MARTIN GmbH für Umwelt- und Energietechnik

MARTIN GmbH für Umwelt- und Energietechnik

Erneuerbare Energie & Umwelt

Munich, Bavaria 4.059 Follower:innen

Innovation aus Tradition


We have the solutions for today's challenges and develop tomorrow's technologies. In this way, we make a crucial contribution to our future: Our plants and components contribute to an ideal and sustainable treatment of waste. As one of the world's leading suppliers of plants for the thermal and organic treatment of waste, we offer our municipal and private customers engineering, supply of components, planning, order handling, design, procurement, assembly and start-up. We are a fourth-generation family-owned business thinking and acting for the long term. Our company was founded in Munich in 1925. Making the greatest demands with respect to quality and professionalism, its founder Josef Martin developed the company into a well-known brand and established values that we as a fourth-generation family-run company today carry into the future.

Erneuerbare Energie & Umwelt
201–500 Beschäftigte
Munich, Bavaria
Waste to Energy, Sewage to Energy, Waste Incineration, Service and Maintenance und Power Plant Upgrade


Beschäftigte von MARTIN GmbH für Umwelt- und Energietechnik


  • What a run! 👟 Last Wednesday our colleagues participated at the B2RUN in Munich as team MARTIN. #gemeinsamaktiv Under sunny skies our team enjoyed their run through the Olympic Park. The highlight was, of course, the finish line in the stadium, where all runners were greeted with a big round of applause. A total of 43 colleagues competed for MARTIN. And who was the fastest? Valerie Degenhardt was fastest among the women with a time of 26 minutes 29 seconds. Christian Le Hong led the men's race with a time of 20 minutes 25 seconds. But everyone else can be really proud of themselves and their achievements, too. And we are so proud to have such a fit and motivated team at MARTIN! As a charity starter, we support the #DKMS with our participation. THANK YOU team Martin for being there and running for a good cause. 💪🏽 #B2RunMunich #TeamMARTIN

    • Team MARTIN at the B2Run in Munich last week. It was so much fun and we supported the DKMS with our participation as a charity starter. See you next year, Munich!
  • Contract awarded to MARTIN in the Czech Republic! 🌟    In April 2024, SLOVENSKÉ ENERGETICKÉ STROJÁRNE a.s., the EPC contractor for the construction of the single-line turnkey WTE plant at the Komořany site in the Czech Republic, awarded us the contract to supply the main components of the combustion and combustion air systems and to engineer the steam generator.    The core component of the plant with a gross heat release of 52.1 MW will be our 3-run Vario reverse-acting grate with a throughput capacity of up to 504 tons per day.    The plant of the future operator "United Energy a.s." is directly integrated in the waste management concept of the Ústí nad Labem region and will contribute to efficient and environmentally friendly waste management in the North Bohemian region by generating energy from waste.   MARTIN is proud to be contributing to this effort. This builds on our previous successes in the Czech Republic and we look forward to successfully implementing this project with all partners involved. 💙  #WasteToEnergy #Engineering #RenewableEnergy    

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  • Unternehmensseite von MARTIN GmbH für Umwelt- und Energietechnik anzeigen, Grafik

    4.059 Follower:innen

    Wow – 4000 people now following us here on LinkedIn, what a milestone for us! Over the past few months, our community and their interest in our topics here on LinkedIn have grown a lot. This week we have hit 4,000 followers! We are thrilled! 🎉 It is our turn to say THANK YOU now - for your commitment, your interest and the support you leave here on our site. 🙏 We’ve have done some research on where our community comes from and have rounded up a few interesting facts for you: - Most of our followers live in Germany, but there are also people from Switzerland, France, even India and other parts of Europe. Glad you're here! 🤗 - Our followers work for manufacturers of industrial machinery, but mechanical engineering, environmental services and construction industries are also included. We are pleased that our topics not only reach you, but also that we provide added value that you can benefit from. But for us, good is not enough, we go for great! Therefore, we are interested in your feedback. Are you particularly interested in a topic? Then feel free to write to us in the comments. 💙 #LinkedInCommunity #WirSindMARTIN #WasteToEnergy

    • Valerie Degenhardt, member of the management board at MARTIN, and Michelle Bauer, Marketing & Communication Manager, are very thrilled and happy about this milestone on LinkedIn. "It is all about our great community and always giving something back:" , so they say.
  • Count us in on July 17th #gemeinsamaktiv. 👟 Our colleagues will compete again at this year's B2RUN in Munich. In total, the running track in the Olympic Park in Munich covers about 5 kilometers. At the moment our MARTINis are still in the middle of their training sessions in order to be ready for the big run next week. 🚀 The anticipation is on the rise.      We are excited to join our running team, currently consisting of about 50 employees doing this run together for a good cause. And we have a win-win situation since we do not only promote our own health, but also support the DKMS Deutschland as a charity starter with our participation.  💪      #B2RunMunich #CompanyRun #TeamMARTIN

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  • 🚀 Major milestone reached in Rothensee! Last week saw the celebration to mark the 1st waste fire in unit 3 of our new Rothensee plant, which had taken place on 30 May. 🎉 A great moment that could only be achieved thanks to the joint efforts of the entire Martin GmbH and KMT GmbH project team, and the support of our valued customers and partners from EEW, MHKW and the adjacent lots. As a special souvenir, Martin presented a brass plaque to the board of directors and project management of MHKW and EEW. 🏅 The official ceremony was followed by traditional Bavarian celebrations with Bavarian Olympic games and music. Many thanks to everyone who made this day an unforgettable experience.🙏 Special thanks also go to our strong project team, without whom we could not have reached this milestone! #WirSindMartin #Müllfeuer #Rothensee #Meilenstein #Teamwork

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  • ✨ Rückblick: Die IKOM Hochschulmesse der TUM in München Garching! Am Montag, den 24. Juni, durften wir an der #IKOM Hochschulmesse 2024 teilnehmen. Unser Team war begeistert von der großartigen Resonanz und dem wertvollen Austausch mit so vielen talentierten und ambitionierten Teilnehmenden. Ein herzliches Dankeschön an alle, die unseren Stand besucht haben.🙏 Dank des diesjährigen Erfolgs freuen wir uns schon jetzt auf ein Wiedersehen in 2025! Wir sind gespannt auf weitere inspirierende Begegnungen und den Austausch mit euch. 🚀Alle Infos zu deinem Berufseinstieg bei uns, findest du direkt auf unserer Karriereseite. #Karriere #Jobs #joinus

    • Ein erfolgreicher Tag auf der IKOM Hochschulmesse 2024 der TUM in München Garching. Unser Team ist happy und wir auch.
  • We are among the best 10% in Germany. 🎉 Of course, we are happy and proud to hear this. But what exactly is it about? In cooperation with the employer rating platform kununu, the SZ Institute has published a ranking on salary satisfaction. MARTIN GmbH was also checked out as an employer and ranks among the best 10% in Germany. 💡 As an employer, it is very important to us to provide a fair and competitive remuneration structure in order not only to promote the commitment and willingness of our employees, but also to ensure a long-term and positive employment relationship. It is nice to see that this is rewarded by the employees on the evaluation platform. At this point a heartfelt #thankyou to all who rated us so positively. 💙 #salary #appreciation #Kununu

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  • 🌍MARTIN meets Brazil We are pleased to announce that MARTIN GmbH has been a member of ABREN - Associação Brasileira de Recuperação Energética de Resíduos, the Brazilian Waste-to-Energy (WtE) association since spring 2024. The networking of technology companies, waste management companies and politicians is intended to enable a progressive and environmentally friendly waste management economy, to which Waste-to-Energy makes a significant contribution. At the IFAT fair in May, we had the opportunity to exchange ideas with policy makers and industry leaders such as Ambiental, Solvi, Orizon and Burntech-Biocal from the state of Santa Catarina. These discussions are crucial to advancing the environmental agenda in Brazil. 🏭At the end of the successful visit, all participants went to visit the MVA Ingolstadt. A big thank you to the team for the excellent organization and management of the plant! 📆Did you know that MARTIN’s first WtE plant was built in Sao Paulo back in 1959? This once again underlines our long-standing commitment to sustainable energy production in Brazil. #IFAT2024 #Brazil #WasteToEnergy #ABREN  

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  • Besuche uns auf der Karrieremesse IKOM am 24. Juni! 🚀  Die #IKOM, organisiert von Studenten der TUM, bietet eine Plattform für den persönlichen Austausch zwischen Studenten, Absolventen und Unternehmen. Auch wir sind mit der MARTIN GmbH vor Ort, um Fragen rund um unsere Möglichkeiten zum Berufseinstieg zu beantworten. Du studierst Maschinenbau? Dann bist Du bei uns genau richtig!  Wir freuen uns darauf, Teil der Veranstaltung zu sein und Dich an unserem Stand begrüßen zu dürfen.  Hier die wichtigsten Infos auf einen Blick:   📅Wann? 24. Juni 2024  📍 Wo? TUM München Campus Garching   📌Standnr. 10  Wir freuen uns auf Deinen Besuch!   #TUM #Karriere #Jobs

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  • 📢 MARTIN at the 46th Prewin Network Meeting in Birmingham! 🔍Recap of last week's PREWIN Network Event in Birmingham with participants from all over Europe. MARTIN says "Thank you!" to our colleague Daniel Böck for the presentation on "Online Cleaning with Shock Pulse Generators - experience of a plant manufacturer" and to all other participants for the informative presentations and the successful evening program.   💡The presentation focused on MARTIN’s experience in the use of Shock Pulse Generators in retrofit projects over the past nine years and the development that Explosion Power GmbH has taken since its founding in 2009, from a pure system supplier to a provider of process engineering know-how. #WasteToEnergy #PREWIN2024 #SPG

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