metoda GmbH

metoda GmbH

Technologie, Information und Internet

Unleash The Holy Grail Of Marketing #AmazonAds #AmazonSEO #metoda #DriveSuccessTogether


Amazon und E-Commerce sind unbestritten die Orte, an denen Unternehmen am effektivsten wachsen können. Mit metoda bringt ihr euer Full Funnel Marketing auf ein neues Level, egal ob Sponsored Ads, Display Ads (DSP) oder Amazon Marketing Cloud (AMC). Jeden Punkt der Customer Journey messen, analysieren und optimieren - das ist der Fokus der Managed Tech Solution von metoda. Damit setzt ihr euch vom Wettbewerb ab und erschließt neue Erfolgspotenziale. metoda ist einer der wenigen ausgewiesenen Amazon Advanced Partner weltweit und setzt auf drei leistungsstarke Kernkonzepte, um das beste Ergebnis zu erzielen: metoda TECH: Eigene Technologie für Sponsored Ads DSP-Optimierung, um profitablen Traffic auf Produkt-Detail-Seiten (ASINs), Brand Stores und externe Webseiten zu bringen. metoda DATA: Leistungsstarke APIs Crawling-Technologie für detaillierte Einblicke in den E-Commerce Markt zur Verbesserung der Sichtbarkeit und Performance auf Preissuchmaschinen und zum Monitoring der Konkurrenz. metoda EXPERTS: Zertifizierte Amazon Ads Spezialisten, Data Scientists und Amazon Senior-Consultants stehen für den entscheidenden Wettbewerbsvorteil im Full Funnel Marketing bereit. In der Summe ergeben die drei Kernkonzepte die perfekte Lösung, um das E-Commerce Business auf ein neues Level zu heben.

Technologie, Information und Internet
51–200 Beschäftigte
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)
Competitive Intelligence, Market Insights, Amazon Solutions, Amazon Advertising, Price & Product Data, Amazon DSP, Amazon Consulting und E-Commerce Visibility


Beschäftigte von metoda GmbH


  • Unternehmensseite von metoda GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    Meet us at the IFA Berlin! Our Head of Partnerships Thilo Heller and our Senior Sales Manager Josef Hartmann will be at the IFA in Berlin. 📅 Meet Thilo Heller on September 06 - 07 📅 Meet Josef Hartmann on September 09 - 10 Don’t miss the chance to connect with them and learn more about how metoda can help elevate your business. See you in Berlin! #metoda #IFA2024 #Berlin #Networking #DriveSuccessTogether

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  • Unternehmensseite von metoda GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    Prime Day was the top sales event of the year. Join us for tomorrow's webinar to see how it compared to previous years and to learn how to elevate your Amazon marketing. 💡 📅 tomorrow, August 6th, 2024 🕚 11:00 AM See you there!

    Unternehmensseite von metoda GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

    2.661 Follower:innen

    ✨ Join our exclusive Prime Day Recap Webinar 2024! ✨ Discover how the Prime Days stacked up against previous years and learn effective strategies to develop and defend your brand in today’s competitive market with Amazon Ads. Don't miss out - save your free spot now!

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  • Unternehmensseite von metoda GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    Did you know how significant Amazon's presence is in the EU? Since last year, the EU has required Amazon to share insights about their operations across Europe. One of the most compelling numbers they release is the average number of active users per country each month. Updated every six months, the latest report from April 24th covers H2 2023 (July to December 2023). The table shows the EU4, with Germany at the top, followed by Italy, France and Spain. This invaluable resource can help you identify the most promising markets and develop a data-driven expansion strategy for your brand. Would you like to see the numbers for the smaller countries? Comment or repost to get the full PDF.

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  • Unternehmensseite von metoda GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

    2.661 Follower:innen

    Ever wondered how you can best use the AMC for your brand? At K5 - Future Retail in Berlin, our CEO Stefan Bures and Bjoern Hoppe, VP eCommerce at AMOR Group, unveiled in an insightful session how the AMOR Group successfully optimizes the entire Amazon Advertising Funnel using the AMC and metoda technology. Initially, AMOR’s attempts with DSP felt like navigating a “black box” - scattered data, no clear tracking and hardly any control over the investments. To tackle this, AMOR and metoda have decided to collaborate. 💡 The goal? Build a strong D2C brand on Amazon with the help of Upper and Lower Funnel Marketing measured through the AMC. With A/B testing (DSP with metoda best practices vs. DSP refined by AMC audiences), metoda demonstrated how the AMC allows for a more precise shopper targeting. 💡 The approach? Shopper Insights: Analyzing the AMC data allowed AMOR to identify more relevant shopper segments based on diverse KPIs like conversion rates and user value before even starting the campaign. This led to a very precise shopper audience in the DSP. Customer Ownership: The AMC also helped to regain customer ownership in an otherwise largely closed system like Amazon. New audiences can be measured and targeted like cart abandoners, add-to-wishlist shoppers and people who searched for the AMOR brand(s). 💡 The results? 1% increase in clicks 27% increase in click-through rate 23% rise in add-to-cart events 55% boost in Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) -8% reduction in ad spend The ability to target highly specific audiences leads to greater transparency and better control over marketing spends, eliminating the “black box” and enabling precise investment decisions. Want to learn more about AMC and metoda technology? Connect with us! See the full presentation here: or comment to get the slides. #AMORGroup #metoda #K5 #Amazon #AMC #DriveSuccessTogether

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  • Unternehmensseite von metoda GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

    2.661 Follower:innen

    metoda is hosting its Prime Day Recap Webinar 2024 in a few days. It will be more insightsful than ever... DSP - AMC - Sponsored Ads 😉

    Unternehmensseite von metoda GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

    2.661 Follower:innen

    ✨ Join our exclusive Prime Day Recap Webinar 2024! ✨ Discover how the Prime Days stacked up against previous years and learn effective strategies to develop and defend your brand in today’s competitive market with Amazon Ads. Don't miss out - save your free spot now!

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  • Unternehmensseite von metoda GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

    2.661 Follower:innen

    ✨ Join our exclusive Prime Day Recap Webinar 2024! ✨ Discover how the Prime Days stacked up against previous years and learn effective strategies to develop and defend your brand in today’s competitive market with Amazon Ads. Don't miss out - save your free spot now!

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