


Satellite-powered forest monitoring - accurate, affordable, and at a global scale.


Nadar builds confidence in natural resource monitoring globally through satellite-powered analytics. We enable businesses to measure the carbon impact of their projects with our Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification (MRV) solution and ensure deforestation-free sourcing in global supply chains. Our latest product: an end-to-end software for compliance with the EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR). We support operators and traders by mapping their farms, monitoring deforestation with confidence, and creating the required due diligence documents.

2–10 Beschäftigte
Remote Sensing, Earth Observation, Forest Monitoring, EUDR Compliance, MRV, Carbon Monitoring, Satellite Data Analytics, Deforestation Monitoring und Supply Chain Monitoring


Beschäftigte von nadar


  • Unternehmensseite von nadar anzeigen, Grafik

    2.242 Follower:innen

    Are you EUDR-ready yet? Only 6 months to go. 🚨 Tune in to the newest AtlasZero podcast by Daniel Lösch where our CEO Caroline Busse offers insights into the required data, false deforestation alerts, and the importance of error-free geolocation data for compliance with the #EUDR. 📌 Here is the link to YouTube: and Spotify:

    Profil von Daniel Lösch anzeigen, Grafik

    Founder of AtlasZero

    Are you ready for the EUDR? The deadline is the end of this year. 🚨 Companies must check their supply chain for deforestation and I got expert help. I invited Caroline Busse a Geospatial Data Scientist 👩🚀 and the founder of nadar to the AtlasZero podcast to discuss all relevant topics. We talked about 🌳 What is the EUDR? 🌲 Who is in the scope of the EUDR? 🌴 What must companies provide for the EUDR? But she also gave some insight into the right data format, false deforestation alerts and the importance of qualitative geolocation data. 🤓 I will add the link to the episode in the comments. 👇 If your imports are in the scope of the #EUDR this is a must-watch episode.

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  • Unternehmensseite von nadar anzeigen, Grafik

    2.242 Follower:innen

    We're thrilled that our accomplishments on satellite monitoring for carbon markets and helping companies comply with the EU Deforestation Regulation #EUDR have been recognized by the Wirtschaftszeitung. Thank you Leipziger Volkszeitung for interviewing us and highlighting our work! You can read the full article (in German): 👇🏼

    Startup Nadar - Wirtschaftszeitung

    Startup Nadar - Wirtschaftszeitung

  • Unternehmensseite von nadar anzeigen, Grafik

    2.242 Follower:innen

    Preparing Farm Geodata for the EU Deforestation Regulation The European Commission has recently published the interface details for the Information System TRACES. The published details include further information on the format in which the due diligence statements for the EU Deforestation Regulation #EUDR shall be submitted. Farm geolocation data needs to be stored in a specific format: - Polygons or points - GeoJSON format - World Geodetic System WGS 84 (in EPSG:4326 projection) - Longitude and latitude coordinates in Decimal Degrees format - Maximum 25 MB per Due Diligence Statement Learn more in our blog post:

    Preparing Farm Geodata for the EU Deforestation Regulation

    Preparing Farm Geodata for the EU Deforestation Regulation

  • Unternehmensseite von nadar anzeigen, Grafik

    2.242 Follower:innen

    We spent the past two days in Berlin at the assembly of the German Initiative on Sustainable Cocoa at the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). We're proud to be one of the newest forum members and work together with a multitude of organizations in the sector on more #sustainable cocoa. The leading challenge was how we can achieve a living income for farmers in the producing countries. Did you know that around 70% of certified #cocoa farmers are still living below the poverty line? Most organizations are working on their own solutions such as the Nestlé income accelerator or the Living Income Reference Price by Fairtrade International. More collaboration across the sector is needed to achieve truly sustainable sourcing practices. It was great to showcase our #EUDR software and receive positive feedback from government actors, standards, cocoa traders and manufacturers.

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  • Unternehmensseite von nadar anzeigen, Grafik

    2.242 Follower:innen

    Offene Fragen zur EUDR? Gemeinsam mit unseren Partnern bizpando AG, die eine Supply Chain Traceability Software bieten, und der ESG Compliance Beratung WIACON veranstalten wir ein Webinar zur EU Entwaldungsverordnung. Unsere Geschäftsführerin Caroline Busse wird gemeinsam mit Alicia B., ESG Compliance Consultant bei WIACON und Jasper Bhaumick, CEO von bizpando, besprechen, wie wir Unternehmen mittels innovativer Technologien bei der Einhaltung der #EUDR Sorgfaltspflichten unterstützen. Wir freuen uns auf euch und eure Fragen! 🌱

    Unternehmensseite von bizpando AG anzeigen, Grafik

    676 Follower:innen

    Am 11. Juni geht die Kettenreaktion in die nächste Runde! Thema: Entwaldungsfreie Lieferketten: Praktische Ansätze zur EUDR-Implementierung Datum: 11. Juni Uhrzeit: 11:00 - 12:00 Uhr Sprecher:innen: Alicia B., ESG Compliance Consultant bei WIACON, Caroline Busse, Co-Founder und CEO von nadar, und Jasper Bhaumick, CEO der bizpando AG, Moderation: Sarah Sellner In der vierten Ausgabe unserer Webinarreihe zeigen wir mit den Expert:innen, wie Unternehmen entwaldungsfreie und transparente Lieferketten schaffen können und welche Rolle die EU-Entwaldungsverordnung dabei spielt. In dem kostenfreien Webinar erhalten Unternehmen aller Größen und Branchen Antworten auf die folgenden Fragen: Wie können Unternehmen weltweit sicherstellen, dass ihre Lieferketten entwaldungsfrei sind und den Anforderungen der #EUDR entsprechen? Wie fügt sich die EUDR in das Oberthema Corporate Social Responsibility und welche Schnittmengen gibt es zu Lieferkettengesetzen wie dem #LkSG und der #CSDDD? Wie kommen Compliance, Technologie und innovative Lösungen zusammen, um eine nachhaltige Zukunft zu gestalten? Melden Sie sich jetzt an, die Eventseite wird laufend aktualisiert: #kettenreaktion #lieferkettengesetz #compliance #ESG #CSR #entwaldungsfrei

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  • Unternehmensseite von nadar anzeigen, Grafik

    2.242 Follower:innen

    Thank you for 2.000 followers! 🎉🎉 We want to celebrate this milestone by highlighting the ‘Second lungs of the Earth’ - the Congo River Basin’s rainforest, the second largest undisturbed tropical rainforest in the world (after the Amazon). 🌳 The Congo Basin measures 184.7 million hectares and spreads across the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Republic of the Congo, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea and southern parts of Cameroon and the Central African Republic. The Congo rainforest is known for its wealth of biodiversity – over 10.000 plant species, 1.000 bird species and 400 mammal species, including critically endangered mountain gorillas. 🦍 Although much of the forest area remains intact, its future is at risk through timber and mineral extraction as well as agricultural land clearing. The biggest threats to the Congo rainforest stem from industrial plantations, especially for palm oil, rubber, and sugar production. In recent years, there has been an increase in clearing of forests to cultivate cacao beans. The Landsat image shows deforestation encroaching into the forest around Virunga National Park. We want to say thank you to all of you for your support on our mission to help protect natural ecosystems by providing a reliabe monitoring foundation! 🛰 Image credits @ NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration Earth Observatory

    • congo basin landsat nasa satellite image
  • Unternehmensseite von nadar anzeigen, Grafik

    2.242 Follower:innen

    Deforestation & Conversion-Free Sourcing 🌳🌾🚫 Our CEO Caroline Busse was part of the Climate Bonds Initiative Industry Working Group that helped develop the Deforestation & Conversion-Free Sourcing Criteria that set a new standard for agri-food companies sourcing commodities free of deforestation and conversion of natural ecosystems. The criteria align with and expand from the EU Deforestation Regulation #EUDR: - all 7 commodities under the EUDR and more are covered - the same cut-off date 31 December 2020 is applied - more ecosystems are covered besides natural forests Last week the critieria were launched in a webinar together with Rachel Hemingway and Reyes Tirado from Climate Bonds Initiative, 朱春全 from World Economic Forum, and Niall Robb from Rainforest Alliance. 👉🏼 Watch the on-demand webinar here:

    Climate Bonds Webinar: Embracing Agri-Food Deforestation & Conversion Free Sourcing

    Climate Bonds Webinar: Embracing Agri-Food Deforestation & Conversion Free Sourcing

  • Unternehmensseite von nadar anzeigen, Grafik

    2.242 Follower:innen

    Together for more Sustainable Cocoa 🍫🌱 'Paying more for sustainable cocoa' was the motto of this year's World Cocoa Conference in the chocolate capital of the world - Brussels. Even though the #cocoa market price is at an all-time high due to low yields in Western Africa, many farmers are still struggling to make a living income. Another challenge the cocoa industry is facing is the preparation and adherence to the upcoming EU Deforestation Regulation #EUDR. There is still a lot of unclarity on the measures organizations need to implement and what data must be gathered and stored. Reliable data is crucial to monitor and ensure that there has been no deforestation after December 2020. Besides meeting European cocoa traders and chocolate manufacturers, it was great to see all stakeholders in the cocoa value chain being involved in the discussions - from cocoa producers and exporters in the origins such as Andean Cacao, Bayacao, cocoa associations as APPCACAO, government officials, traceability solutions such as Farmforce and Koltiva and organizations such as Nitidæ and Solidaridad Network. It was great to finally connect in person with former contacts and develop new collaborations and partnerships - stay tuned!

    • Nadar at World Cocoa Conference in Brussels 2024
    • Nadar World Cocoa Conference Brussels 2024 African EU governments
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