Jung von Matt

Jung von Matt


Hamburg, Hamburg 109.843 Follower:innen

We believe in the power of the unexpected. #1JvM


Jung von Matt is – in terms of awards for both creativity and efficiency – the most successful advertising agency group in German-speaking countries. The agency offers its clients creative and efficient marketing communication across all channels and disciplines. Jung von Matt was founded in Hamburg in 1991 and today, 30 years later, acts as a non-listed corporation with agencies in Germany, Austria, South Korea, Switzerland, Sweden, Poland, the Czech Republic, UK, USA and China. There are many big names amongst their list of customers such as adidas, BMW, Bosch, DFB, EDEKA, Haribo HUAWEI, Hyundai, NIVEA, Sixt and Vodafone. Impressum: https://www.jvm.com/de/impressum/ Privacy Policy: https://assets.ctfassets.net/ay0erkka665b/6oiQf9OZ3yNjVwTVc0uj3Q/b1fae5b7665a9629b8c977bf7e294505/JvM_AG_Datenschutzerkla_rung_fu_r_LinkedIn.pdf

501–1.000 Beschäftigte
Hamburg, Hamburg
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)
Corporate Branding, Digital, Direkt, Film , Kommunikation im Raum, Literatur, Marken-PR, Marketing-Automatisierung, Media, Mobile, Musik, Performance Marketing, Promotion, Public Affairs, Public Relations, Social Media, Strategie, Sportmarketing, Sponsoring, Verkaufsförderung, Webanalytics und Werbung


Beschäftigte von Jung von Matt


  • Unternehmensseite von Jung von Matt anzeigen, Grafik

    109.843 Follower:innen

    Hamburger Abendblatt meets JvM HAMBURG – and oh boy, what a match! 🤝 After winning Hamburger Abendblatt as their new client, JvM HAMBURG is beyond proud to publish their very first work together. As the result of a brand new strategic positioning, they created a campaign that launches the new claim „Hamburg für immer“ – which not only showcases the huge variety of the Hamburger Abendblatt but is also something that JvM HAMBURG truly identifies with. So, lace up your shoes and take a walk through our beautiful city. You’ll surely see (or hear) one or two of their pieces of work. 🥳💚

  • Unternehmensseite von Jung von Matt anzeigen, Grafik

    109.843 Follower:innen

    Sprache verbindet. Aber Sprache trennt auch. Heute ist Esperanto Day. Deshalb hat Jung von Matt CREATORS einen Übersetzer gebaut, der verbindet. Er übersetzt LinkedIn in Einfache Sprache. So wie diesen Text!   Warum LinkedIn übersetzen? Weil LinkedIn nervt. Trotzdem sind wir alle hier. Und teilen unsere Erfolge. Weil wir dann wichtig sind. Eigentlich ganz einfach. Wir machen es trotzdem kompliziert. So wirken wir schlauer! So funktioniert LinkedIn.   Aber das schließt viele aus: 14 Millionen Menschen in Deutschland. Sagt die Bundesregierung. Diese Menschen können nicht gut lesen. Oder sie haben eine andere Muttersprache. Deswegen haben wir den Übersetzer gebaut. Zusammen mit der Diversity Academy. Der Übersetzer heißt "isi". Damit Verständigung für alle einfach ist.   Weil alle gleich wichtig sind. Das nennt man Gleichberechtigung. Dafür wurde auch Esperanto erfunden. Das ist eine Sprache für Verständigung, die keiner spricht.   "isi" ist eine Browser-Erweiterung für Chrome. Du findest isi im Chrome App Store oder hier: https://lnkd.in/d5jheNrY 🤫 Psssht, isi kann auch in Esperanto und Klartext übersetzen.

  • Jung von Matt hat dies direkt geteilt

    Unternehmensseite von Jung von Matt NECKAR anzeigen, Grafik

    3.462 Follower:innen

    We’ve been celebrating Agency Week at Jung von Matt NECKAR again! Which means coming together in summery style to exchange knowledge and discovering some cool shit about one another and the city while working together at our JvM office in #Stuttgart 💥🐴🫂🧠🕺🏼🌻🎨👯🌳🐅💡 The schedule was lit and temperatures were high – so let's jump right into the teamwork, inspiration and creativity we've seen last week ‼️🍉 Hitting it off with some major brunch (one could think Carloschi himself made his way from Hamburg to Stuttgart for this) and our big MontagsRunde, everyone from close and afar was welcomed on Monday 🫶🥨🫶 After some intense hours of working, things got even more intense during a collective, creative brainstorming sesh on Tuesday 🔥🥵 Exactly what we are here for! Of course, our very own AI experts entered the stage to give a hands on introduction into state of the art #AI tools and prompting. Only to be topped off by a thrilling digi-analogue scavenger hunt which took us into Stuttgart's wild life ... We have more on that one coming, so stay tuned 🔎🐾 Cordula Möller visited our JvM NECKAR consultants to engage onto the topic of enduring partnership relations before a packed week was coming to a close. And what better way to end this year’s JvM NECKAR Agency Week than by having a Summer Party in the backyard?  Ping-pong-tournament, finest Vietnamese food and tiny cakes, music ’til the police showed up and drinks, well iced, well spiced, included.  What a ride, what a life! 🦄🍸🍹🏓🪩 This Agency Week will be well remembered while we are looking forward to the next 🔜 #AgencyLife #AgencyWeek #JvMNECKAR

  • Jung von Matt hat dies direkt geteilt

    Unternehmensseite von Jung von Matt SPREE anzeigen, Grafik

    5.868 Follower:innen

    "Ultimately, it is not just a CV or job description that determines whether you are a good fit, but rather, like in sports, you find out on the field whether you can play together."   In the latest episode of Studentenfutter.Podcast, JvM SPREE Managing Director & JvM AG Partner Sven Rebholz offers some insights into his own career path and favourite campaign(s), and talks about what a “happy place” working environment means for him.   Listen to the episode here: https://lnkd.in/d7hZg2Xk

  • Unternehmensseite von Jung von Matt anzeigen, Grafik

    109.843 Follower:innen

    Embracing the Future🚀 The last 18 months have seen headlines across the marketing press dominated by AI and the opportunities it promises for agencies of all sizes. But is it all just hype? The Drum delves into this question, asking agency leaders whether their faith (and investments) have been well placed. Our CIO, Max Lederer, shares his perspective: “For us, AI is a game-changer. It enhances our processes by augmenting human capabilities rather than replacing them. AI drives efficiency, streamlines workflows, and unlocks new realms of innovation. The true power of #AI is harnessed through the synergy of professional services and talented individuals. #Creativity and emotional connections, however, remain inherently human traits. Our strategy involves thoughtful integration of AI and continuous experimentation.” Read more in the full article.🚀  

    Agencies have their say on Goldman Sachs’s ‘AI is all hype’ claim

    Agencies have their say on Goldman Sachs’s ‘AI is all hype’ claim


  • Unternehmensseite von Jung von Matt anzeigen, Grafik

    109.843 Follower:innen

    THE FIRST PRIDE WAS A RIOT! ✊ What is the meaning of CSD? And where did Christopher Street Day originate? With Hamburg CSD just around the corner, it's the perfect time to learn more about it. Starting today, our Hamburg office reception area has been transformed. The walls now feature the faces and stories of three amazing women: Sylvia Rivera, Stormé DeLarverie, and Marsha P. Johnson. They played key roles in the Stonewall Riots and laid the foundation for many achievements in the fight for queer rights. This mural is an initiative by a group of our queer employees and their allies. A huge thank you to Daila Ahmed, Rune Eckert, Charlotte Whalen, Frank Kirchhoff, Florian Kaspereit, and Naz Al-Windi for making this happen. #CSD #StonewallRiot #QueerHistory #Pride #Equality 🏳️🌈✨

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  • Unternehmensseite von Jung von Matt anzeigen, Grafik

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    The NERDs are going to London! 🚀 Jung von Matt NERD is taking the next step and expanding beyond Germany and Asia to the UK. From now on, the Nerds will also be active in London with Calvin Innes, who has already built and led British agencies. Comparable agencies with a focus on gaming, nerd, and fandom cultures are rare in the UK. The decision to establish the office in Shoreditch, London, also underscores Jung von Matt NERD's commitment to becoming a significant player in the British market. Together with Jung von Matt LONDON's founding Managing Director, Rob Conibear, as well as Executive Creative Directors Charlie Hurst and Marcos Gemal, Calvin will work closely with the Hamburg NERDs to develop innovative and impactful campaigns for local and international clients. Welcome aboard, Calvin! And good luck to Rob and Toan! 🚀💪

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  • Unternehmensseite von Jung von Matt anzeigen, Grafik

    109.843 Follower:innen

    🌟 To all entry-level professionals and young creatives out there: 🌟 If you want to know how to find your way into the communication and design industry, you absolutely need to read this PAGE – Das Magazin der Kreativbranche article! 🎨✨ Why? Because it’s all about you – your challenges, your expectations, and the reality of starting your career. The article highlights how educational institutions, agencies, and companies can work better together to make your entry into the industry smoother. 💡 Spoiler: The JvM Academy is one of these pathways. 💪 Our program offers you not just theory, but also practical experience, individual support, and most importantly: the courage to make mistakes and learn from them. As our Academy Director Chris Fotheringham says, "We teach you to be fearless and to break down barriers." So, head over to the article by Anne Kaiser and dive in! #NewTalent #CreativeIndustry #JvMAcademy

    Welcome, New Talent! 

    Welcome, New Talent! 


  • Unternehmensseite von Jung von Matt anzeigen, Grafik

    109.843 Follower:innen

    Big news from the Big Apple! 🎉🗽 We are beyond thrilled to announce that we have been awarded Agency of the Year by the New York Festivals Advertising Awards 2024! This prestigious honor celebrates our dedication to creativity and innovation, and we're incredibly proud of our team's hard work and passion for our winning campaigns for Adidas, BMW GroupHamburg Marketing GmbHBerliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG)DSGV - Deutscher Sparkassen- und GiroverbandOpel and Hyundai Motor Company (현대자동차). A huge thank you to our amazing clients and partners for trusting us with your brands and for creating momentum together.🚀✨#AgencyOfTheYear #NYFAwards

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