Kern AI

Kern AI


Eichwalde, Brandenburg 1.486 Follower:innen

Generative AI assistants you can trust. Select AI models trained on your refined data for secure human-AI collaboration


Every business processes textual data every day - because language is what enables us as humans to communicate complex scenarios. For machines, however, processing text is one of the most difficult tasks, as it is inherently unstructured (other than e.g. a spreadsheet). We help companies to turn natural language processing into a strength of their company in a data-centric approach. Why? To unlock a wide set of powerful use cases that previously seemed impossible to build.

11–50 Beschäftigte
Eichwalde, Brandenburg
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)
Artificial Intelligence, Data Annotation, Machine Learning und Intelligent Services


Beschäftigte von Kern AI


  • Unternehmensseite von Kern AI anzeigen, Grafik

    1.486 Follower:innen

    Excited to share details about our next webinar 🚀 Presenting Macro: LLM-Powered Automation for Complex Documentation We’re excited to introduce Macro, our latest LLM-powered feature set and showcase its capabilities through a powerful generative AI use case. The use case we will be demo'ing with Macro is: Automated Financial Report Data Extraction. The webinar in taking place on June 25th at 1pm CET via Linkedin Live. Find out more information and register below 🙂

    Leveraging ChatGPT for AI Task Automation in Financial Services - demo

    Leveraging ChatGPT for AI Task Automation in Financial Services - demo

  • Kern AI hat dies direkt geteilt

    Unternehmensseite von Insurance Monday anzeigen, Grafik

    3.850 Follower:innen

    Kern AI und die Zukunft der Versicherungsbranche 🚀 In unserer neuesten Episode hatten wir das Vergnügen, 👋 Johannes Hötter, den Mitgründer und CEO von Kern AI, zu Gast zu haben. Wir haben tief in die Welt der Künstlichen Intelligenz und ihre Anwendungen für Versicherungen eintauchen können. Hier sind drei zentrale Erkenntnisse aus dieser spannenden Folge: 🔹 AI im Versicherungsbereich – Evolution und Chancen: Die Integration von KI in die Versicherungsbranche ist kein neues Phänomen. Johannes erinnerte uns daran, dass AI-Anwendungen bereits vor ChatGPT existierten. Dennoch bringt GenAI (Generative AI) frische und spannende Möglichkeiten, um diverse Prozesse effizienter zu gestalten, wie z.B. die Bearbeitung von Schadensfällen. 🔹 Anwendungsfälle und praktische Implementierung: Einer der faszinierendsten Use Cases bei Kern.AI betrifft die Datenextraktion. Durch die Nutzung von AI konnten Underwriter erheblich Zeit sparen und sich auf wertvollere Aufgaben konzentrieren. Johannes betonte, dass es oft um kleine, aber effektive Schritte geht, um KI-Lösungen erfolgreich zu implementieren. 🔹 Skalierbare Lösungen für die Zukunft: Kern.AI wird nicht nur für spezifische AI-Anwendungen genutzt, sondern dient auch als Infrastruktursoftware für diverse Financial Services. Bei der Implementierung von GenAI ist es wichtig, mit kleineren, internen Use Cases zu starten und diese auf Basis von Erfahrungswerten zu skalieren. Hört euch die vollständige Episode an und bleibt neugierig auf die nächsten Insights aus der Welt der Versicherungen und der Technologie!

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  • Unternehmensseite von Kern AI anzeigen, Grafik

    1.486 Follower:innen

    Our next webinar is scheduled for next week on Wednesday, 26th June and we’ll love you to join! 🚨 Webinar topic: Leveraging ChatGPT for AI Task Automation in Financial Services 🛠️ GenAI use case: Automated Financial Report Analytics We’ll focus on how you can leverage GPT at an enterprise-secure level to unlock task automation. Beyond connecting company data to LLMs, we'll demonstrate how embedding business logic into our AI application enables the automation of complex tasks like extracting critical data from unstructured financial documents. What to expect from the session: We will demo Macro integrated into our Cognition platform, using financial report data to show how GenAI can transform key workflows in the financial services industry. Expect to learn more about this use case, its benefits, and real-world implications. We'll provide both high-level and technical breakdowns of the application, ensuring you gain a thorough understanding of how it works. Find out more information and register: Details 📅 Date: Wednesday 26th June at 1 pm CET 🌍 Location: Online, accessible from anywhere in the world 💼 Hosted by: Kern AI 💻 Event Format: Online - Join Live on Linkedin

    Unternehmensseite von Kern AI anzeigen, Grafik

    1.486 Follower:innen

    Excited to share details about our next webinar 🚀 Presenting Macro: LLM-Powered Automation for Complex Documentation We’re excited to introduce Macro, our latest LLM-powered feature set and showcase its capabilities through a powerful generative AI use case. The use case we will be demo'ing with Macro is: Automated Financial Report Data Extraction. The webinar in taking place on June 25th at 1pm CET via Linkedin Live. Find out more information and register below 🙂

    Leveraging ChatGPT for AI Task Automation in Financial Services - demo

    Leveraging ChatGPT for AI Task Automation in Financial Services - demo

  • Kern AI hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Leonard Püttmann anzeigen, Grafik

    solution architect @ Kern AI

    It was a big pleasure to talk at the Digital Insurance Agenda kick-off event in Amsterdam today, hosted by NTT DATA. Together with Manuel Alejandro Torrealba we showed some insights into how to successfully scale AI applications for the instance industry. We at Kern AI have been building many fantastic AI copilots recently. Now we ask the question: "What comes after the copilot?". With our new Macro feature, you can take your AI copilots to the next level and take the first steps to move towards automation. I'm genuinely excited about this and really happy that I could share some insights about this today! I'll also be at the ITC DIA Amsterdam tomorrow, I'd be happy to talk with you there! #ITC #DIA #KernAI #Insurtech

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  • Kern AI hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von 👋 Johannes Hötter anzeigen, Grafik

    Data-centric GenAI | Co-Founder Kern AI

    Morgen ist es wieder soweit und es geht zur insureNXT 2024 in Köln! Hier darf ich dann direkt in 4x Programmpunkten rund um GenAI und natürlich auch Kern AI einen Beitrag leisten; wenn ihr vor Ort seid, kommt gerne zu unserem Stand oder zu: - dem Roundtable "GenAI anhand von konkreten Anwendungen": hier geht es um den Erfahrungsaustausch, den ich moderieren darf - der Masterclass "Was kommt nach dem Copiloten", passend zu ... - ... dem Pitch von Kern AI, in dem wir unser neuestes Feature "Makro" vorstellen - und natürlich der Guided Tour mit Marcel Neumann, worauf ich mich schon besonders freue! Das werden spannende 2 Tage! Wir sehen uns vor Ort!

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  • Unternehmensseite von Kern AI anzeigen, Grafik

    1.486 Follower:innen

    🚀 Excited to dive into the world of Large Language Models (LLMs) for your Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) projects? 🧠 Check out our latest blog post on how to choose the right LLM for your RAG projects! From OpenAI’s GPT-4 to emerging contenders like Mistral AI and Anthropic’s Claude, we cover the pros and cons of each, helping you make the best decision for your needs. Learn more about: 🔍 Integrating various LLMs with our LLM-agnostic platform Cognition ⚙️ Evaluating models through the LLM Arena 🛠️ Optimizing your RAG pipeline for success Read the full article here: #AI #MachineLearning #LLM #RAG

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  • Unternehmensseite von Kern AI anzeigen, Grafik

    1.486 Follower:innen

    For reliable AI, you need top-notch data, and our tool, Refinery, trusted by thousands of developers, ensures your data is perfectly prepared for LLMs. Key features of Refinery include: - Automated ETL compatible with rich data formats like PDFs and emails, allowing easy data ingestion, transformation, and loading via UI or API. - Capabilities to find outliers, auto-label PII, and improve data quality by enriching with multiple labels, selecting from various embedding models, and dynamically computing attributes for new search indices—all seamlessly integrated into one tool. - It's open-source; find it on GitHub and contribute or leave feedback. Download Refinery here -

    GitHub - code-kern-ai/refinery: The data scientist's open-source choice to scale, assess and maintain natural language data. Treat training data like a software artifact.

    GitHub - code-kern-ai/refinery: The data scientist's open-source choice to scale, assess and maintain natural language data. Treat training data like a software artifact.

  • Unternehmensseite von Kern AI anzeigen, Grafik

    1.486 Follower:innen

    4 Key components of a success RAG pipeline for your GenAI application Learn about the key elements of a successful RAG pipeline for Generative AI, focusing on effective data organization, advanced AI techniques, and continuous quality monitoring to enhance AI response accuracy and relevance. What does a successful RAG pipeline result in? 🎯 Improved Accuracy and Relevance of Responses The primary results of a successful RAG pipeline is the considerable improvement in the accuracy and relevance of the generated response from your model. By incorporating data-centric RAG techniques the chances that the final responses are not only precise but also contextually relevant 👩💻 Enhanced User Experience User satisfaction is directly influenced by the interaction quality they experience. A RAG pipeline ensures that responses are not only relevant and accurate but also detailed and informative, significantly enhancing user engagement. This can lead to increased user retention and higher satisfaction rates, required for enterprise GenAI adoption. 📈 Scalability and Flexibility A successful RAG pipeline allows for scalability and flexibility in applications. As the demand for AI services grows, the system can expand without a degradation in performance. This scalability is crucial for applications with a growing user base or those requiring real-time responses across various topics. Additionally, the flexibility offered by a robust RAG pipeline means that the system can adapt to different domains or integrate new data sources with minimal reconfiguration. 💰Cost-Effectiveness While the initial setup of a RAG pipeline might requires a certain investment in terms of time and resources, the long-term benefits include reduced operational costs. By automating critical elements of your operational processes and enhancing the precision of outputs, there is less need for human intervention in managing responses, thereby reducing labor costs and minimizing errors. Keep reading:

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  • Unternehmensseite von Kern AI anzeigen, Grafik

    1.486 Follower:innen

    Don't miss out on today’s exciting webinar! 🚨 We’re showcasing the latest enterprise technology that is powering the safest, most reliable, and game-changing GenAI: GraphRAG. Our webinar, in partnership with ArangoDB, takes place today at 3 PM CET. Register here: GraphRAG builds on RAG by utilizing graph-based data structures, allowing more precise, context-rich information retrieval and response generation in complex query scenarios. We’re excited to see you there!

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