Liquid Legal Institute e.V.

Liquid Legal Institute e.V.


Munich, Bavaria 6.118 Follower:innen

The Liquid Legal Institute is an open, neutral, and interdisciplinary platform fostering innovation in the legal domain.


Sign up for our newsletter: The Liquid Legal Institute is an open and interdisciplinary platform for promoting a new way of thinking in the legal sector. Digitization, new business models and technological innovations are currently changing all major industries worldwide. However, the legal sector has not yet benefited sufficiently from these trends. The Liquid Legal Institute was founded by seven experts from legal practice, design thinking and computer science to close this gap. Each member of the interdisciplinary founding group contributes a valuable aspect to the promotion of Liquid Legal. Our aim is to create a neutral and non-profit platform for discussion, exchange, and cooperation in order to identify and promote new thinking in the legal sector together with our partners and affiliates, and the growing membership. We believe in the power of collaboration, co-innovation and simplification. We want to be influenced by the vision and needs of all stakeholders. Join us!

51–200 Beschäftigte
Munich, Bavaria
LegalTech, LegalInnovation und Collaboration


Beschäftigte von Liquid Legal Institute e.V.


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    Cutting through the noise: Using Futures Literacy to enable human agency We are excited to announce that Dr Anita Lamprecht. Anita Lamprecht, Ambassador of the LLI, will join us to share insights in our Student Chapter Roundtable this Thursday at 5:30pm into her latest project with the DiploFoundation: Futures Literacy and her course “Building the Future We Need.” Our world is navigating unprecedented uncertainty, with rapid technological advancements, shifting societal values, and global challenges converging. Amidst the noise of hype and skepticism surrounding the metaverse, AI, and virtual worlds, it’s crucial to cut through the clutter and focus on what truly matters: enabling human agency. This is especially important as the United Nations General Assembly will outline the Pact for the Future this September. Futures literacy enables us to navigate this complexity. By analyzing the narratives around these technologies, we can make sense of potential future scenarios and empower individuals, organizations, and societies to shape their destinies. Dr. Lamprecht will share how to apply futures literacy to the legal and governance spheres. By understanding the hype and the skepticism, we can: - Identify opportunities where these technologies can create a positive impact. - Anticipate potential challenges and develop proactive strategies. - Shape policies and regulations that foster innovation while protecting societal values. Join us to learn how to harness the power of futures literacy to build a future where technology serves humanity. #futuresliteracy #metaverse #AI #virtualworlds #law #governance #futureofwork

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    Meet! 🏆 Winners of the Liquid Legal Institute e.V. (LLI) prize Members: Liana Șoima, Alexander (Aleksandr) Statsenko, Leon Sandner, Benjamin Obermeier and Razvan Ion Radulescu 👀 is designed to level the playing field for small and mid-sized law firms and legal departments, enabling them to compete with larger firms that have more resources for AI development and deployment. identifies the most suitable AI solutions tailored to the specific needs of each legal team based on their unique workflows, offering either existing real-world legal tech solutions or guidance on developing these solutions in-house. By leveraging, legal teams can enhance their efficiency, improve their service offerings, and remain competitive in the evolving legal landscape. Thank you LLI team: Bernhard Waltl and Robert DILWORTH The hackathon was organised by King's Entrepreneurship Lab in collaboration with CodeX, The Stanford Center for Legal Informatics and Liquid Legal Institute e.V. #hackthelaw #hackathon #winners #LLI #Liquid #Legal #Institute #DonnaAI #kingselab #legaltech

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    Are you interested in the LLI and what we do? Then you should check out our GitHub page: There you can find a selected list of resources, methods, and tools dedicated to topics like Legal-Text-Analytics, Legal Ontologies, Corporate-Digital-Responsibility and many more. Contact us, if you have any questions or are interested in our work, we’re happy to connect with you on all matters regarding legal tech.   #legal #legaltech #github

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    We invite the community to share their insights on the intersection of #copyright and #AI. AI, particularly Machine Learning systems, requires extensive data for training. The more versatile the model, the more data it typically needs.   Generative AI (#GenAI), including large language models (LLMs), as well as those generating sound or images, highlight this issue. There's even debate about whether sufficient data remains for training these models, potentially hindering their future development.   So, what data is permissible for use? Does copyright law restrict model training? The answer varies by jurisdiction and is complex. To better understand this, the Liquid Legal Institute, in partnership with University of Twente and fingolex, is hosting a workshop under the LAW4OSAI sub-project of the EU Horizon-funded OpenWebSearch.EU project. We're seeking individuals interested in the intersection of copyright and AI to collaborate.   As legal professionals, we are uniquely positioned to provide guidance. Do you have insights to share or want to contribute? Join us! Note we need to add the funding disclaimer: The project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101070014 OpenWebSearch.EU project within its Cascading Funding. Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union, granting authority. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. Baltasar Cevc

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    Good design focuses on essentials and empowers users. Legal Design, by integrating user-centric and business principles such as design thinking and effective design with legal frameworks, aims to develop user-friendly and efficient solutions. This approach benefits everyone involved in justice, including administrators and citizens, by making legal processes more understandable and accessible.   Legal Operations, on the other hand, enhances the delivery of legal services through strategic business processes and technical expertise. By improving strategic planning, financial management, project management, and technology skills, Legal Operations enable legal professionals to focus more on providing valuable legal advice.   The Future of Justice Operations: Looking ahead, the future of Justice Operations lies in integrating these systematic business practices and user-centric approaches. This integration will centralize knowledge, enhance information governance, and cultivate an inclusive knowledge-sharing culture within the justice system.    By focusing on user-centric design and business principles, we can create a more efficient, transparent, and accessible justice system.    For more information about the Justice Operations Roundtable:   Astrid Kohlmeier EDVGT - Forum für digitale Innovation

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    Unternehmensseite von Hack the law anzeigen, Grafik

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    Meet Discovery AI! 🏆 Overall 3rd place of the LLM x Law Hackathon Members: Zaver D., Noella Spitz, Jean Zwerger, Krish Iyengar 👀 Discovery AI helps SMEs resolve smaller disputes, like non-payment, that often go unsolved. SMEs upload their case data (audio, video, pdf, images) to the platform. Discovery AI analyses the evidence, assessing case strengths and weaknesses, and organises it by relevance. A chat feature allows SMEs to query any evidence, helping them decide if pursuing the case is worthwhile and providing a lawyer cost estimate. If they proceed, they connect to a lawyer, who receives the analysed evidence. Discovery AI bridges the gap between SMEs and lawyers, helping recover significant losses from legal issues. The hackathon was organised by King's Entrepreneurship Lab in collaboration with CodeX, The Stanford Center for Legal Informatics and Liquid Legal Institute e.V. #hackthelaw #hackathon #winners #DiscoveryAI #kingselab #legaltech

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    We are thrilled to announce that Dr. Yana Heussen will offer her Search Inside Yourself workshop again this year. The workshop is part of the Human Centered Leadership Circle and will focus on managing stressful situations, being present in the moment, and acting confidently when facing demanding issues.   With last year's workshop having been a big success (100% said they were overall satisfied with the program) we are looking forward to Yana's interesting and instructive workshops!   This year's Search Inside Yourself will be on the 21st and 28th of November and on the 5th of December 2024. Each session will be from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm. #searchinsideyourself #lli #hclc 

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    Introducing the LLI Student Chapter Stress Resilience Training!   We are thrilled to announce that Dr. Jo Aschenbrenner - MOJO, one of our inspiring members and a highly qualified expert in stress resilience and mental health trainings, has generously offered to conduct a workshop exclusively for our Student Chapter. Jo, who also co-leads the Human Centered Leadership Circle at the Liquid Legal Institute, recognizes how university life can be stressful and emphasizes the importance of early mental health awareness.   Jo, alongside her son and business partner Ole Aschenbrenner, typically works with high-level professionals in the legal and consulting field, helping them to perform without burning out and living their purpose at work and beyond. In her 1:1 sessions, she coaches professionals to embrace wellbeing and to heal from family patterns and inherited trauma.   This makes her offer to share her expertise with us particularly generous and valuable. Jo and Ole have designed a series of online sessions to help us understand and manage stress better, all in a relaxed and chill environment—perfect for the summer break. Each session will be about 90-120 minutes long. The first session, “Setting Big Goals” (Where Do You Want to Go? Higher Self, Future-Self), will be an exciting start. Future sessions may include topics such as:   • What is Stress? • Epigenetics and Neurobiological Foundations • Problem-Solving Techniques   Workshop Dates: • August 6th (5 pm) • August 8th (5 pm) • August 15th (5 pm) Seats are limited to 12 persons, so be sure to sign up quickly by sending an email to [email protected].   This is a unique opportunity to learn from a highly qualified professional who usually trains top-tier legal professionals. We believe these workshops will be incredibly beneficial, providing you with valuable tools to manage stress and enhance your performance—all from the comfort of your own space during the summer break. Tag someone in the comments who might find this helpful!

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    “GenAI will change the nature of what it means to be a lawyer!” “Ironically, mashines will urge us to look closely at questions of humanity” – Mark A. Cohen At the Liquid Legal Summit last week Mark A. Cohen made a plea for more optimism regarding the AI revolution, encouraging the attending entrepreneurs within the legal field to step up to the challenges ahead. After this opening interview, the entire event split into various panels and lively discussions on a wide range of topics related to generative AI in the legal field. Participants of the first ever Liquid Legal Summit were able to get inspired and gather knowledge on a variety of topics related to legal tech. While the human-centered leadership panel brought forth a fruitful debate, including the entire audience, Dr. Juergen Erbeldinger offered a quick overview on how AI actually works before having a friendly argument on how to seize its opportunities with Kai Jacob, Bernhard Waltl and Sybren Raaijmakers. These were just two of many interesting subjects of spirited debate. In between panels, there was time to make new contacts and exchange thoughts over some lunch, fruits, coffee or cake at the Kameha Grand Bonn's impressive event space. The entire LLI team is very thankful to all panellists, Studio ZX | ZEIT Verlagsgruppe and each and every guest who joined us, for making this very first Liquid Legal Summit a success, waiting to be repeated! Photos: © Udo Fritsch for Studio ZX | ZEIT Verlagsgruppe #lli #summit #genai #legal

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