Hydrogenious LOHC

Hydrogenious LOHC

Erdöl und Gas

Erlangen, Bayern 17.943 Follower:innen

Carrying the new energy world. Handling hydrogen as an oil.


Hydrogenious LOHC stellt das fehlende Bindeglied für flexible Wasserstoff-Wertschöpfungsketten weltweit. Basierend auf seiner erprobten Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carrier (LOHC)-Technologie mit Benzyltoluol als Trägermedium ermöglicht Hydrogenious eine flexible Wasserstoffversorgung von Verbrauchern in Industrie und Mobilität weltweit, die auf konventionelle Infrastruktur für Flüssigbrennstoffe zurückgreift. Gegründet im Jahr 2013, umfasst das Portfolio des marktführenden Pioniers und seiner Joint-Venture-Unternehmen heute stationäre und mobile (On-Board) LOHC-basierte Anwendungen: Hydrogenious LOHC Technologies mit Sitz in Erlangen bietet – in einer Partnerschaft mit Bilfinger – schlüsselfertige (De-)Hydrieranlagen, Betrieb & Wartung sowie LOHC-Logistikdienstleistungen an, die eine sichere, einfache und effiziente Speicherung, den Transport und die Verteilung von Wasserstoff gewährleisten. Hydrogenious LOHC Emirates, ein Joint Venture mit Emirates Specialized Contracting & Oilfield Services (ESCO) mit Sitz in den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten, fungiert seit Ende 2021 als regionale Speerspitze im Nahen Osten. Hydrogenious LOHC Maritime, 2021 gemeinsam mit der Reederei Østensjø Group gegründet und in Norwegen ansässig, entwickelt ein emissionsfreies Antriebssystem mit einer vielversprechenden LOHC/Brennstoffzellen-Lösung für die globale Schifffahrtsindustrie. Mit seinen >180 Mitarbeiter*innen und den Investoren AP Ventures, Royal Vopak, Winkelmann Group, Mitsubishi Corporation, Covestro, JERA Americas, Temasek, Hyundai Motor Company, Chevron Technology Ventures und Pavilion Capital ist Hydrogenious LOHC ein bedeutender Wegbereiter und Beschleuniger der Energiewende. Impressum: https://hydrogenious.net/imprint/ Datenschutz- und Cookie-Richtlinie: https://hydrogenious.net/privacy-and-cookie-policy

Erdöl und Gas
201–500 Beschäftigte
Erlangen, Bayern
Hydrogen Storage, Energy Storage, Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carriers, Hydrogenious LOHC Technologies, Hydrogen Transport und Hydrogen Supply


Beschäftigte von Hydrogenious LOHC


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    Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action Robert Habeck just personally handed over the 72.5-million-euro grant notification for our IPCEI project Green Hydrogen @ Blue Danube to our CEO Daniel Teichmann in Berlin! The Important Projects of Common European Interest (IPCEI) and IPCEI Hydrogen specifically aim to promote the market ramp-up of green hydrogen by linking European hydrogen projects that will generate positive spill-over effects across the EU. We are very thankful for receiving this funding grant by the Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz and Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Wirtschaft, Landesentwicklung und Energie, represented by Ministerial Director Markus Dr. Wittmann. It will significantly accelerate our mission to provide the missing link to a global sustainable hydrogen economy. In our project Green Hydrogen @ Blue Danube, we are building the first industrial-size LOHC hub in Southern Bavaria by 2028 to release up to 1,800 tons of green hydrogen per year to supply industrial off-takers in the Danube region and for possible pipeline injection. Minister Habeck emphasized: „By promoting hydrogen projects, we are taking an important step towards a climate-neutral and sustainable economy in Europe and beyond.“ We look forward to contributing to the decarbonization of industry, supporting the ramp-up of the hydrogen market and building a blueprint for a green hydrogen import chain with our innovative LOHC technology! 💚 (C) BMWK / Andreas Mertens #LOHC #greenhydrogen

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    Strong commitment to Hydrogen Carrier Technologies: The Federal Government has just adopted the National Hydrogen Import Strategy, with ship imports via carriers such as our LOHC technology playing a major role! 💪 Here’s a breakdown of the key points: The strategy addresses key market players essential for hydrogen imports to Germany. With strong links to the National Hydrogen Strategy, it promotes a diversified approach to hydrogen imports with various technologies and import channels. While pipelines remain essential, ship imports play a crucial complementary role. The Federal Government is explicitly underlining the parallel development of import infrastructures for pipeline and shipping. For ship imports, hydrogen derivatives and carriers such as LOHC are seen as key enablers – another proof point for the importance of our LOHC technology in ramping up the German hydrogen economy! 🔝 We are particularly pleased that the strategy also highlights some of the key advantages of LOHC technology: 🚢 Use of conventional infrastructure: By storing hydrogen in our carrier benzyltoluene, we can utilize existing conventional fuel infrastructure to store and transport it at ambient conditions. ⏩ Fast and easy implementation: This makes our LOHC solution a very easy hydrogen transport method as existing ships, terminals and tanks can be used – instead of going to waste in a post-fossil fuel world. We are happy to support and enable the hydrogen goals of Germany and Europe! 🌍💚

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    No more sneak peeks: Our new image film is here! We have never been shy about sharing the scope of our LOHC technology with you. Now, we’re excited to show you a visualization of it, too! 😍 One of our favorite parts: The brand-new rendering of future Release Plant in the Port of Amsterdam as part of the H2A Association scope we are building with our partner Evos. Don’t want to miss the release of our new videos? Be sure to follow us on YouTube, too! 👀 #LOHC #hydrogen #energytransition

  • Unternehmensseite von Hydrogenious LOHC anzeigen, Grafik

    17.943 Follower:innen

    An internationally standardized methodology for green hydrogen value chains is on its way: Recently, our Technical Regulation Manager Alex Pilz-Lansley participated in the working group meeting for the ISO 19870-1 standard! While international carbon footprinting standards already exist and are well established, the hydrogen market remains fragmented regarding its methodologies. A global standard can play a key role in fostering global hydrogen trade and increase transparency. Clear guidelines provide certainty and are essential for a sustainable and economically viable hydrogen economy and enhance project development! We are deeply committed to sustainable hydrogen value chains, and global standards can be very valuable for us and carrier technologies like our LOHC technology. That’s why we are actively engaged in developing and refining this standard as part of the responsible working group: Especially as the ISO 19870-1 standard and the already published ISO/TS 19870 are also laying the foundation for three subsequent standards as part of this multi-standard series that will focus on the hydrogen carrier pathways LOHC, ammonia, and liquid hydrogen. Having a consistent international framework for the sustainability and methodology of hydrogen is essential for the economic viability of hydrogen supply chains! 💧➡🌍

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    The hydrogen carriers group is on a mission! Recognizing the critical gaps in the hydrogen value chain – particularly mass transportation and storage – our international group of pioneering companies is coming to the fold. Together, with the publishing of our position paper, we are driving the adoption of hydrogen carrier technologies worldwide and actively advocating to incorporate hydrogen carriers in existing and future public funding schemes. Through strategic partnerships and pooled expertise, we’re accelerating the implementation of these technologies to contribute significantly to global decarbonization efforts. #HydrogenCarriers #Decarbonization Axens, Chiyoda Corporation, Electriq Global, ENEOS, Evos, HSL Technologies (HySiLabs), Honeywell, Mitsubishi Corporation, Vopak

  • Unternehmensseite von Hydrogenious LOHC anzeigen, Grafik

    17.943 Follower:innen

    Egypt meets Erlangen! We were pleased to welcome a delegation of representatives from renowned Egyptian renewable energy and oil & gas companies to our headquarters. 🇪🇬 💚💧 After interesting discussions at the hydrogen networking event "Egypt Meets Bavaria" organized by Bayern International the evening before, we were happy to now dive deeper into focused conversations about the benefits and opportunities of our LOHC technology, with a special emphasis on economics and regulation. After the welcome by our Chief Strategy Officer Andreas Lehmann, Senior Manager Market & Business Development Maher M. Aldamati and Regulation and Policy Manager Maycaa Hannon presented our company’s vision, mission and business model, after which Conceptual Engineering Manager Sejir Boubtane showed the delegation around the small-scale plants in our technical hall and the application of our LOHC technology at the hydrogen refueling station in Erlangen. The enthusiasm and lively exchanges with our visitors sparked exciting and promising ideas for future projects. We look forward to continuing these discussions and fostering collaborations! 🤝 Thank you to the German-Arab Chamber of Industry and Commerce (AHK Egypt) for the organization, represented by May Khattab, and to Florian Obermayer from the Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Wirtschaft, Landesentwicklung und Energie. 🙌

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  • Unternehmensseite von Hydrogenious LOHC anzeigen, Grafik

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    The Netherlands is on the fast track to becoming a hydrogen nation - as this year's H2A Association Symposium showed once again! Last Thursday, we met with a wide range of key stakeholders to advance the H2A initiative's goal of importing 1 million tons of hydrogen via the Port of Amsterdam by 2030. We were pleased to see the great interest in our LOHC technology and the validation of it's key role in the energy transition by enabling safe, efficient and easy hydrogen transportation: Not only did our CEO and founder Daniel Teichmann participate in the talk show "Midstream Transportation - Bringing Sunshine to Northwestern Europe", he was also awarded the prestigious Hydrogen Medal by Missie H2! Thank you for the recognition. As one of the founding members, we are also proud to see the H2A initiative thrive! 💚 We continue to work on our joint project with Evos and the Port of Amsterdam, to build a Release Plant in the Port of Amsterdam to supply various off-takers in the North Sea Canal area and its hinterland with clean energy as well as support the European Hydrogen backbone. Congratulations and kudos for the amazing organization of the event, we thoroughly enjoyed participating! 👏 #LOHC #greenhydrogen #energytransition

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  • Unternehmensseite von Hydrogenious LOHC anzeigen, Grafik

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    Congratulations to our founder and CEO Daniel Teichmann, who received the Missie H2 Hydrogen Medal for his and Hydrogenious' achievements in the field of hydrogen transport! We’re very excited to be recognized and honored so highly for our contributions to the Netherlands’ hydrogen economy. The award ceremony took place during the H2A Association's annual symposium at the Port of Amsterdam, where industry leaders gathered to discuss advances in hydrogen technology and its role in the global energy transition. Stay tuned for our full debrief of the symposium! 👀 The award itself is presented in cooperation with the NOCNSF ("Netherlands Olympic Committee * Nederlandse Sport Federatie") and honors the champions of the hydrogen world that contribute to the Netherlands' goal of becoming a hydrogen nation by 2030 with a special gold medal. Hydrogenious' and Daniel's groundbreaking work in the field of hydrogen transportation led to the jury’s decision to award Daniel the last Hydrogen Medal before the start of the Olympic Games, making him the first German CEO to receive the medal! Thanks to Missie H2 for the recognition. 💚 The Netherlands play a pivotal role in supplying hydrogen to mainland Europe and we are happy to make an important contribution to the goal of the energy transition and decarbonizing the industry with our LOHC technology. We’re proud to have you as our CEO: Thank you for leading us towards a green hydrogen economy, Daniel! 👏 #LOHC #hydrogen #energytransition

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    The Connecting Green Hydrogen Europe 2024 Summit took place in Madrid this week and what an interesting event it was: our Sr. Business Development Manager Katarina Hughes-Straka attended the conference and exhibition as a delegate. 🌍 It was a great opportunity to personally present our LOHC technology in detail to experts from all over the world and especially from Europe. Katarina had very fruitful discussions with several project developers at the conference and we look forward to following up. 🤝 In order to achieve the energy transition and decarbonization of industry, it is crucial to keep up to speed with the latest technological and regulatory developments. Summits like this one are a great opportunity to meet like-minded people who are pioneering hydrogen technology. 💚 Another highlight this year, in addition to the insightful Strategic- and Technical Summit and a very busy exhibition floor, was the 2024 Women in Hydrogen program, where female experts shared their experiences in the field of green hydrogen. 💪 A big thank you to the team at Leader Associates who did a great job organizing this event. #Hydrogen #LOHC #Cleantech #Energytransition #Madrid

    • Picture (c) Leader Associates
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    🤝 Last week our Head of Strategy and Implementation Jutta Pöhlmann had the privilege of meeting John Swinney, First Minister of Scotland, at a Hydrogen Roundtable in Munich, facilitated by Dr. Fabian Pfaffenberger of Zentrum Wasserstoff.Bayern (H2.B) and hosted by EY. 💡 The exchange was very inspiring and all participants agreed that cooperation between Scotland and Germany is important to achieve the common goal of energy transition and decarbonization of industry. 💪 Scotland has huge potential in renewable energy, particularly onshore and offshore wind, hydropower, solar and biomass. Hydrogen is a very promising option for exporting this green energy on an industrial scale - especially with our innovative LOHC technology. 💚🌍 It is always a pleasure to meet politicians and industry representatives from Europe and around the world to discuss how to achieve a sustainable future. Many thanks to The Scottish Government and to Zentrum Wasserstoff.Bayern (H2.B) and EY for making this meeting possible. #Hydrogen #LOHC #Scottland #Bavaria #Energytransition

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