Munich Security Conference

Munich Security Conference

Internationale Angelegenheiten

München, Bayern 29.169 Follower:innen

The Munich Security Conference (MSC) is the world's leading forum for debate on international security policy.


The Munich Security Conference (MSC) is the world's leading forum for debating international security policy. It’s a venue for diplomatic initiatives to address the world's most pressing security concerns, bringing together heads of state and government, ministers, leading figures of international and non-governmental organizations, as well as high-profile representatives of industry, media, academia, and civil society. Since 2022, Ambassador Christoph Heusgen has been chairman of the MSC, a senior German diplomat, and former Foreign Policy and Security Adviser to Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel. In addition to its annual flagship conference in Munich, the MSC regularly convenes distinguished events on particular topics and regions. It also publishes the Munich Security Report as well as a number of thematic briefs that provide analysis and recommendations on current and future risks. All its activities aim at offering the best possible platforms for a frank and open exchange of ideas and opinions. Join the debate by following us on Social Media and via our website.

Internationale Angelegenheiten
51–200 Beschäftigte
München, Bayern


Beschäftigte von Munich Security Conference


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    MSC at 60, NATO at 75. Not only are we both celebrating an anniversary, but we also have a long shared history: A dig into our archives shows that back in 1975, when our conference was still called "Wehrkunde," the future of NATO was already an integral part of the discussions. As we head to #WashingtonDC, we want to carry our trademark informal and open atmosphere into the debates around the #NATOSummit and look ahead at the next 75 years of the Alliance.

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    Ever wondered what it's like to work at the Munich Security Conference? Then this is your chance to find out. Apply as a Project Assistant for MSC 2025 in one of our great teams:   🔷 Chairman’s Office 🔷 Publications & Participation 🔷 IT 🔷 Strategic Projects 🔷 Communications 🔷 Conference Management 🔷 More departments to follow soon...   Not only do you get to work in one of our young and highly motivated teams in Munich and Berlin, but you also get to be part of organizing our annual conference, the world's leading forum for debating international security policy — an experience you definitely don't want to miss if you're into international relations and diplomacy.   Don't hesitate and apply today. More information (in German):

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    Müssen wir Angst vor dem Zustand der Welt haben? Benedikt Franke hat jedenfalls keine! Was ihn dennoch nachts wach hält, beantwortet er in der Show „7 Fragen Zukunft” mit Christian Nitsche.   Die Ereignisse der #Europawahl haben bei vielen für einen Aufschrei gesorgt. Während die Angst vor einer Regierungsbeteiligung extremistischer Parteien umgeht, wird anderen ein angstgetriebenes Wahlverhalten attestiert. Gefühle können politikentscheidend sein – und machen auch vor Menschen in diplomatischen Jobs nicht immer Halt. Wer seit Jahren zuhört, wenn die Mächtigsten der Welt an einen Tisch kommen, müsste sich doch eigentlich vor nichts mehr fürchten, oder doch vor allem? Im Interview mit Bayerischer Rundfunk spricht unser CEO darüber, ob #Diplomatie alles retten kann und wovor man in seinem Beruf keine Angst haben sollte: „... gegen Wände [zu] laufen. Irgendwann muss man sich nur fragen, ob es die richtige Wand ist.”   Wer es bei #Trump, Putins Drohgebärden oder Chinas Einfluss mit der Angst zutun bekommt, sollte sich diese 17 Minuten nehmen:   Dafür sprechen auch einige Kommentare aus der #Community:   „Ich habe vieles gelernt und doch auch weiterhin Hoffnung auf ein gutes Ende vieler Probleme.”    „So viel positive und Mut machende Energie. Davon brauchen wir mehr.”   „Endlich mal jemand, der keine Angst verbreitet.”

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    "This study trip has been one of the most interesting ones I have ever had. It allowed me to gather key takeaways that I did never get to know from my readings or my interaction with politicians in my country." — Amira Saber (MP) a member of the Parliament of Egypt and part of the MSC Women Parliamentarian Programme (WPP). Amira is among one of this year's cohort members who went on a study trip to Washington, DC, and met with high-level representatives of the US administration, multilateral organizations, and NGOs. The parliamentarians had meetings on Capitol Hill, with Representatives Michael Turner and Veronica Escobar, in The White House, with Phil Gordon and Neera Tanden, with senior administration officials such as Secretary Mayorkas and the Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines. The discussions revolved around the role of the US in the world, national security priorities, the US approach to migration, an increasingly polarized society, geopolitical tensions, and threats posed to democracies, such as disinformation. In addition to government representatives, the parliamentarians also had the opportunity to speak with the new President and CEO of The ONE Campaign, Ndidi Okonkwo Nwuneli, and the Managing Director and CFO of The World Bank, Anshula Kant. They discussed the power of advocacy and potential reforms in international finance. The WPP members left Washington with a heightened sense of the US foreign, security, and development policy priorities and new input regarding the state of and perspectives for multilateral cooperation in several policy fields for their parliamentary work in their respective countries. In foreign and security policy, women remain underrepresented. With this program, we want to contribute to strengthening female voices in international politics. Read more about it here: Amira Saber (MP) Neema K. Lugangira Arielle Kayabaga Priyanka Chaturvedi #femaleleadership #femalepower #femaleempowerement #womenpower

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    What does #GenZ think about the #Zeitenwende? Together with the Liz Mohn Stiftung , we hosted a townhall discussion with 150 students in Gütersloh this week. Why students, you may ask? Liz Mohn says, "We can't just discuss the Zeitenwende and the social demands of global politics in expert circles." Many issues present on the political stage are also on the minds of the young panelists: 🔹 the war in Ukraine, 🔹 compulsory military conscription, 🔹 the crisis in the Sahel, 🔹 and what's happening in Gaza. One issue dominated the discussion: the rise of right-wing forces in Germany and the EU and the urgent need for unity in light of societal polarization. "We should stick together and not be too afraid of the future," said 18-year-old Clara when asked about her thoughts on the Zeitenwende. Despite the serious topics, Generation Z's commitment to #democracy and dialogue was palpable. Our Zeitenwende on tour will continue with a next stop in Salzburg. Stay tuned!

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    Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz 2025: Reservedienstleistende gesucht!   Zusammen mit dem Landeskommando Bayern bieten wir qualifizierten #Reservist:innen die Möglichkeit, unsere Hauptkonferenz 2025 im Rahmen einer mehrwöchigen Wehrübung zu unterstützen. Wie so ein Einsatz aussehen kann, berichtet Michael Brauns in unserer #MSCareer-Reihe:   Alle Informationen zur Bewerbung:

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    What does it take to pull off #MSC2023? In the third part of our #MSCareer series, we want to highlight the role that Bundeswehr reservists play behind the scenes of our annual conference. Part 3 👇 👋 Meet one of our Press Volunteers, Michael Brauns. In his civilian professional life, the retired lieutenant colonel is the spokesperson of the Bundeswehr University Munich. At the MSC, he supports our press team by coordinating the camera teams, photographers, and other journalists so that they get a good shot while not disrupting the discussions. What happens on the main stage is only a small part of the MSC, as many bi- and multilateral meetings are happening simultaneously. "These talks often take place in smaller rooms, so you can't get 30 camera teams or photographers in there, but maybe a handful," Michael explains. Once everyone had their shot, they're ushered to the next room. In such situations, tact is required as the space fits only a few journalists for a small window of time. Michael then selects certain cameramen and photographers, escorts them into the security area, and back out again. But isn't there a scramble for seats, then? "Often, the camera operators and photographers know each other and exchange their shots. At the end of the day, everyone is always happy." Michael sees his effort as an "investment." "I enjoy being there every year; it's my small contribution to the world stage. It's always impressive to see how things roll behind the scenes," he says. This year, Michael is particularly looking forward to the personal exchange with guests and journalists from all over the world. "After all, that's exactly what MSC is all about. That special feeling and atmosphere only happen when people come together." The Reservist Association, a long-time partner of the MSC, will host a side event on the strategic dimension of NATO's maritime eastern flank. To follow the event, visit Read Michael Brauns' interview in German: #team #people #faces #jobs #work

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    Studis aufgepasst: Näher an der Weltpolitik als bei uns geht kaum! Bewerbt euch jetzt und werdet Teil unseres Teams als Werkstudent:in 🔷 im Chairman’s oder CEO Office 🔷 im Bereich Programs & Engagement 🔷 im Team Controlling & Finanzen 💡 Für diejenigen unter euch, die Zeit für eine Vollzeitstelle haben, lohnt sich ein Blick auf unsere ersten Ausschreibungen für Project Assistants. Mehr Informationen zur Bewerbung hier:

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    Looking for: Commissioner for Defense (m/w/d)?   The #EU has 27 Commissioners for different policy areas, including for international affairs topics such as "A Stronger Europe in the World" and "International Partnerships."   Yet, there is no Commissioner for #Defense. Should the EU have one?   Ahead of the #EUelections, we asked Katarina Barley (Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (SPD)), Thomas Silberhorn (Christlich-Soziale Union), Hannah Neumann (BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN) and Nela Riehl (Volt Deutschland).   If you had the chance: Would you apply to become the EU's Commissioner for Defense?

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