Key Ward

Key Ward


Berlin, Berlin 3.176 Follower:innen

Engineering Data Intelligence


Key Ward is a deep tech company of data scientists and engineers in CAE & Generative AI enabling new frontier of engineering design optimization with record-breaking speed. Our products helps in disrupting the design evaluation workflows and reducing risk of late stage failure in AI.

11–50 Beschäftigte
Berlin, Berlin



Beschäftigte von Key Ward


  • Unternehmensseite von Key Ward anzeigen, Grafik

    3.176 Follower:innen

    It's for moments like these that we strive to deliver our solutions to engineers. Thank you Mark A. Whittenburg and everyone for making our second webinar as successful as our first. It wasn't easy to pull off two webinars in one month period, and have our team presenting at NAFEMS Dach and Americas. A big thank you to the Key Ward team for going above and beyond and make all of this happen. But it won't stop here... #KeyWard #EngineeringDataIntelligence

  • Unternehmensseite von Key Ward anzeigen, Grafik

    3.176 Follower:innen

    What a day! Our CEO Hoss Habib and board member Andy Fine have been nothing but busy through these days in NAFEMS Americas, and it’s not even over yet! So, whether you have just arrived to NAFEMS Americas, or if you have not yet crossed path with them, make sure to meet them there and discuss the latest trends in engineering data management and AI in engineering. Plus, you’ll learn what Key Ward has in store and how we can help you in your daily engineering workflow.

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  • Unternehmensseite von Key Ward anzeigen, Grafik

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    Key Ward at NAFEMS Americas! Not only is Key Ward going to be hosting a webinar for our fellow engineers in the U.S on July 11th, they will also be attending and presenting at NAFEMS Americas! Don't miss out this chance to meet our CEO Hoss Habib, our CTO Asparuh Stoyanov, and our board member Andy Fine and discuss the latest trends in engineering data intelligence and Key Ward's innovative approach to engineering solutions. We will also be introducing our secrets to removing data science barriers to deep learning surrogates on July 10, at 12:30 P.M in Commonwealth 1. Be there and be there many!

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  • Unternehmensseite von Key Ward anzeigen, Grafik

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    According to a study made by McKinsey, workers spend on average 1 full working day per week trying to locate data they need. This means that 20% of your working time is wasted on searching for data and files. This invisible mountain often frustrates us, and indirectly derails our projects. The ability to swiftly find information is crucial in your daily engineering workflow. It allows you to work more efficiently and more importantly, enable you to fully utilize and extract insights from your data. This requires data ingestion, data preparation, and data management to finally have a systemized structure to always follow. P.S. If you haven’t registered for our U.S webinar, do so now! In this webinar, we will introduce the first ever engineering data management solution, designed by engineers, for engineers. Click the link below now ↓↓

  • Unternehmensseite von Key Ward anzeigen, Grafik

    3.176 Follower:innen

    75 out of 100 engineers who are still wary of adopting AI had this same reason. And it’s not cost or lack of confidence in technology. 75% of engineers we interviewed who have either tried AI or didn’t shared the same challenge: the lack a data-scientist to assist them through the project. The need for data scientist is mainly during data management and data handling, which mainly includes: → Extraction → Sorting → Cleaning → Converting Tasks as such are not manageable by engineers who have not worked with data management before, and sometimes can be too complicated and time consuming for those who did. But what if engineers can now automate all these tasks? What if instead of taking months to gather data from all your different sources and prepare them, not only for AI adoption but even for just analysis and insights, it only took minutes? Join our webinar and discover new technologies that allow you to manage your engineering data quickly, and easily. Click on the link below ↓↓

    Unternehmensseite von Key Ward anzeigen, Grafik

    3.176 Follower:innen

    Europe, Middle East, Africa ✅ United States, we’re coming to you! After the great success we had with our EMEA webinar, we’re excited to announce that we will be hosting another webinar for our fellow engineers in the U.S. Who should attend: → Senior engineers → Engineering managers → Aerodynamic/CFD team leaders From the automotive and aeronautics industries, dealing with CAE data. What to expect: → Learn how you can manage different data formats from different data sources → Learn how you can achieve data intelligence by utilizing your historic data (and new data) for actionable insights you can implement in your projects → Learn how you can de-risk your AI adoption by having AI-ready data at your fingertips → Learn how to enable your team to correlate any parameter (slant angle, frontal area, diffuser length, wing chord, sweep...) with any performance metric (drag, lift, lateral force...) All without the need of a data scientist or any data science experience. Speakers: - Our CEO Hoss Habib - Board Member Andy Fine Register for our webinar now and don't miss out on all the potential information you can extract from data you already have!

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  • Unternehmensseite von Key Ward anzeigen, Grafik

    3.176 Follower:innen

    “Engineering data management” A widely used term offering significant benefits and uses, however not fully explained. So, what exactly is engineering data management? This refers to a systematic approach of collecting, storing, organizing, and maintaining data generated throughout our engineering project lifecycle. This data can include everything from CAD drawings, simulation results, and test data to project documentation and performance metrics. But there’s more. Join our U.S webinar on July 11th to learn more about why engineering data management is a must-have within CAE engineering workflows ↓↓

    • 5 Reasons why Engineering Data Management is Crucial
  • Unternehmensseite von Key Ward anzeigen, Grafik

    3.176 Follower:innen

    In a survey we did, around 61% of engineers have worked with AI before. And more than 68% of them faced similar challenges. Most of the benefits promoted about AI within engineering workflows are accurate, but are incomplete. Speeding up your development process, reducing time to market, and reducing overhead, are all viable benefits but at what cost? In our survey, 68% of engineers who tried AI had to overcome two major challenges: preparing the data for AI adoption and integrating the AI models with their engineering stacks. This comes at no surprise as data preparation is often oversimplified when planning for AI adoption. It usually takes up 2-3 months, depending on the data to be prepared, and requires the presence of a data scientist. But what if data preparation became a seamless part of the process for engineers, requiring only minutes? What if this can be done with a few clicks of a button? Join our U.S. webinar on July 11 to learn how you as an engineer can overcome this step and be in control of your own data ↓↓

  • Unternehmensseite von Key Ward anzeigen, Grafik

    3.176 Follower:innen

    Europe, Middle East, Africa ✅ United States, we’re coming to you! After the great success we had with our EMEA webinar, we’re excited to announce that we will be hosting another webinar for our fellow engineers in the U.S. Who should attend: → Senior engineers → Engineering managers → Aerodynamic/CFD team leaders From the automotive and aeronautics industries, dealing with CAE data. What to expect: → Learn how you can manage different data formats from different data sources → Learn how you can achieve data intelligence by utilizing your historic data (and new data) for actionable insights you can implement in your projects → Learn how you can de-risk your AI adoption by having AI-ready data at your fingertips → Learn how to enable your team to correlate any parameter (slant angle, frontal area, diffuser length, wing chord, sweep...) with any performance metric (drag, lift, lateral force...) All without the need of a data scientist or any data science experience. Speakers: - Our CEO Hoss Habib - Board Member Andy Fine Register for our webinar now and don't miss out on all the potential information you can extract from data you already have!

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  • Unternehmensseite von Key Ward anzeigen, Grafik

    3.176 Follower:innen

    Our CEO Hoss Habib and board member Andy Fine passionately presenting at NAFEMS, revealing a truth that has been kept from engineers since the emergence of AI in engineering. They not only highlighted the underlying risks that every engineering project adopting AI faces but also introduced Key Ward's unique solution for simplifying engineering data intelligence. If you missed the presentation and are still at NAFEMS, reach out to us to learn more about how you can manage most of your CAE data on one platform with just a few clicks! We look forward to meeting you! #KeyWard #NAFEMS #DataIntelligence

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  • Unternehmensseite von Key Ward anzeigen, Grafik

    3.176 Follower:innen

    We are at NAFEMS Dach! If you are attending this conference, then you know what a great opportunity this presents to meet fellow engineers and discuss leading and trending technologies. Our CEO Hoss Habib and board member Andy Fine will be there to present Key Ward's innovative solution as the first ever Data/ML Ops tool for engineering data management, aimed at simplifying engineering data intelligence. Don't miss their presentation in room 5A at 15:00 today. Meet. Discuss. Innovate. #KeyWard #EngineeringDataIntelligence #NAFEMS #DACH

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