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Frankfurt am Main, Hesse 3.080 Follower:innen

Wir bieten Software für Unternehmen und den öffentlichen Sektor, um mit EUDI-Wallets nach eIDAS 2.0 zu interagieren.


Lissi bietet Identitätsmanagement-Software für große Unternehmen und den öffentlichen Sektor zur Interaktion mit EUDI-Wallets nach eIDAS 2.0 an. Verantwortlich für PR & Inhalt: Lissi GmbH Eschersheimer Landstr. 6 60322 Frankfurt

IT und Services
11–50 Beschäftigte
Frankfurt am Main, Hesse
Interactions with EUDI-Wallets, KYC with EUDI-Wallets und SCA with EUDI-Wallets



Beschäftigte von Lissi


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    Today we want to take a look at the #capabilities of the 🇪🇺 📲  #EUDI #Wallet: ⬇ Do you know all of them? Capabilities represent the broader potential of the EU-Wallet to deliver the desired outcomes. Capabilities encompass the overall competencies of the wallet system, such as enhancing user security, facilitating seamless digital interactions, and supporting user autonomy in the digital society. Summarising the #eIDAS regulation, we found the following capabilities: ✅ Information #security: Ensures information about the usage of credentials is not shared with the credential providers while maintaining confidentiality and integrity. ✅ #Authentication of organisations: Provide mechanisms to verify the identity of entities interacting with the wallet, ensuring secure interactions. ✅ #Assurance levels: Adheres to a high level of assurance for identity proofing, verification, and management, safeguarding user identity and data. ✅ #Disclosure policies: Support disclosure policies for attributes to manage how and when user data can be accessed by organisations. ✅ Unique #representation of data: Guarantees that a person is distinctly represented as an individual. ✅ Selective #disclosure: Allows users to present a subset of attributes of an credential to an organisation instead of disclosing the sum of all attributes, effectively enhancing privacy. ✅ Online and #offline support: Ensures wallet functionality both online and offline, facilitating broader accessibility. ✅ Generate and store #pseudonyms: Allows users to create and store pseudonyms for enhanced privacy and anonymity. ✅ Common #protocol support: Using the same technical standards to ensure mutual understanding regardless of the used application or member state.  We will take a look at the #features in a future post. You want to gain practical experience with EUDI wallets and integrate your own use case? Reach out to us!

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  • Unternehmensseite von Lissi anzeigen, Grafik

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    We get approached by major banks, established trust service providers and government institutions to enable them to integrate use cases with future 🇪🇺 📲 #EUDI #Wallets. Here are the reasons why: ✅ Test as SaaS run on-premise You can simply test our application in the cloud and continue with the productive use cases in your environment / cloud. ✅ Complete software suite We offer both the corporate API and end-user software components to ensure great compatibility and user-experience. ✅ Best in Class UI/UX „Overall, the Lissi wallet emerges as the winner among the four wallets” Study by ECIS research paper. ✅ Innovator in Security & Standards The Lissi Wallet was the first wallet in the world to pilot an #OpenID4VC integration. We develop, implement and standardise new security standards such as hardware binding and wallet authentication together with e.g. DIF and Bundesdruckerei. ✅ Industry recognition First place in the "Digital Banking" category of the Handelsblatt "Decentralized ID in practice" Award with DATEV from KuppingerCole ✅ Leading roles in government projects We lead the #IDunion consortium and are funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economy and Climate Action. We are participating in the large scale pilots #EWC and #Potential and are part of the German EUDI-Wallet innovation challenge. You also want to get practical experience with implementing use cases with the EU identity wallets? Contact us to join our guided pilot program with an easy step-by-step process for long-term commitment.

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  • Unternehmensseite von Lissi anzeigen, Grafik

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    #eIDAS and the 🇪🇺 📲 #EUDI #Wallet create new business opportunities for qualified trust service providers #QTSP. Let's take a look into the details: ⬇ Speaking to most of the QTSPs and industry experts, we identified the following focus topics for QTSPs: ➡ Cost reduction with #PID - Person Identification Data Reduce costs by performing an identification via the PID instead of potentially costly third-party providers. ➡ Market expansion with #QES - Qualified Electronic Signature Increase the frequency of usage for QES due to the availability of QES within the wallet. ➡ New market opportunity: #QEAA - Qualified electronic Attestation of Attributres: QEAAs can only be issued by QTSPs. Given the scope and high number of QEAAs there should be much more processes for QEAA issuance than for QES in future. Especially the 3rd point (QEAA issuance) represents a major new revenue opportunity for QTSPs. Take a look in the last page of our post, which illustrates, which attributes fall under the QEAA categorisation according to annex 6 of the #eIDAS regulation. We are have already started pilot programs with multiple QTSPs and do have some slots open for September. Join us in this journey! We provide you with the API software, a ARF compatible wallet as well as guidance and insights on how to approach this topic.

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    Profil von Adrian Doerk 🇪🇺 📲 anzeigen, Grafik

    Co-Founder Lissi | IDunion | EUDI-Wallet & eIDAS

    What is the role of qualified trust service providers #QTSPs under the #eIDAS2 regulation? We answered this question together at Digital Identity unConference Europe | DICE ⬇ Together with Joerg Lenz, Marketing director at Namirial and Steffen Schwalm principal consultant at msg we hosted a workshop to discuss how QTSPs can approach #eIDAS2. Qualified trust service providers are regulated entities, which offer services such as the creation of qualified electronic signatures, seals, or timestamps, which are certified and classified as "qualified" according to eIDAS. The QTSP is always responsible to provide evidence of their processes and take over responsibility for their services. Existing trust services include timestamps, validation of signatures, preservation, seal, signature, delivery and QWACs. New trust services under eIDAS2:   ➡ QEAA - Qualified electronic attestation of attributes  ➡ Management of signature creation device ➡ Archiving  ➡ Qualified ledger The QTSP market:  💡There are around 250 QTSPs.  💡Spain, Italy and France do have the most QTSPs 💡Industry trend “Trust service as a Service”  💡Big organisations tend to buy smaller QTSPs  💡ETSI 3 19 401 incorporates NIS2 requirements 💡Many QTSPs want to see more harmonisation across member states 💡eIDAS offers possibility for differentiation  💡planning security is essential for investments - and this is not yet given for all aspects Changes & opportunities:  👉 Use a #QEAA (in or outside the #EUDI #Wallet) for personal identification 👉 Usage of #PID for cost savings 👉 Market expansion with higher frequency of #QES 👉 New market opportunity with QEAA issuance  👉 It’s unclear which QTSP will provide the QES to the nationals EUDI-Wallets Outlook - How to continue from here? ⏭ Waiting for more details from #ARF and the 42 implementing acts ⏭ setting up the new Large Scale Pilots  ⏭ #ENISA trust service conference & Trust service forum in September - focus on regulation ⏭ CEN / #ETSI Conference also in beginning of September, which is more focused on technology Challenges & open questions:  Among other challenges QTSPs are required to offer natural citizens with a qualified electronic signature for non-professional purposes. This might be inspired by Austria - where the taxpayer is paying for the service, which is provided by A-trust.

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    Profil von Adrian Doerk 🇪🇺 📲 anzeigen, Grafik

    Co-Founder Lissi | IDunion | EUDI-Wallet & eIDAS

    What is happening in 🇩🇪 Germany to push #eIDAS2 and the 🇪🇺 📲 #EUDI #Wallet? Let’s find out ⬇ Most notably Germany is (besides the Netherlands) the only EU member state, which hosts a public consultation process for the implementation of the eIDAS2 regulation. The forum is hosted by #SprinD - the German agency for leap innovation and overseen by the ministry of interior. Within the consultation processes several workshops have been conducted already including: ✅ Data security and privacy ✅ Use cases ✅ Business and issuance models Recently SprinD also started an innovation challenge to figure out the best option for an German EUDI-wallet. The competition is lasting 13 months and has 3 stages with the following use cases: Stage 1: #PID = Person Identification Data for identification purposes Stage 2: #EAA = Electronic attestation of attributes = credentials Stage 3: #SCA = secure customer authentication = secure login / approval Currently 11 teams are competing including #Google, Governikus, AUTHADA GmbH, Lissi GmbH, Animo Solutions, and #Samsung among others. The German Federal Ministry of Transport and digital Infrastructure is responsible for regulating the trust services in Germany. The Ministry of economics and climate actions is funding the showcase secure digital identity consortia IDunion, #SDIKA ID-Ideal and #ONCE. Especially the IDunion community, which is led by the API software provider #Lissi, had a significant influence on the technical standards we currently see in the architecture reference framework. The different ministries get together in the GovLab to coordinate their activities. While Germany has a great technical smart card solution for the eID it’s only used by around 15 % of citizens. Germany is also leading the Potential large scale pilot together with France. Other german organisations are also participating in #EWC #NOBID and #DC4EU. Germany is pushing the cutting edge of innovation for wallets, while being far behind in the digitalisation of its government sector. Many see the wallet as a much needed tool, which creates spillover effects and provides an unified and standardised way to interact with organisations. Still, it’s too be seen how successful the German government will be in ensuring easy access to the wallet, the PID and the authentic sources.

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  • Unternehmensseite von Lissi anzeigen, Grafik

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    If there are 30 🇪🇺 📲 EU #Identity #Wallets how will your organisation be able to support them all? Easy! With the #Lissi #EUDI #Wallet Connector! It serves as an aggregator, which will support all certified EU Wallets. Instead of hiring a team of developers implementing and maintaining very specific technical standards you get a stable #API interface with our Connector. So you can focus on implementing use cases and ensuring smooth processes and user experience! We also provide the application as on-premise software you can host it in your own cloud environment. In addition you can use our wallet, which already supports the required technical standards. We do active interoperability testing with other stakeholders in the european wallet consortium #EWC and the Potential Large Scale Pilots. Your organisation can join our pilot program together with other qualified trust service providers #QTSP, financial institutions and public institutions to get practical experience with implementing use cases. Being an early adopter means: ➡️ strategic insights ➡️ practical experience ➡️ validation of technical integration ➡️ strategic positioning ➡️ risk mitigation within an controlled environment Join us to create the trust of tomorrow!

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  • Unternehmensseite von Lissi anzeigen, Grafik

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    #Credentials in #eIDAS2: qualified and non-qualified credentials and your #eID - let's take a look into what this actually means: #EAA: Electronic attestation of attributes: This is a credential issued in a non-regulated context, such as tickets, customer cards or employee cards. Every organisations can issue such credentials. #QEAA: Qualified electronic attestations of attributes: Credentials which require a high level of trust. They can only be issued by a qualified trust service provider #QTSP and are derived from an authentic source. Examples include civil status, professional qualifications or a power of attorney. #PID: Person identification data: The foundational identity issued by an authorised government entity for the identification of a natural or legal person. Existing (or new) notified eID schemes will be used to issue this credential into the #EUDI #Wallet. At Lissi GmbH we are already testing all of these credentials with our issuer and verifier software, as well as our wallet. Join us in implementing use cases !

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  • Unternehmensseite von Lissi anzeigen, Grafik

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    You want to stay updated on the latest developments of the #eIDAS2 regulation and the 🇪🇺 📲#EUDI #Wallet? Then join our monthly newsletter❗ Why is it important to be informed? Because the Regulation is expected to have a significant impact on European organisations, businesses and citizens. Here is a sneak peak 🫣 of what you’ll find in the newsletter: ✅ Newest developments on EU States and their EUDI-Wallets, including features like PID (digitalIdentity) issuance and verification ✅ Process of the Large Scale Pilots and the first EUDI-Wallet Use Cases ✅ New businesses and products in the EUDI-Wallet ecosystem, including updates from Lissi ✅ Latest technical developments & releases of and in depth insights into the features of EUDI-Wallets ✅ Clarification and specification on the different eIDAS regulations, including the implementing acts 👉 Feel free to sign up via the links provided below for the english or german version! We are looking forward to welcoming you!

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