Physikit 🧩

Physikit 🧩

Krankenhäuser und Gesundheitseinrichtungen

Enabling at-home testing as a service for healthcare providers.


We are a dynamic and fast-growing B2B at-home testing startup – revolutionizing the healthcare industry by providing innovative solutions for at-home testing and digital patient journeys. Our mission is to make biosample testing accessible and convenient, empowering healthcare providers such as pharmaceutical companies, e-health apps, telemedicine platforms, hospitals etc. to create their own at-home sample collection services from test kits to patient portals.

Krankenhäuser und Gesundheitseinrichtungen
2–10 Beschäftigte
Hometesting, At home testing, Dried Blood Spots (DBS), Regulatory & Compliance, HealthTech und Digital Health


Beschäftigte von Physikit 🧩


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    Today is #WorldHepatitisDay , a reminder of the diverse impact of hepatitis on global health. 🌍 It is essential to recognise that hepatitis is not a singular disease but a family of five distinct types: A, B, C, D, and E. Each type has unique transmission routes, diagnostic challenges, and treatment protocols. 🔍 Key Points to Remember: Hepatitis A & E: Spread primarily through contaminated food and water. Often, it is self-limiting, but preventive measures like vaccination and improved sanitation are key. Hepatitis B & D: Transmitted through blood and bodily fluids. Chronic infections can lead to severe liver damage, making vaccination and antiviral treatments critical. Hepatitis C: Bloodborne, often asymptomatic until advanced stages. Direct-acting antivirals have revolutionized treatment, offering cure rates over 95%. 💡 Measures to Fight Hepatitis: Education & Vaccination: Inform patients about the risks and preventive measures for all types of hepatitis. Screening & Diagnosis: Encourage regular testing, especially for high-risk populations, to enable early detection and management. Treatment & Support: Stay updated on the latest treatment protocols and provide comprehensive care and support to those affected. Within the upcoming weeks, we will share some deep dives about the role of #hometesting regarding the different types of hepatitis. At Physikit we are proud to be part of the mission to fight hepatitis by providing innovative testing solutions. To everyone who is part of this mission: thank you for your continued efforts and congrats on all the things you already achieved. 💫 In addition, our thoughts and best wishes are with all the patients who still suffer from one of these serious diseases. 🙏🏻

    • 1.3 million people die each year from hepatitis - and the number of deaths is rising.

Take action.
Get tested.

World Hepatitis Day, 28 July.
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    Delayed diagnosis: a major obstacle in #healthcare. 🏥 Allergies extend far beyond the inconvenience of a runny nose; for many, they pose a substantial challenge that affects various aspects of their daily lives. Neglected allergies worsen over time, increasing the risk of severe attacks and weakening the immune system, leaving you susceptible to infections. According to the Robert Koch Institute, approximately 14.8% of the German population suffers from hay fever. 🤧 However, obtaining timely confirmation of allergies from healthcare professionals can be a significant hurdle, given the prolonged appointment waiting times.  Once diagnosed there are multiple effective ways to manage #allergies: Besides allergen avoidance and symptomatic medications, short-term hyposensitization therapy is recommended outside of allergy season to acclimate the body to pollen and reduce overreactions (ECARF, 2021). Early detection and confirmation of allergies through at-home tests can empower digital #diagnostic pathways and enable patients to kickstart therapy sooner, making a significant difference in allergy management. 🚀

    • Allergies extend far beyond the inconvenience of a runny nose.
  • Unternehmensseite von Physikit 🧩 anzeigen, Grafik

    615 Follower:innen

    Fatigue. Irregular menstrual cycles. Hair loss. Acne. Mood swings. 🚨 These are not just minor nuisances for women, they are indicative of hormonal imbalances—a condition far too common yet frequently overlooked.   Hormonal imbalance occurs when there is an overproduction or underproduction of hormones. Factors like high stress, certain medications and poor diet can throw our hormonal balance off. This issue can affect women at any stage of life, from the reproductive years right through to menopause, making it a widespread concern. 🔍 Left unaddressed, hormonal imbalances can pave the way for more serious conditions such as diabetes, thyroid disorders, and osteoporosis. #Hometesting offers convenient, comfortable, and accessible ways for women to monitor hormonal health and detect imbalances, improving overall well-being. Additionally, the development of new ultra-sensitive analytical methods and innovative collection techniques enhance test accuracy and reliability and solve more and more challenges. 💫 #WomensHealth #Healthcare

    • Women's health: New ways to fight hormonal imbalance!
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    An inspiring experience at analytica in Munich! 🇩🇪 As a central meeting point for the laboratory world, we were delighted to meet our consortium partners HUMAN Doctoral Network in Metabolomics Research Michael Witting Neoteryx Trajan Scientific and Medical and discuss the progress in the field of microsampling. These experiences will help us refine our strategies further and develop innovative solutions for the related challenges. 🚀 In the dynamic environment of Analytica, we were also able to expand our network on dry blood analysis. We are excited to integrate the insights gained into our projects and actively shape the future of the laboratory world! 🧩

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    Colorectal cancer, or bowel cancer, is the second most common cancer in Europe, affecting over 500,000 people annually. The increasing prevalence is linked to an aging population (predominantly impacting those over 50) and lifestyle factors like diet. 🚨 While the prevalence of colorectal cancer is concerning, there is reason for optimism. Since the 1980s, more people are recovering from it because more people are aware and getting screened early. The silver lining in the fight against colorectal cancer lies in its preventability and high treatability when diagnosed early. 💡 Conducting regular screenings at home plays a significant role in identifying potential issues early on, paving the way for personalized care that recognises each patient's unique needs. 🏡 Let's unite in support of prevention, early detection, and regular screenings, for the future. 🧩 #HomeTesting #ColorectalCancerAwarenessMonth #Healthcare

    • March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month
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    A typical scenario during the colder months: medical practices full of patients, the waiting rooms are crowded, and lots of germs. ❄️ This setting is not just uncomfortable but poses a significant risk, especially for vulnerable patients —older adults, individuals with weakened immune systems, infants, and pregnant women.  🚨 #COVID19 pandemic has also heightened concerns about exposure to infectious diseases, prompting many patients to avoid waiting rooms as a precautionary measure. This increased awareness emphasizes the importance of prioritizing safety and minimizing potential risks associated with public spaces. 🦠 In this context, the value of home testing becomes undeniable. It offers a safer alternative, allowing those in need of medical testing to do so without the added risk of exposure to illnesses in public waiting areas. 🏡 #Hometesting transforms healthcare by bringing essential diagnostic processes right into the safety and comfort of the patient’s home. Let's explore its opportunities together! 🧩

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  • Unternehmensseite von Physikit 🧩 anzeigen, Grafik

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    Today, many people face a hidden health challenge: low Vitamin D levels. 🚨 This nutrient helps regulate calcium and phosphate in our bodies, which are crucial for strong bones, teeth, and muscles. Symptoms of deficiency can include increased pain sensitivity and muscle weakness affecting mobility (Yale Medicine, o.D.). 💊 In seasonal countries like Germany, from March to October, our bodies synthesize #VitaminD through sunlight exposure. During winter, reliance shifts to reserves and dietary intake due to reduced sunlight. Yet, Vitamin D-rich foods, such as fatty fish or mushrooms, are not as prevalent in Germany (RKI, 2019). ☀️ To determine whether vitamin D uptake is sufficient, #hometesting is a great solution. This approach helps avoid unnecessary supplementation and ensures symptoms aren't caused by other underlying health issues. At-home tests are especially useful in winter, making it easier to manage health and wellness during every season. 💡 Physikit can guide you in determining the practical applications of home testing today with expertise. Let’s explore the opportunities together! 🧩

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  • Unternehmensseite von Physikit 🧩 anzeigen, Grafik

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    The density of doctors varies significantly between different countries, highlighting disparities in global healthcare. 🌍 These statistics emphasise the urgent need for innovative and accessible healthcare solutions, especially in underserved areas. Developments including #hometesting are empowering individuals in areas with limited access to professional #healthcare, enabling them to proactively take charge of their health. 🏡 Moreover, home testing increases preventive measures, encourages early diagnosis and ultimately saves lives in areas where access to medical professionals is a luxury. 💡 By embracing innovative solutions like home testing, we can pave the way for a future where everyone, regardless of location, has access to quality healthcare. 💫 Let's explore the opportunities together! 🧩

    • Doctors per 10.000 people:
Germany: 44
India: 7
Nigeria: 4
Kenya: 2
Haiti: 2
  • Unternehmensseite von Physikit 🧩 anzeigen, Grafik

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    We are excited to announce that Physikit 🧩 is a member of BioLAGO e.V. – the health network now! 🚀 BioLAGO brings together experts from the high-tech sectors such as medical technology, diagnostics, bioinformatics, and pharmaceuticals including personalised medicine. 💫 We've joined the BioLAGO health network due to their alignment with our values and the collaborative environment that they provided. Our focus is on offering valuable services to #healthcare stakeholders and establishing ourselves as a key player in the DACH region. To achieve this, we see #hometesting programs as essential and aim to enhance our scientific efforts through strategic collaborations within the network. 🤝 We would like to thank the BioLAGO Team in that regard, and we are excited for the future collaborations! 🧩

    • We are a member of BioLAGO Health Network now!

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