Johanniter International Assistance

Johanniter International Assistance

Gemeinnützige Organisationen



Johanniter International Assistance is active in 22 countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America, providing humanitarian aid to victims of natural disasters, conflicts and violence. Johanniter’s long history can be traced back to 1099, when Christian knights formed a brotherhood to care for poor and ill pilgrims in Jerusalem. St. John the Baptist became the patron saint, lending his name to the order. Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe as part of the german Johanniter order was founded in 1952. Johanniter International Assistance is part of Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe.

Gemeinnützige Organisationen
201–500 Beschäftigte
Humanitäre Hilfe


Beschäftigte von Johanniter International Assistance


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    Bombs, violence, despair - Faida Vumiliya lives with her children in the Bulengo #Refugee Camp in the #DemocraticRepublicofCongo. She and her children had to flee the violence in their home town of Sake. Here she tells us what gives her hope in the camp. Background: Although the civil war officially ended in 2002, ongoing conflicts have internally displaced more than 6.9 million people. The situation in the eastern Congolese city of Goma has worsened dramatically. There has been heavy fighting between the Congolese army and the M23 rebels for months. Due to contaminated water, diseases such as malaria and injuries, #medicalcare is absolutely essential. 📷Aubin Mukoni #humanitarianaid #johanniterinternational

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    Do you know the 8 rules of the #Charter4Change? We have prepared them for you in the document below ⬇️ We’re committed to a localized approach in #humanitarianaid. This means intensifying our collaboration with local #partners and strive towards working together as equals. We strive for sustainable partnerships to enhance efficiency and effectiveness. As signatories of the „Charter4Change,“ we pledge to dismantle neocolonial power structures and strengthen #civilsociety. #JohanniterInternationalAssistance #localisation

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    Adolescent girls and women among displaced and host communities are the ones most exposed to sexual and gender-based violence (#SGBV) in the current crisis in the eastern part of the DR of Congo 🇨🇩.   Johanniter delivers front-line and survivor focused holistic emergency assistance in the province North Kivu. We also improve and maintain the mental health and psychosocial well-being of SGBV survivors and built local capacities.   So we empower so called “frontline workers” who are embedded in the communities, to ensure the survivors of gender-based violence receive the care and support they need. Young women and adolescent girls come together in “Girl Shine” groups, where they learn about GBV and encourage other young women and girls to bring awareness to their communities.   We are thankful to Auswärtiges Amt (Federal Foreign Office) Germany for supporting our holistic SGBV services for local communities in the Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo. German Commissioner for Human Rights Policy and Humanitarian Assistance, Luise Amtsberg is currently in the DRC. During a meeting with staff from Johanniter and other NGOs in #Goma she said: 💪 "Seeing you and other humanitarian workers here in Goma, where this ongoing devastation of lives is taking place, inspires me and makes me more committed than ever to continue to raise awareness among my fellow lawmakers and the German people in general to be the voice of the voiceless“. 🙏 #DRofCongo #NorthKivu #humanitarian Welthungerhilfe (WHH) CARE Deutschland e.V.

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    "There is no #NoTimeForCuts in international cooperation!"   This is the key message of the letter signed by the German WASH Network, of which we are a member, along with 29 other organizations, and sent to German Finance Minister Christian Lindner.   The letter continues: "The budget currently planned by the German Federal Ministry of Finance (BMF) for the financing of international development cooperation, #humanrights work and #humanitarianaid by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the German Federal Foreign Office (GFFO) falls far short of what is needed to ensure the effective pursuit of safe and affordable access to clean drinking water, adequate sanitation and hygiene (WASH), the improved realization of human rights and an adequate response to the current climate and humanitarian crises. [...] We therefore call for #WASH to be re-prioritized in German #developmentcooperation in the short, medium and long term and for sufficient budgetary resources to be made available to finance WASH activities." Svenja Schulze

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    #Health is one of the priorities within our Strategy 2027. In our projects, we and our partners ensure that diseases are prevented or diagnosed and cured. During crises and disasters, the aim is also to care for the injured. Ruben Baudisch, Johanniter Programme Coordinator for Mozambique, attended the 9th German-African Health Forum in Frankfurt on Wednesday. The forum focused on #partnerships and #networking between German healthcare companies and the public healthcare sector in African countries. State Secretary for Health Thomas Steffen gave the keynote speech. The deputy ministers of health from #Libya and #Ghana were present, as well as the state secretary for public health and prevention from Chad. There were also representatives from companies such as Siemens Healthineers, Sysmex and BRAUN. Ruben seized the day to exchange ideas with Roland Göhde (Chairman of the German Health Alliance, Vice-Chairman of the Africa Association of German Business and member of the Johanniter Order) and Michael Rabbow (Senior Public Health Consultant, member of the German Health Alliance and member of the Johanniter Order) and to attend sessions on topics such as women's and children's health and digitalization. His critical conclusion: "#NGOs and civil society groups are hardly taken into account in the cooperation between the private and public sectors. This should change, because ...NGOs are essential partners for the private and public sector to access communities and implement healtcare activities in humanitarian and development settings. They can create an important bridge between the sectors and provide knowledge and networks to accelerate the process of improving healthcare for the people we work with."    GHA - German Health Alliance Afrika-Verein der deutschen Wirtschaft (German - African Business Association) #GAHF2024

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    Victoria Medina is 1 of the world's 120 million refugees. She left the #DemocraticRepublicofCongo and now lives in Rhino Camp in #Uganda. Nearly 200,000 refugees live in small villages with host communities in peaceful co-existence. Victoria is part of the #JOHANNITER and CEFORD project in the area. She is a Lead Mother and leads a group of mothers on #health and #nutrition. She goes door to door, teaching the mothers in her group how to grow a vegetable garden, cook healthy food and check on the children. Victoria is passionate about empowering women: "All the skills and knowledge I have received have given me the chance to change my life. I can do what I want. I have a little income, my children go to school and I have the women, we support each other. Uganda has an open door policy and welcomes refugees from neighbouring countries, as Ugandans themselves have experienced fleeing their homes. The Rhino Camp #refugee settlement is one of the largest in north-west Uganda. Almost 60% of the population of Rhino Camp are minors. #1of120millions #forciblydisplaced

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    Sexual violence against adults and children is systematically used as a weapon in wars and conflicts. Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine 🇺🇦 , many people, particularly women and girls have experienced different kinds of sexual violence, numbers are rising and continues behind doors. Tetyana Ivanova from our partner organization ELEOS and her colleagues offer protection and support to women who survived of sexual violence in a women's shelter near Kyiv. Here they can find safety and peace and can talk about their experiences with specially trained staff. We as Johanniter support these activities, as we are convinced that we must prevent and end these crimes, focus on survivors, hold perpetrators accountable and expand support for all those affected. #SexualViolenceInConflicts #StopViolence #Ukraine

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    The number of refugees and displaced people continues to rise 📈- by May 2024, 120 million people worldwide have been forced to flee within or beyond their countries borders due to violence or natural disasters. In particular, acute conflicts in DR of Congo, Ukraine, Myanmar and in the Occupied Palestinian territories have forced millions to flee. #Johanniter actively support Health and Livelihood sectors in these areas, helping people to access essential basic services and ensure their rights to assistance. In Gaza, Johanniter partner St John of Jerusalem Eye Hospital Group and Juzoor for Health and Social Development provide critical #medicalcare and #psychosocialsupport. Mobile health teams treat injured and sick patients in emergency shelters and provide psychosocial support for young people, parents and caregivers to help with trauma. The very few remaining medical facilities are hardly supplied with medicines and consumables. St John teams also provide primary eye care in field hospitals and clinics. Courses in emergency medical protocols, neonatal and infant care and mental health are provided to teachers and trainers in community facilities to support healthcare workers and services. 💬The people in #Gaza are on the brink of famine and the health system is completely collapsed. It is crucial that aid is provided safely and sufficiently to the affected population“, says Céline Carre, Johanniter Head of Mission for Middle East.

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