


Berlin, Berlin 10.940 Follower:innen

Klim is creating a joint movement with farmers, businesses, and consumers to scale Regenerative Agriculture.


Klim is creating a joint movement with farmers, businesses, and consumers to fight climate change by scaling Regenerative Agriculture. Together, our mission is to regenerate soil, which sequesters CO₂ in the ground, ensures food security, and protects biodiversity.

51–200 Beschäftigte
Berlin, Berlin
Regenerative Agriculture, Decarbonisation, Carbon Offsetting, Biodiversity, Agriculture, Sustainability, Yield Security, Farmer Profitability und Insetting


Beschäftigte von Klim


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    Profil von Jochen Kratz anzeigen, Grafik

    Kaufland - Hier bin ich richtig.

    Kaufland fördert regenerative Landwirtschaft   Weniger Pflanzenschutz- und Düngemittel, weniger Bodenbearbeitung, eine vielseitige Fruchtfolge auf den Feldern – das sind Maßnahmen der regenerativen Landwirtschaft. Sie verbessern die Bodengesundheit, fördern die Biodiversität und binden CO2 im Boden. Doch diese Form der Bewirtschaftung ist zeit- und kostenintensiv.   Diesen Mehraufwand für die Landwirte honoriert Kaufland im Rahmen der Partnerschaft mit dem AgriTech-Unternehmen Klim. 👉 Über die Plattform Klim dokumentieren Landwirte die jährliche Bewirtschaftung und regenerative Maßnahmen, so lassen sich die Fortschritte überprüfen und entsprechend finanziell honorieren. Die Höhe der Förderung richtet sich danach, wie viele Tonnen CO2 die Landwirte durch ihre Maßnahmen einsparen oder im Boden einspeichern.   Die Kooperation ist Teil unserer Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie: 👉 Kaufland hat ambitionierte Ziele für den eigenen Geschäftsbetrieb. Wir setzen aber auch schon in vorgelagerten Stufen der Lieferkette an, um langfristig eine umweltverträglichere Lieferkette aufzubauen, CO2 zu sparen und Ressourcen zu schonen. In Form von sogenannten Insetting-Projekten fördern wir gezielt Landwirte bzw. Klimaschutzprojekte in der eigenen Lieferkette.   Nach dem erfolgreichen Start mit Hafer wurde die Kooperation nun auf den Zuckerrübenanbau ausgeweitet. #kaufland #handel #KauflandfürmehrNachhaltigkeit #cr

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  • Unternehmensseite von Klim anzeigen, Grafik

    10.940 Follower:innen

    ☀️ Klim’s 2024 summer event is in the books! ☀️ It’s always great to connect with colleagues from various departments and meet new team members who work together to build the future of Klim. And what better place to do that than the beautiful Gut&Bösel farm in Brandenburg? During our visit, we toured Benedikt Bösel’s farm and learned how they implement various agricultural methods to improve soil fertility. From crop rotations and flowering strips to agroforestry systems, it was an educational and inspiring experience! We also enjoyed delicious food and played games, discovering along the way that we have some talented DJs and musicians among us, which added even more fun to the evening 🪩🕺🎸 A special thanks to everyone that made this event a success. To all the Klimians who attended, we’d love to hear about your favourite moments in the comments.

  • Unternehmensseite von Klim anzeigen, Grafik

    10.940 Follower:innen

    Happy soil biomes make a healthier us. 🪱 What are soil biomes? Soil biomes are ecosystems of diverse microorganisms that enrich the soil, making it fertile and capable of producing high-quality, nutritious vegetation. These soil biomes thrive through practices like minimising tillage, employing cover crops and crop rotation, and phasing out synthetic fertilisers — some common techniques in #RegenerativeAgriculture. 🌱 What do happy soil biomes have to do with us? When soil biomes are healthy and rich in diverse, active microorganisms, they’re best equipped to decompose organic matter and convert nutrients into forms that plants can more easily absorb. In other words, healthy soil enhances nutrient availability for crops, which in turn improves the nutrient content in our food. To sum it all up, everything starts with soil 🤎

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  • Unternehmensseite von Klim anzeigen, Grafik

    10.940 Follower:innen

    At Klim, you'll experience daily growth and learning, collaborate with passionate individuals, and make a real difference in the world 🌱🌍 We're looking forward to hearing from you! #hiring #businessdevelopment #workingstudent 

    Profil von Maria Jaffke Barrilero anzeigen, Grafik

    Our Business Development team at Klim is growing and looking for a new Business Development Working Student! 🚀 Are you passionate about sustainability? Ready to take on challenges? Join us in reshaping the future of climate protection. About Us 💚 At Klim, we're fostering a movement with farmers, businesses, and consumers to scale regenerative agriculture. About the role 👤 Take ownership of projects in Business Development, Market Research, and Strategic Partnerships, driving growth and experiencing a steep learning curve while actively contributing to our mission against climate change! Why should you apply? ✨ 🌍 Make a difference: Your work will directly impact the future of our planet. 💡 Be part of a dynamic and passionate team, in which your ideas and creativity are valued and encouraged. 🙌 Enjoy a supportive and inclusive work environment that promotes work-life balance and recognizes achievements. If you're a student, eager to make an impact and join our team, apply through this link: https://lnkd.in/dZFa9zeH We are waiting for you💚

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  • Unternehmensseite von Klim anzeigen, Grafik

    10.940 Follower:innen

    Enjoy beauty that regenerates nature 🌻 cosnova has decided to promote measures closely linked to the protection of biodiversity and invest in healthy soils and strengthened biodiversity. Through Klim, they support farmers over an area equivalent to 280 football pitches in implementing Regenerative Agriculture. One of the farms is just 55 minutes from their headquarters in Frankfurt, and they recently visited the farmer as part of their social days. Thanks for the support in planting hedges and your strong engagement in the topic. We look forward to more activities with you on the ground 🤎 Also, keep an eye on their social media over the next few days to see how creatively they combine UGC content with a focus on sustainability and a strong link to their brand. More info on our collaboration here: https://lnkd.in/d5ue7JpP

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  • Unternehmensseite von Klim anzeigen, Grafik

    10.940 Follower:innen

    ✨ Guaranteed wow effect… ✨ Klim’s Head of R&D, Dennis Melzer, recently participated in a DIN event with industry leaders to refine DIN SPEC 3609, a framework standardising carbon management quantification. The workshops focused on aligning DIN SPEC 3609 with the EU Carbon Removal Certification Framework, advancing towards a CEN standard for unified carbon management across Europe. Initiatives also included DIN SPEC 93609, promoting carbon sequestration through methods like agroforestry, peatland rewetting, and climate-efficient agriculture. Looking ahead, we're excited about the prospects that DIN SPEC 3609 and 93609 present. By helping establish these standards, we aim to empower industries and policymakers alike to embrace sustainable practices and achieve meaningful carbon reductions. Thank you to the initiator team, including Rentenbank who made the implementation of the project possible and Johannes Lehmann, Nikola Steinbock, Caspar von Alvensleben, Jannik Dittmer, and Jessica Berneburg-Wächter. And many thanks to everyone involved, including Christian Holzleitner, Prof. Dr. Hermann Lotze-Campen, Dennis Krämer, Andreas Christian Taeuber, Christian Hennig, Nils Borchard, DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V., K S Group, Mission to Marsh gGmbH, Bundesdruckerei-Gruppe. Together, we're shaping a greener, more sustainable future 🌱💚

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  • Unternehmensseite von Klim anzeigen, Grafik

    10.940 Follower:innen

    Looking back at #Groundswell 2024! 🌾 In late June, Robert Gerlach and Jeanette Krüger represented Klim at Groundswell in the UK. This event offered valuable insights into the industry's ongoing advancements and innovations in #RegenerativeAgriculture and soil health. The knowledge sharing and mutual empowerment within the community highlighted the untapped potential of regenerative farming and the importance of working together to benefit people and the soil beneath our feet 🤝 It was a very inspiring place to be, which makes us even more confident in our mission to work with farmers and companies to scale Regenerative Agriculture. Cheers to a great event, and we’ll be back next year! 🤎

    • Groundswell event sign in the UK, 2024
  • Unternehmensseite von Klim anzeigen, Grafik

    10.940 Follower:innen

    Can #RegenerativeAgriculture stop the climate crisis? Nina Mannheimer discussed this question and more as a guest on the Business Class Podcast by Tilo Bonow. Available on all your favourite podcast platforms in 🇩🇪

    Unternehmensseite von PIABO anzeigen, Grafik

    3.914 Follower:innen

    🌍 Die Zukunft der Landwirtschaft ist regenerativ – und sie hat das Potenzial, die Welt zu verändern! Wusstet ihr, dass regenerative Landwirtschaft bis zu 25 % der weltweiten CO₂-Emissionen speichern könnte? Das globale Potenzial liegt zwischen 4 und 11 Gigatonnen CO₂ pro Jahr, was der jährlichen Emission der Landwirtschaft entspricht. 🎙In der neuen Folge Business Class Podcast by Tilo Bonow spricht unser Founder & CEO mit Nina Mannheimer, Co-Founder & CPO von Klim, darüber, wie sie und ihr Team Landwirten weltweit helfen, regenerative Methoden zu implementieren und somit aktiv zum Klimaschutz beizutragen. Regenerative Landwirtschaft bietet nicht nur eine Lösung für die Klimakrise, sondern auch zahlreiche Vorteile für Regionen weltweit. In Entwicklungsländern, die stark von Dürren betroffen sind, kann diese Praxis die Lebensgrundlage der Landwirte sichern und die #Resilienz gegenüber extremen Wetterbedingungen stärken. Innovative #Startups wie Klim treiben diese Bewegung voran und setzen auf #Technologien wie Machine Learning und Satellitendaten, um präzise CO₂-Berechnungen durchzuführen und skalierbare Lösungen anzubieten. Große Lebensmittelkonzerne investieren bereits in diese Technologien, um ihre Lieferketten zu dekarbonisieren und die Lebensmittelsicherheit zu gewährleisten. 🎧 Wenn ihr wissen wollt, ob regenerative Landwirtschaft den Klimawandel stoppt, dann hört gerne in die 66. Folge unseres #podcasts rein. Links im Kommentar.

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