Math2Market GmbH

Math2Market GmbH


Kaiserslautern, Rheinland-Pfalz 1.688 Follower:innen

makers of the GeoDict software, the Digital Material Laboratory


Die Math2Market GmbH entwickelt und vertreibt die wissenschaftliche Software GeoDict. Mit GeoDict verfügen unsere Kunden über ein digitales Materiallabor, in welchem sie ihre Werkstoff- und Materialentwicklung rechnergestützt betreiben können. So kann z. B. ein Filterelement durch Simulation mehrstufig optimiert werden, bevor es dann endgültig in Produktion geht. Wir arbeiten in vielfältiger Weise mit internationalen Partnern aus Industrie und Forschung zusammen und sind mit innovativen Beiträgen auf wissenschaftlichen Kongressen und Messen vertreten. Permanente Weiterentwicklung und Ergänzung der einzelnen Softwaremodule ist unsere Leidenschaft – messbar am jährlichen Update-Release von GeoDict. Das Wachstum des Unternehmens zeigt, wie unsere Kunden dies honorieren. Aktuelle Einsatzfelder sind beispielsweise: • Poröse Materialien für Öl-,Luft- und Dieselpartikelfilter, Vliesstoffe aller Art, Filze zur Papierentwässerung und viele weitere Materialien für zahlreiche Anwendungen werden per Simulation für immer schwierigere Anforderungen angepasst. • Brennstoffzellen, Batterien und Katalysatoren werden mit Hilfe von GeoDict weiterentwickelt. • Faserverbundwerkstoffe können in der Chemie-, Kunststoff-, Luftfahrt-, Elektronik- und Automobilindustrie designt und optimiert werden. • Die explorierende Öl- und Gasindustrie profitiert von schnellerer und umfassenderer Auswertung von Bohrkerneigenschaften als im klassischen Labor möglich. • Neue Geschäftsfelder kommen in Kürze dazu. Im Jahr 2011 als Ausgründung aus dem Fraunhofer ITWM entstanden, hat die Math2Market GmbH heute bereits mehr als 70 Mitarbeiter. Die führenden Wissenschaftler verfügen zusammen über mehr als 80 Jahre Erfahrung in den Anwendungsfeldern. Bei der Softwareentwicklung kooperiert die Math2Market GmbH weiterhin mit dem Fraunhofer Institut für Techno- und Wirtschaftsmathematik, von dem sie die kompletten Rechte (IP) an GeoDict zum 31.12.2012 erworben hat.

51–200 Beschäftigte
Kaiserslautern, Rheinland-Pfalz
Filtration Simulation, Consulting, 3d Material Models, Material Property Simulation, 3d Image Processing, Fuel Cell Material Simulation, Li-Ion Battery Material Simulation, Paper Dewatering Media simulation, Digital Rock Physics, Sand Control Screen Design, Filter media modeling and simulation, Digital material analysis und Digital property prediction


  • Primär

    Richard-Wagner-Str. 1

    Kaiserslautern, Rheinland-Pfalz 67655, DE


Beschäftigte von Math2Market GmbH


  • Unternehmensseite von Math2Market GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

    1.688 Follower:innen

    Explore the fascinating concepts of percolation paths and flow simulation in a fun and playful way with GeoDict! Check out our example, where we use GeoDict and the "Labyrinth Matze Mäander" image from Pixabay to find the shortest path through a complex maze. We use the latest technology to segment the image and create a stunning 3D representation of the maze and then, identify the shortest percolation path using the efficient tools and modules from GeoDict. Ready to give it a try? Download the maze *.gdt file and try it on your local GeoDict installation. You'll be amazed how quickly you can find the shortest path through the maze and simulate the flow of fluids through different materials. Click the to learn more and get started!   #GeoDict #FlowSimulation #PercolationPaths #Maze #ShortestPath

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  • Unternehmensseite von Math2Market GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

    1.688 Follower:innen

    💡 Did you know? Over 50 pre-defined GeoApps are included in the GeoDict installation to streamline workflows and boost productivity! What is a GeoApp? Written in Python, GeoApps are powerful scripts to automate, simplify, and extend GeoDict capabilities. GeoApps take advantage of the entire Python ecosystem, including SciPy, NumPy, and more, to automate repetitive tasks, saving valuable time and reducing the risk of errors. GeoApps are classified into three categories: 1. General GeoApps provide basic workflows for tasks such as visualization, 3D image data quality control, or microstructure characterization. 2. Application GeoApps offer tailored workflows that utilize multiple GeoDict modules and are designed for simulations in specific applications (air filtration, batteries, digital rock physics, and more) 3. Module GeoApps adapt the usage of each GeoDict module for a specific application. Using GeoApps is simple: Choose the one you need from the GeoDict menu bar, adjust the parameters in a dialog if necessary, click run, and let the GeoApp do the rest! Learn more about GeoApps: #Automation #GeoDict #Python #Simulation #Productivity  

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  • Unternehmensseite von Math2Market GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

    1.688 Follower:innen

    We're excited to be part of FILTECH this November! Join our team for insightful talks on the latest advancements in #adsorption modeling, #pleat design, and #electrostatics modeling. You will find us at booth B26, hall 8 in Cologne. If you want to explore how GeoDict can improve your development process, don't hesitate to reach out. We look forward to seeing you there!

    Unternehmensseite von FILTECH Exhibition anzeigen, Grafik

    7.465 Follower:innen

    In this year's FILTECH Innovation Guide Math2Market GmbH presents: Adsorption Simulations for #pollutioncontrol and #carboncapture – GeoDict software Adsorption-based processes, essential to reduce environmental pollution and eliminate harmful substances, commonly use #filtermedia materials: #activatedcarbon, zeolites, and metal-organic frameworks, to effectively purify fluids and gases in #watertreatment or #airpurification. Breakthrough curves are assessed to measure and classify the quality of adsorption filter media. The curve shows the adsorbate concentration in the filtrate behind the filter media and the breakthrough that occurs when adsorbate appears in the filtrate. However, determining breakthrough curves for a specific contaminant often requires time-consuming and costly experimental procedures. The new feature in the GeoDict simulation software of Math2Market makes possible to calculate the molecular movement of particles and to solve for the adsorption equilibrium step-by-step using Langmuir and Toth adsorption isotherms. These most advanced simulations deliver breakthrough curves for various contaminants... Find out more at: We are very excited to welcome the Math2Market Team to the FILTECH again! For any questions about the GeoDict Simulation Software feel free to reach out to: Andreas Wiegmann, Barbara Planas, Christopher Kühnle, Liping Cheng, Philipp Eichheimer, Andreas Weber, Tabea Sterbak, Maximilian Luczak, Steffen Schwichow and Tina Jäger.

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  • Unternehmensseite von Math2Market GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

    1.688 Follower:innen

    Thinking about digital material development for your projects? 🤔 Philipp Eichheimer, our expert in filtration applications, is here to explain how simulations from filter media to filter scale provide valuable and accurate insights and drive the acceleration and sustainability of the product development process. At Math2Market, we develop GeoDict, an incredibly powerful digital tool to analyze and develop material structures – in short, it is a complete digital material laboratory. We are committed to our customers in their path to digitalization of material development by delivering fast, efficient, and direct support from our experts. Set up an appointment quickly and easily and talk online with our specialists. 🎯 Are you facing a challenge in material development? Or are curious about digitalization solutions in your field? Book an appointment with our expert Philipp Eichheimer! Let's innovate together! #DigitalTransformation #Filtration #Simulation #ProductDevelopment #GeoDict #Innovation    

  • Unternehmensseite von Math2Market GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

    1.688 Follower:innen

    Greetings from the SCA Annual Symposium 2024! The Society of Core Analysts symposium provides yearly an important platform for experts from around the globe to come together, share knowledge, and discuss the latest advancements in core analysis. We were pleased to have the opportunity again to exhibit and to sponsor the event. We had an excellent time connecting with core analysis professionals, exchanging ideas, and discussing the latest advancements in digital core analysis and digital rock physics. Our experts Christian Hinz, Lobel Zvonimir Daničić, and Arne Jacob engaged interesting discussions and interactions that highlight the importance of collaboration in advancing this field. To know more about Math2Market solutions for routine and special core analysis visit us at #SCA #CoreAnalysis #Innovation #Networking #EnergyIndustry #geodict #math2market  

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  • Unternehmensseite von Math2Market GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

    1.688 Follower:innen

    Simulating packed-bed reactors with GeoDict: A step-by-step guide Packed bed reactors are used for chemical processes involving solid state catalysts and liquid or gaseous fluids. The catalysts – commonly used are spheres, cylinders or other geometric shapes – are rigidly packed inside a tube. Then, the fluid reactant flows alongside the catalysts and the reactions take place on their surfaces. In this tutorial, we guide you through the process of modeling and simulating packed-bed reactors using GeoDict. We start by modeling the reactor with a basic geometric shape for the catalyst and then, advance to incorporating a user-defined object. Following this, we simulate and visualize the water flow through the reactor, providing a clear understanding of the entire process. In detail, learn how to: -         Create a packed bed reactor -         Pile cylinders inside the reactor -         Simulate water flow through the catalysts inside the reactor -         Create a user-defined GAD object (analytic description) -         Pile these user-defined objects into the reactor as catalysts If you already have a license to enjoy GeoDict, simply download the tutorial PDF and all needed materials from our website and follow along with the tutorial: If you do not use GeoDict yet, this is a great opportunity to get started! Make an online appointment to start the conversation! #ChemicalEngineering #Simulation #Innovation #Chemist #Scientist

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  • Unternehmensseite von Math2Market GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

    1.688 Follower:innen

    Our team at the TechTextil North America 2024! This week, our experts Dr. Oliver Rimmel, Nelly Franziska Nunheim, and Andreas Grießer participate in Techtextil North America for the first time. This event brings together all aspects of the technical textile industry, creating a unique platform for innovation and collaboration. It is great to be part of this dynamic event, and we're looking forward to the opportunities that will result from it. We'd like to thank everyone who stopped by our booth and took part in the valuable discussions! #TTNA24 #Techtextil #Innovation #TechnicalTextiles #Networking  

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  • Unternehmensseite von Math2Market GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

    1.688 Follower:innen

    GeoDict Academy 2024 – Advancing materials science, strengthening connections This July, we had the privilege of reconnecting with our valued GeoDict distribution partners— SCSK Corporation, Tennessine Instrumentação Analítica, Trinity Engineering, Pitotech, Flight Technology—during the GeoDict Academy 2024. Over the course of three exciting days, we shared knowledge, expanded our network, and forged new partnerships while reinforcing existing ones. It was a pleasure to exchange insights, discuss best practices, and explore innovative applications of GeoDict. We are eager to keep working with our partners to tackle together the challenges of our clients in materials science and technology. A heartfelt thank you to everyone who made the journey and helped make this event a success. Stay connected with us for the latest on future events and opportunities. #MaterialsScience #Innovation #Collaboration #Technology #KnowledgeExchange

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  • Unternehmensseite von Math2Market GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

    1.688 Follower:innen

    🚀 Enhance image quality and get material insights with GeoDict! Use the full range of processing tools and filters in the GeoDict software to get the best possible image quality for your scans. GeoDict makes it easy to deal with low-contrast scans and differentiate materials by shape and gray value. Use the magic brush tool for straightforward labeling. Save trained networks for consistent results. Apply different AI models to achieve optimal outcomes. 🔍 Results: - Improved scan quality - Segmented scans with detailed material information - Complete data of various analytical parameters Unlock the full potential of CT-scans and gain deeper insights into material microstructures with GeoDict! Read more here: #GeoDict #ImageProcessing #Segmentation #AI #MateriaslsScience #Innovation #ResearchAndDevelopment

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  • Unternehmensseite von Math2Market GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

    1.688 Follower:innen

    We are so proud and happy to part of the #WFC14!

    Unternehmensseite von World Filtration Congress 14 anzeigen, Grafik

    135 Follower:innen

    We are pleased to announce that Math2Market GmbH will be present at the #WFC14. They will have the opportunity to present their innovative and easy-to-use material simulator: #GeoDict, a complete software solution for multi-scale 3D image processing, material modeling, visualization, material property characterization, simulation-based material development and process optimization. #IndustrySolutions See the exhibitors 👉

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