
Munich, Bavaria 4.599 Follower:innen

We use aerial photography and AI to develop local forest climate projects companies can invest in. 🌳


OCELL is a Munich-based climate-tech startup that develops local climate projects that are transparent, measurable, and effective. Our mission is to unlock the full potential of forests and make a significant contribution to climate mitigation. To achieve this, we use aerial photographs, data from various sources, and artificial intelligence to create ‘digital twins’ of forests. These provide valuable insights into forest growth, current carbon storage capacity, and other metrics, and enable us to predict optimal forest management strategies. With our state-of-the-art technology and unwavering commitment to data transparency, we ensure the effectiveness of our solutions. Currently, OCELL manages more than 700,000 hectares of sustainable forest land in Europe, North America, and South America. 🌳

51–200 Beschäftigte
Munich, Bavaria
AI, Aerial Mapping, Aerial Imaging, Photogrammetry, Industrial Monitoring, Forestry, Sustainability, Green Tech, Forstwirtschaft und carbon credits


Beschäftigte von OCELL


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    OCELL supports carbon-optimized forest transformation powered by technology. But what does that look like? 🛩️ Using ultra-light aircraft, we fly over woodlands and capture dozens of high-resolution aerial images. 💻 We incorporate other data sources such as #LIDAR and operational data. 🌳 Our #AI then identifies every single tree giving valuable insights like tree species, tree height, and CO2 storage capacity, creating a digital twin of the forest. 🌱 Based on this data, we create reliable carbon credits companies can invest in. This way, they support local landowners in transforming their land into climate-resilient mixed forests with optimized carbon storage. 👉🏽 Are you interested in learning more about our forest projects or is your company looking to invest in them? Click right here: https://lnkd.in/eGk9XEqm #OCELL #CarbonCredits #ClimateMitigation #Forests #Data

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    🌍 Climate Projects and the SDGs: A Symbiotic Relationship for a Sustainable Future As we navigate the 21st century, the urgency of addressing climate change has never been more apparent. Climate projects are pivotal in achieving the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Here are some examples how: SDG 13: Climate Action - Directly targets combating climate change. Improved Forest Management, Renewable energy projects, reforestation, and carbon capture initiatives directly contribute to this goal. SDG 15: Life on Land - Projects focusing on reforestation, conservation, and sustainable land use protect, restore, and promote the sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems. SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation - Climate projects addressing water scarcity and quality ensure the availability and sustainable management of water resources. SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy - Renewable energy projects help ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all. Solar, wind, and hydro projects are revolutionizing energy access globally. SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production - Encouraging sustainable practices reduces waste and promotes the efficient use of resources. Integrating climate action into business strategies is not just beneficial—it's essential for sustainable development. As companies forge ahead, it is important to ensure that climate projects align with the SDGs, fostering a world that’s not only greener but more equitable and resilient for all. #OCELL #ClimateAction #SDGs #Sustainability #SustainableDevelopment #GlobalGoals

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    🌳Climate Fact of the Month: Nature-based Solution investments need to at least triple by 2030 to meet global climate, biodiversity, and land degradation targets. 🌍 According to the State of Finance for Nature 2021 report by United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI), World Economic Forum, ELD , and Vivid Economics, the need for investments in Nature-based Solutions (NbS) is staggering, reaching over USD 536 billion per year—nearly four times the current investment levels. Despite their critical role in combating climate change, NbS investments are considerably smaller than climate finance and are heavily reliant on public funds. By 2030, investments specifically in forests will need to almost double. When considering the additional costs of woodland pasture, mangroves, and peatland restoration, total investment needs to soar to about four times the current levels. 💡The message is clear: To safeguard our future and address the pressing challenges of climate change, biodiversity loss, and land degradation, investments in nature-based solutions must significantly increase. The health of our planet depends on it. #OCELL #climatefact #ClimateAction #NatureBasedSolutions #Biodiversity 

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    🌍 Exploring Different Types of Climate Projects 🌍 Climate projects rely on the sale of Carbon Credits, which are calculated and verified using specific methodologies tailored to various technologies and conditions. Here's a glimpse into the diverse world of climate initiatives: Nature-based Solutions (NbS): 🌳 Afforestation: Planting new forests on lands that historically have not contained forests. 🌲 Renaturation: Restoring natural landscapes to their original state. 🌱 REDD : Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, focusing on conservation, sustainable management, and enhancement of forest carbon stocks. 🌿 Improved Forest Management (IFM): Enhancing forest management practices to increase carbon storage. Renewable Energy: ☀️ Solar & Wind Energy: Replacing fossil fuel-based energy sources with clean, renewable power. Energy Efficiency: 🏢 Building Upgrades: Improving the energy efficiency of buildings. ⚙️ Industrial Processes: Upgrading appliances and processes to reduce energy consumption and emissions. Carbon Capture and Storage: 🏭 Capture Technologies: Capturing CO2 emissions from industrial sources and storing them underground. Each type of climate project comes with its own set of advantages and challenges. Factors such as biodiversity impact, costs, project duration, community involvement, and political barriers must all be considered when financially contributing to a climate project. By understanding these different types of projects, companies can better navigate the complexities of climate action and work towards a sustainable future. 🌿💡🌏 #OCELL #ClimateAction #Sustainability #RenewableEnergy #NatureBasedSolutions #EnergyEfficiency #CarbonCapture

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    🗞️Transparency is key in climate action. That is why we are pleased that Stefan Salger from the Süddeutsche Zeitung recently visited our climate project in Mammendorf, Bavaria. The project, which began twelve years ago, focuses on transforming a spruce-dominated forest into a diverse, climate-resilient one with species like fir, beech, and oak. Spruces face challenges like bark beetles and storms, making this transformation crucial. By partnering with the Mammendorfer Gutsverwaltung Lotzbeck, we're accelerating this change. Our approach emphasizes transparency and employs advanced remote sensing for regular monitoring. Therefore, we document all forest activities and regularly collect aerial photographs, which are analyzed using AI. Additionally, we employ state-of-the-art measurement technology (LIDAR) to regularly track the increase in the forest's CO₂ storage capacity. Spanning nearly 1,500 hectares in Mammendorf and Großaitingen, this project offers a significant voluntary contribution to climate protection, with an estimated additional CO₂ storage of 42,600 tons over the next three decades. #OCELL #ClimateAction #Transparency #SustainableForestry #ClimateProject 

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    #InsightOCELL: When working in a climate-tech startup, basically every day is Impact Day. However, at OCELL, we think it’s important to sometimes change perspective, so every employee gets one day a year to spend on a social or environmental cause to do good beyond their daily work. Today, we’d like to share impressions of three of our team’s Impact Days to hopefully inspire you: 👚 At the Kleiderkammer, run by the Bayerisches Rotes Kreuz (BRK), we spent an afternoon sorting clothes and distributing them to people in need. It was a wonderful experience meeting all the people working and shopping at the Kleiderkammer. 🚮 rehab republic e.V. runs Cleanup Munich, where we borrowed tools to clean a park close to our office. The weather was perfect, and we enjoyed a lovely afternoon outside while freeing nature from dozens of cigarette butts, bottles, and even socks. 🌳 At the beautiful Lake Ammer near Munich, our colleagues helped plant 300 fir and 300 beech trees, aiming to establish a more climate-resilient forest through a future second layer of growth. Thanks to everyone who made an impact. 💚 Now, we would like to know from you: Which causes do you think are worth supporting during an Impact Day? 💡 By the way, some of these causes we found on Volunteerio. 💻 #OCELL #ImpactDay #Sustainability

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    🌍 Understanding the Life Cycle of a Climate Project 🌍 A climate project has a well-defined life cycle that adheres to the requirements of certification schemes. This life cycle, essential for the creation of ex-post verified Carbon Credits, can vary in length and amount of monitoring phases, but generally follows a consistent path. Steps in the Climate Project Life Cycle for ex-post Carbon Credits: - Feasibility Study - Project Design and Financing - Project Design Document (PDD) Preparation - Validation of the Project Design by an independent auditor (Validation and Verification Body VVB) - Registration under a Standard - Implementation and continuous monitoring phases  - Regular Verifications by a VVB - Issuance of Carbon Credits - Retirement of Carbon Credits To sum it up: A climate project always needs to have a permanent impact on mitigating climate change. 👉Want more info on how climate projects work? Check the comments for the link to our latest blog article. #OCELL #ClimateAction #Sustainability #ClimateProject #LifeCycle

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    As the first German partner, we’ve recently joined the newly founded NbS Coalition, an alliance of companies and initiatives highly motivated and dedicated to drive climate action with nature-based solutions (#NbS). Shaping frameworks at European level like the #CRCF to fully utilize the potential of NbS as integral part to mitigate climate change is one common goal of the NbS Coalition. 🌍 🚨 The urgency is clear: we will NOT meet the 1.5-degree Celsius target without leveraging existing nature-based solutions, which can immediately and relatively cheaply increase carbon storage capacity. Reducing emissions is essential, but equally important is removing carbon from the atmosphere to achieve this target by 2050. According to the International Panel on Climate Change (#IPCC), 6 Gt CO2 must be removed per year by 2050. Forests play a crucial role in this endeavor and could contribute even more through data-based, high-quality climate projects funded through the Voluntary Carbon Market. 🌳 Thank you to all the trailblazers leading the way. Let’s be loud and make sure to unlock the full potential of nature. Who else is in? 💪 Pina Earth FORLIANCE Tree.ly 44moles GmbH #OCELL #VCM #ClimateAction #CarbonCredits #Climateprojects

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    🔍 What is a Climate Project? When we talk about climate action, the term "climate project" often comes up. Sometimes called a climate protection project, carbon project, or carbon offset project, these initiatives are key to scalable climate change solutions, despite having faced criticism in recent years. So, in a nutshell, what's a climate project?  A climate project is an effective initiative designed to demonstrably avoid, reduce, or remove greenhouse gases (GHGs) from the atmosphere, significantly contributing to climate mitigation. Here are the 4 Key Criteria for Climate Projects: Additionality: Ensures the project leads to additional climate mitigation compared to what would have happened without it. Types include: - Environmental Additionality: Genuine, measurable environmental improvements. - Financial Additionality: Financial viability is dependent on carbon credit revenue. - Regulatory Additionality: Goes beyond existing legal requirements. Exclusion of Double Counting: Each carbon credit is unique and can only be sold and retired once, ensuring it is not claimed multiple times across different markets. Permanence: The long-term durability of carbon sequestration or emission reduction, ensuring CO2 reductions are not reversible and are maintained over decades or centuries. Regular Independent Audits: Systematic reviews by external entities to ensure compliance, transparency, and accountability. These criteria, established in standard frameworks globally, are crucial for the transparency, accountability, and credibility of climate projects. #OCELL #climateaction #VCM #climatemitigation #transparency

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    In the last couple of weeks, we were excited to welcome three new team members. Let's introduce them: 🌱 Annika - Role: Partnerships Manager - Team: Climate Action - Background: Growing up in beautiful Tyrol, Annika has a deep connection to forests. She is passionate about unlocking the full potential of our forests with OCELL to preserve them for future generations. 🌳 Albina - Role: Forest Product Expert - Team: Customer Success - Background: Albina is a forester, forest pedagogy educator, and foreign language correspondent. Her extensive knowledge and shared values drive her daily motivation to advance climate action with OCELL. ⚙️ Evghenii - Role: Software Developer - Team: Platform - Background: Evghenii brings his expertise in web development to the team to further enhance our technology and make the impact of our climate projects visible. Welcome to the team, Annika, Albina, and Evghenii! We’re thrilled to have you join our mission. 🌳🦉 #OCELL #NewJoiners #TeamGrowth #WeAreHiring #ClimateAction 

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