal metamorphosis, resistance is a given. At this time, with the habitability of our planet at stake for many living beings, we have a pretty strong motivation to leave our comfort zone. With democratic structures under fire from extremists and antidemocratic billionaires, we have a responsibility for equipping decision making processes to learn instead of control, enabling more participation in building the most viable transition pathways. Would you agree? How do we engage in times of democratic erosion? Which historic examples can provide inspiring frameworks? This #BureaucraticActivism session at #CBF24 delves into strategies for maintaining organisational integrity and pursuing justice within hostile or challenging bureaucratic environments, where misinformation is inherent.    Together we explore the roles, responsibilities and the division of labour and leadership between politicians and civil servants for securing the democratic agency of their organisations, enabling the evolution of the current status quo. Lene Krogh Jeppesen dedicates her expertise to this important topic, backed by many years of leadership at The Danish Centre for Public-Private Sector Innovation. Supported by Florian Schwendinger, Henrike Arlt, Saraya Gomis, Simon Höher, and Yannick Müller, you are invited to reflect your own experience and develop hacks to creatively resist hate, dominion, and oppression. #TeamCourage #OeffentlichesGestalten #DemocratisingTransformation 

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    Unternehmensseite von Creative Bureaucracy Festival anzeigen, Grafik

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    Get Ready for the Creative Bureaucracy Festival 2024 🚀! The countdown is on 🔜 Gear up for an unforgettable festival experience that awaits you in Berlin on 13 June! 🎟️ Ticket secured? ️ Get them now before they're gone: https://lnkd.in/eMzEkPrW 📋 Plan your day! Explore the streamlined festival programme with all stages, sessions, and timings at a glance: https://bit.ly/CBFschedule 🗺️ Festival map at hand? ️ Navigate the festival with ease & know where to find everything: https://bit.ly/CBFmap 🎪 But wait, there's more! This year's festival goes beyond 4 stages, 4 forums, and even a river cruise! ➤ Network & Relax: Mingle in the dedicated area, unwind in the garden with conversations, or grab a refreshing break with food & coffee. ➤ Spark Inspiration: Explore captivating art installations & a curated book corner. ➤ Connect with Partners: Meet and network with exhibitors in the dedicated area. 🎙 Podcast Recording Spotlight! ️ This year features a brand-new podcast recording space! It allows hosts to invite guests and record interviews for future release. Several podcasts are already booked in, including Futuro Público, Reimagining Government, and Rechtsgespräch. Have a relevant podcast too? A few slots are still open! Apply via ➤ [email protected]. We're already eagerly looking forward to seeing you all very soon 💚 #CBF24 #CreativeBureaucracyFestival #provekafkawrong

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