

Dienstleistungen für erneuerbare Energien

Wiesbaden, Hessen 7.831 Follower:innen

#energytransition #greenhydrogen #ammonia #efuels


Hy2gen is a world leading company in developing, financing, building, and operating plants for RFNBO production. RFNBOs, such as renewable hydrogen, renewable ammonia and e-fuels, are game-changers to decarbonize various industrial and transport sectors. Together with well-known partners, Hy2gen contributes to significantly reducing global CO2 emissions.

Dienstleistungen für erneuerbare Energien
11–50 Beschäftigte
Wiesbaden, Hessen


Beschäftigte von Hy2gen


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    🎉🔋 Hy2gen at hy-fcell 2024 in Stuttgart 📅 Our Country Director D-A-CH, Matthias Lisson, will be speaking at a panel next week during the hy-fcell Expo and Conference in Stuttgart. In the session "Applications: Stationary" on October 9th, from 13:30 to 14:30, Matthias will discuss the stationary use of electrolysers and their potential for driving the energy transition. 💡 He will share insights from our own plant in Lower Saxony, which has been producing renewable hydrogen since 2023. This facility, named ATLANTIS, serves as a test bed where we optimise our operational processes for electrolysers and gather valuable experience for our larger projects currently in planning. ⚡ We look forward to engaging discussions with innovators from the hydrogen industry as we explore the strategic role of renewable hydrogen in decarbonising key sectors – from chemicals and heavy industry to transportation. 🌍 We are excited to work together with pioneers in driving the sustainable energy transition forward. #renewableenergy #hy2gen #green #hydrogen #electrolyzers #stationaryapplications #hyfcell #stuttgart #sustainability

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    ⚡💧 Full power to the future: Hy2gen @ World e-Fuels 2024 📅 We are happy to announce that our CEO Cyril DUFAU-SANSOT is participating at the World e-Fuels 2024 event scheduled to take place in Amsterdam, Netherlands on the 8th and 9th October. Our highlight will be Cyril DUFAU-SANSOT's keynote speech on the 8th October. His speech will touch upon the global challenge of decarbonisation and the prospect of large scale SAF hubs in Europe. Regulatory and geopolitical framework are creating the demand and a need to produce locally. Other important aspects are the availability of biogenic CO2 and the price of renewable hydrogen. 🌍 With over 35 speakers and around 150 attendants, the World e-Fuel summit is bringing together industry leaders, technology innovators and policymakers to discuss the future of renewable fuels from a global perspective. 🙏 We thank Leadvent Group for the kind invitation and are looking forward to innovative talks. We fuel your transition. #renewablehydrogen #hy2gen #green #hydrogen #sustainability #innovation #greenhydrogen #water

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    💧🌿 Hessischer Minister für Landwirtschaft und Umwelt zu Gast bei Hy2gen in Wiesbaden 🌟 Wir haben uns gestern besonders gefreut, den hessischen Minister für Landwirtschaft und Umwelt, Ingmar Jung, in unserem Wiesbadener Büro willkommen zu heißen. Begrüßt haben Ingmar Jung unser CFO Bernd Hübner, Business & Project Development Manager Matthias v. der Malsburg und Senior Manager Communication Alexandra Forster-Kraft.  Wir haben unsere verschiedenen Projekte rund um erneuerbaren Wasserstoff in Deutschland und weltweit vorgestellt und über die Vorteile von Wasserstoffderivaten wie erneuerbarem Ammoniak gesprochen. ⚙️ Weitere Diskussionspunkte waren die Optimierung der Genehmigungsprozesse für Anlagen zur Produktion von erneuerbarem Wasserstoff und erneuerbarem Strom, sowie die Förderung dezentraler Wasserstoffproduktionen und deren Vorrang beim Netzausbau. Außerdem Thema: Import und lokale Produktion von erneuerbarem Ammoniak als nachhaltiges Düngemittel. 🎯 Das Ziel ist klar: Gemeinsam mit politischen Akteuren wollen wir die Zukunft der erneuerbaren Energien gestalten und Deutschland zum Vorreiter in der erneuerbaren Wasserstoffwirtschaft machen. 🙏 Vielen Dank an Minister Jung für den Besuch. Für uns ist der enge Dialog mit der Politik besonders wichtig, um gute Rahmenbedingungen für die lokale Produktion von erneuerbarem Wasserstoff zu schaffen, mit dem wir die deutsche Industrie klimaneutral machen können. #renewableenergy #hy2gen #green #hydrogen #dezentralisierung #nachhaltigkeit #energiepolitik

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    💧🌍 Recap: Hy2gen at Gastech 2024 🌐 What a fantastic experience at Gastech 2024 in Houston last week! Our CEO Cyril DUFAU-SANSOT and Managing Director USA David White were delighted to engage with global leaders, innovators and policymakers on renewable energy and decarbonisation. 💡 With over 50,000 attendees from 125 countries, the event was a powerful reminder of the global push for renewable hydrogen, climate tech, and the role of AI in the energy transition. ⚡ At Hy2gen, we are excited to be part of the conversation as we expand our efforts worldwide to make renewable hydrogen available to decarbonise industries. It is inspiring to see so many innovations driving the energy transition at events like Gastech. 🙏 Thank you to the Gastech organizers and best wishes to all new connections we made. We’re looking forward to turning ideas into action! #renewablehydrogen #hy2gen #sustainability #green #hydrogen #gastech2024 #houston #climatetech #AI

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    ⚡ New Hydrogen Storage: Iron Ore as a Potential Game-Changer 🔗 Researchers at ETH Zürich have developed an innovative solution for the challenging and costly matter of hydrogen storage, leveraging iron. By chemically binding hydrogen to iron ore, they aim to create a safer, more cost-effective storage system. ⚙️ The technology works by using iron oxide in large stainless steel tanks. Excess hydrogen reacts with oxygen in the iron ore, producing pure iron and water in a process similar to charging a battery. Later, when energy is needed, the hydrogen is released by introducing hot steam, which can be used for electricity and heat production. This process is very effective, and the iron ore remains reusable. 🌍 The real advantage lies in cost efficiency. Iron ore is available in large quantities worldwide, and the setup is relatively simple. ETH Zürich's researchers estimate that their method is ten times cheaper than current hydrogen storage solutions. Scaling up the technology would require significant infrastructure, but the iron needed for storage would only amount to 2% of Australia's annual iron ore production. 🔋 If proven successful, this iron ore-based hydrogen storage system could become a key element in renewable hydrogen storage. #renewableenergy #hy2gen #green #hydrogen #energystorage #innovation

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    💧🚒 Hy2gen spendet für Wiesbadener Feuerwehr ✨ Wir freuen uns ganz besonders, der Feuerwehr Wiesbaden ein kleines Geschenk machen zu können. Unser Country Director D-A-CH, Matthias Lisson überreichte den Spendencheck über 5.500 € an Kreisbrandinspektor Sascha Gerhard und Kollegen der Wiesbadener Feuerwehr am vergangenen Wochenende in Wiesbaden und würdigte die Arbeit im Namen unserer Sicherheit: „Wir danken allen Feuerwehrleuten in Wiesbaden für ihren ganzjährigen Einsatz. Sicherheit ist nicht nur in unserer Branche von höchster Bedeutung und wir sind dankbar für diesen Dienst an der Gesellschaft. Mit unserer Spende möchten wir insbesondere die Jugend- und Bambinifeuerwehren unterstützen, aber auch zur Aufmerksamkeit für die Feuerwehr im Allgemeinen beitragen, damit dieser hohe Standard, den wir im Wiesbadener Stadtgebiet gewohnt sind, auch künftigen Generationen erhalten bleibt. Habt vielen Dank, dass wir auf euch zählen können!“ 🧯 Matthias Lisson war früher selbst Teil der Jugendfeuerwehr und engagierte sich später als Löschzugführer in der Wiesbadener Freiwilligen Feuerwehr. Wir wissen, was ihr leistet und freuen uns, euch zu unterstützen und sagen herzlich Danke. ⚠️ Sicherheit, wie zum Beispiel Brandschutz, hat bei all unseren Projekten weltweit die höchste Priorität und es ist uns besonders wichtig diejenigen zu würdigen, die im Ernstfall für unsere Sicherheit sorgen. #renewablehydrogen #hy2gen  #green  #hydrogen #respect #firefighter

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    🚀💧 Houston, we see the future: Hy2gen at Gastech 2024 📍 We are excited to announce that our Hy2gen CEO Cyril DUFAU-SANSOT and Managing Director USA David White will participate at the Gastech 2024. The exhibition & conference will take place between 17th and 20th of September in Houston (Texas). 🌐 The Gastech is the world’s leading forum dedicated to delivering more sustainable energy solutions. Besides renewable hydrogen, the main topics of this year’s edition are Climatetech and AI. Over 50,000 attendees from 125 countries are expected to come together in the George R. Brown Convention Center. 🎯 Our team at Hy2gen is always proud and honoured to join discussion about the future. Especially in the United States we want to take further steps to push renewable hydrogen as an alternative power source. We want to thank the organization team of Gastech for the invitation and are looking forward to four exciting days in Houston. #renewablehydrogen #hy2gen #sustainability #green #hydrogen #gastech2024 #houston

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    🚀💬 Hy2gen auf beyondgas Congress 2024! 💧Vom 17. bis zum 19. September nehmen wir mit unserem Head of Business Development & Vertrieb D-A-CH Matthias v. der Malsburg am beyondgas events GmbH Congress 2024 in Oldenburg teil. Der dreitägige Wasserstoffkongress mit Fachmesse vermittelt aktuelle und marktgerichtete Informationen rund um Wasserstoff. Wir sind persönlich vor Ort und freuen uns auf einen interessanten Branchenaustausch mit spannenden Infos zum Hochlauf von erneuerbarem Wasserstoff. 🌍 Wir sind gespannt auf interessante Gespräche und freuen uns, gemeinsam die Wasserstoff-Zukunft voranzutreiben. Bis bald in Oldenburg! #erneuerbareEnergie #hy2gen #Wasserstoff #BeyondGas2024 #Energiewende #renewablehydrogen #hy2gen  #green  #hydrogen #sustainability

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    🌐💧 Recap: Hy2gen at Investing in Green Hydrogen 2024 in London 🎤 Our CFO Bernd Hübner had the honour to take part in the Investing in Green Hydrogen 2024 in London, which ended yesterday. He entered the panel discussion “Establish the Green Hydrogen Corridors – from Supply to Demand” on how to get renewable hydrogen from our production plants to our customers. 💬 Hear it from our CFO Bernd Hübner: „A big thank you to Dr. Minh K Le for moderation, Rosalinde van der Vlies, Osamu Ikeda, Gilles Decan, Charlotte Roule 夏澜, Takuya NIITSUMA for an enjoyable and enlightening discussion, as well as Investing in Green Hydrogen 2024 for bringing us together. This was a great panel with interesting and different views on the supply chain and transport of renewable hydrogen and its derivatives. It was a pleasure to showcase the view and ideas of Hy2gen and how we deal with getting our products to our customers. In the end, this is what we are working for." 💧 Hy2gen - Fueling your transformation. #renewablehydrogen #hy2gen  #green  #hydrogen #sustainability #IGH #invest  

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    💧🚢 Maritime shipping committed to reaching net-zero 💬 Recently Vincent Clerc the CEO of A.P. Moller - Maersk has come out demanding the International Maritime Organization to approve the Green Balance Mechanism to incentivise sustainable shipping without significantly raising global trade costs. It's a clear show of the maritime industry that they are willing to decarbonise and take respective measures like introducing more ships that run on sustainable fuels like e-methanol or in the future even renewable ammonia. Renewable fuels for the maritime industry must be made available at a feasible price. That's why we are working on our projects worldwide to provide renewable fuels at competitive prices to decarbonise the industry. 🌊 The FuelEU Maritime initiative offers a well-defined path for the shipping industry to achieve an 80% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, with incentives for early adopters, such as double-counting emission savings from RFNBO until 2033. If the industry fails to reach 1% RFNBO usage by 2031, a mandatory minimum of 2% RFNBO will be implemented by 2034. The regulation applies to all energy used on board ships involved in intra-EU trade, as well as 50% of the energy used on trips to and from EU ports. Moreover, under REDIII, fuel suppliers in EU maritime ports will be required to provide at least 1.2% RFNBO to the shipping industry by 2030. 🌐 Among renewable fuels, two are particularly promising for maritime shipping, with E-Methanol poised to take the lead. Some major shipping companies have already begun operating ships equipped with engines that run on renewable methanol. ⚡ However, there's another contender: renewable ammonia. In the long run, it is expected to be more cost-effective than renewable methanol. Produced from nitrogen and water, both of which are readily available, using renewable electricity, renewable ammonia could potentially be half the price of renewable methanol, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA). The key difference lies in the production process — renewable methanol requires CO2, which involves additional costs for capture, purchase, and transport. 🌊 Choosing the right renewable fuel is key for shipping's transition to net-zero. We're here to help, from finding the best renewable fuel to making it. Our global projects aim to match shipping needs with the right renewable solutions. #RFNBO #renewablehydrogen #renewableammonia #renewablemethanol #hy2gen #green #energy #hydrogen

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