
We make Construction Understandable.


Projekterfolg durch kompetente Kommunikation in den Bereichen Infrastruktur, Masterplanung und Architektur! Als eine der führenden Agenturen in der Baukommunikation bringen wir mit unterschiedlichen Tools Emotion und Verständlichkeit in die Projekte unserer Kunden, um die richtige Zielgruppe zum richtigen Zeitpunkt anzusprechen. Unsere Erfahrung aus über 300 realisierten internationalen Projekten ermöglicht es uns, die komplexen und oft bahnbrechenden Visionen unserer Kunden in Sekundenschnelle prägnant darzustellen. Wir begleiten unsere Kunden von Anfang bis Ende eines Projektes, von der Konzeption bis zur Übergabe. Unser Service ist immer individuell und kann folgende Leistungen umfassen: - 4D-Bau-Simulationen - Storytelling-Animationen - Virtuelle Erlebnisse - Interaktive Anwendungen - Stills Ausgewählte Kunden: Siemens, Zaha Hadid Architects, Eiffage, UNSTUDIO, Deloitte, BIG, OMA, idom, BCG, Die Autobahn GmbH, Foster Partners, Porsche Kontaktieren Sie uns und lassen Sie uns gemeinsam herausfinden, wie wir bei Ihrem Projekt unterstützen können!

11–50 Beschäftigte
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)
3D Animation, Architecture, Masterplanning, Immersive Experiences, Strategy & Concept, Storytelling, Explanation Films, 3D Visualization, Virtual Tours, VR, Interactive Tools, 4D Construction Simulations, Infrastructure und Roads & Bridges


Beschäftigte von MOREAN GmbH


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    Already an annual tradition: our Company Summer Boat Party 🚤 😎 Summer, sun & drinks on Berlin's waterways - what could be better on a hot summer's day? We enjoyed a BBQ, played a great board game, and swam in the beautiful Berlin lakes. Screen-free time is so important, as are topics that have nothing to do with work. Looking forward to next year already! Thanks to the entire MOREAN-team: Philipp Eckhoff, Gonzalo Portabella, Besjan Xhika, Loran Asaad (the master of board games), Esther Hechler, Phillip Schmidt, Nicolas Grandillo (thanks for traveling all the way to Berlin), Maria & Tobias Purfürst (our sound machine, thanks for joining!) 💙 #Team #Summer #Boat #Tradition

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  • Unternehmensseite von MOREAN GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    Why Phygital* Experiences Are So Effective! 🚴♀️ Our virtual bike experience, VRIKE (VR BIKE), lets you virtually travel through future masterplans and unbuilt urban areas. Integrating this game-like experience into non-game contexts like #construction and #infrastructure planning increases credibility, enhances engagement, improves learning outcomes, and is simply a lot of fun! Blending the physical and digital worlds combines the best elements of both to playfully explore future spaces and products. That’s why we presented a new Selux Lighting product last month at the #daysoflight event at their headquarters using this technology, which was created with Unreal Engine. *Fusion of the words physical and digital #vr #experience #masterplanning #gamification

  • Unternehmensseite von MOREAN GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    Today's groundbreaking ceremony for #SiemensstadtSquare marks an important milestone, both for the project and for us as a creative company. Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Siemens' board members Roland Busch, Cedrik Neike and Judith Wiese, the Governing Mayor of Berlin, Kai Wegner, and Senators Franziska Giffey and Ute Bonde attended the event. Our founding partners, Philipp Eckhoff and Gonzalo Portabella, were also present, along with other invited guests and members of the press. 💣 We are proud to have contributed the showstopper: a unique immersive experience featuring an interactive table and a 40m2 panoramic video wall, allowing visitors to fully engage with the vision of this up-and-coming Berlin district - details will follow. 📅 The installation will soon be open to the public, providing enriched information to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the urban master plan in a fun and engaging way, highlighting innovative planning and future urban living. 🙌 Kudos to Sarah Tietze-Kamya, Stefan Kögl and Team, great to work together with you - as always! #zukunftsort #berlin #immersive #interactivity (Pic No.1 by Siemens)

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  • Unternehmensseite von MOREAN GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    💡 ILLUMINATING THE FUTURE: How AI and immersive technologies are changing our creative industries Yesterday, Selux Lighting welcomed around 150 industry experts from all over the world to its headquarters in Berlin for the #dayoflight: a day full of insights, learnings, workshops, discussions and, of course, coming together. Our CEO Philipp Eckhoff closed the day in the breathtaking hall with a keynote on #visualization of #lighting, #AI and #virtualreality. He even built a bridge to the topic of how #neuroscience combined with AI can enable us to achieve results in visual communication that focus on people's feelings and sensations. The day ended with a cozy get-together in the evening, where our VRIKE (VR combined with a real bike) was a main attraction. We presented the new Selux luminaire in a virtual environment that simulated a beautiful street in the Marais district of Paris, where the ride ended in front of a Selux store. Thanks to Manuela Schnabel and Team for having us! It was a pleasure! #newtechnolgogy #party 🎉

  • Unternehmensseite von MOREAN GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    Our Co-Founder Philipp will explore in two days the intersection between #AI and cutting-edge visualization. He will show examples of how AI already today massively helps us as a creative communication agency to become better and faster. And why it is great fun using it! Where? Headquarter of Selux Corporation When? Day of Light - June 13th 2024

    Profil von Philipp Eckhoff anzeigen, Grafik

    Making complexity understandable

    I am thrilled to hold a keynote this Thursday at the Day of Light hosted by Selux Lighting. I am so excited because it will be about #AI, #VR, #neuroscience and even a physical bike. I'm excited to share insights from the #visualization industry and learn from other experts in the field. See you there!

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  • Unternehmensseite von MOREAN GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    Today is World Environment Day 🌲🌳- and this is a quick reminder. ➡ Firstly, of the day itself and the responsibility we all (have to) bear. ➡ And secondly, how important it is for companies in the #construction sector to not only showcase their projects in general, but also to inform the public about the sustainable aspects. The use of environmentally friendly #materials, the preservation of #biodiversity and the implementation of energy-efficient concepts (to only name a few) not only benefit the environment, but also increase the attractiveness of the project. 💡 Communicating these aspects will help raise awareness and support for your major construction projects and we are here to help you do exactly that! 🌲🌳 Enjoy our beautiful environment - not only today! 🌲🌳 (Project: Tahiti Convention Center by Zaha Hadid Architects) #worldenvironmentday #construction #communication

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    Why Communicating Major #Infrastructure Projects is Crucial. Did you know that 60% of raw materials in construction go into infrastructure? No worries, most people don't. Major projects affect many people and the environment over long periods, but too little is said about them! 👉 People want to know: How am I directly affected, and what does the project mean for nature, the environment, and my daily life? ❓❓ There's huge potential for better, earlier communication with stakeholders. This should not only cover information about time periods, restrictions, and alternative routes but also highlight the positive aspects: repurposing (e.g., roads becoming cycle paths), use of future-proof, sustainable materials, traffic calming measures, and species protection. Let's communicate it better together! 🤝 A step in the right direction is “Tiefgründig,” a new podcast and the first of its kind in Germany that explores sustainable #civilengineering from all angles. If you speak German, tune in to host Isabelle Armani in the first episode with guest Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus Koschlik. 🎦 Our project example showcases the six-lane expansion of the A8 with an easy-to-use, interactive tool. It includes before/after comparisons, construction phases, times of day, and many more features. See how Die Autobahn GmbH des Bundes brings this project to life. For the full application (which you can try yourself), this way: #construction #visualization

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    Profil von Philipp Eckhoff anzeigen, Grafik

    Making complexity understandable

    Es braucht mehr Schnellradwege! Wieso? Hier ein paar wichtige Gründe: 🚲 Sie erhöhen eure #Sicherheit als Radfahrer! 🚲 Sie bringen euch schneller ans Ziel. Weniger Verkehr, Ampeln oder Kreuzungen! 🚲 Pendeln macht plötzlich viel mehr Spaß (jedenfalls bei gutem Wetter)! 🚲 Es ist leicht, körperliche Aktivität in euren Alltag zu integrieren. Weniger Herzkrankheiten, Übergewicht und so weiter und so fort 🚲 Ihr tragt dazu bei, den CO2-Ausstoß zu reduzieren und die #Umwelt zu schonen! 🚲 Und ihr entlastet zudem sogar noch den normalen Straßenverkehr! Wie steht ihr dazu? Fahrt ihr gern mit dem Rad zur Arbeit oder zur Kita? #schnellradweg #radweg #mobility #nachhaltigkeit

  • Unternehmensseite von MOREAN GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    Profil von Philipp Eckhoff anzeigen, Grafik

    Making complexity understandable

    Leo Birnbaum von E.ON wird heute im Handelsblatt zitiert, dass in Deutschland der Bedarf an #Infrastruktur nach wie vor dramatisch unterschätzt wird. Die Bundesnetzagentur spricht bei den Netzausbaukosten von einem Investitionsbedarf bis 2025 von 150 Milliarden Euro. Damit der Energiewende der Bundesregierung gelingt, die dezentrale Strategie aufgeht und der wachsende Strombedarf bewerkstelligt werden kann (Erwartung von Stromnetz Berlin GmbH liegt z.B. eine Verdopplung von 2,2 auf 4,1 Gigawatt binnen 10 Jahren) benötigt es vor allem Investitionen, Digitalisierung, Bürokratieabbau und intelligente Netz-Steuerungen. Bei der transparenten und verständlichen Kommunikation dieser und anderer Infrastruktur-Vorhaben unterstützen wir bei MOREAN GmbH gern!

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  • Unternehmensseite von MOREAN GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    Fresh insights from the 2-day Construction Summit! 🚀   Our colleague Esther Hechler engaged with industry leaders on enhancing communication and simplifying complex projects — our specialty! Despite growing awareness of their importance, many companies still struggle with the 'how' of effective communication.   Here are a few examples of how we as a creative agency can help the construction industry with better communication options:   👉 Streamline Onboarding: Automate and beautify the initial learning phase for diverse project teams. Save time, enhance understanding! 👉 Ease internal Digitalization or Process Concerns: Through tangible, gamified communication, we help decipher tech upgrades. Understand the benefits, reduce the doubts! 👉 Engage the Public Early: Tell the story of major projects in ways that captivate and inform the community, turning potential frustration into excitement.   Got a construction story to tell or a complex concept to explain? Let’s connect! 📩   What’s your biggest communication challenge in large-scale projects? #communication #explanation #understanding the #complex

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